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—this is gonna b a peter parker imagine :) && thank y'all for the reads i have over 60K of y'all reading this little imagine story ! thank y'all so so so so much i love every single one of you; y'all cute as a button :)

"Hey Spiderling." Tony said to Peter's daughter Shae. She wasn't his daughter by blood, he had found her in an alley alone while he was watching Queens at night. When he brought her home after keeping watch, he suggested to May that they keep her because he had felt a connection to her, and May never underestimated his sixth sense. So they kept her, helping her grow up and becoming Shae Queens Parker. She's now five years old and at the Tony's house as Peter and Tony discussed ideas for their next mission and adding new improvements to each other's suits. Shae was currently playing tag with Morgan as they both ran around the cabin and had quickly said hello to Tony as she ran pass them.

Tony chuckled gently and Peter nodded as he had looked away for a bit to make improvements on his suit. "What?" He asked and Tony shrugged, "How'd you find her again?" He asked as he had sat down in his chair, spinning a tool in his hand and Peter sighed, switching out some things from his suit and inserting new things before zooming the object in. "I was just doing a daily night shift when I found her in an alley way. Why do you ask?" He asks as he concentrates on his suit. "Do your student colleagues know about her? Her being your daughter?" He asks and Peter shook his head, "No, only Ned and MJ know." He said and Tony raises a brow, "Does Ned think you and MJ had sex and-" "Tony, no!" Peter shakes his head and laughs gently before hiding his laugh with a cough.

"Sorry, Mr.- Mr. Stark." He said and Tony shrugged. He looked at the time and nodded at him. "You should let Shae stay over. Let the girls have a sleepover." He said and Peter looked at him with widened eyes. "What? No, that can't happen." He laughs and Tony got up from his chair and placed his hands on Peter's shoulders. "She'll be fine, Pete. She's with me after all, I'd never let anything happen to her." Tony reassured and Peter sighs. "I dunno, don't get me wrong Mr. Stark I know you'd take great care of Shae like she was your own, but I don't trust the bad guys that could come to you." He says and Tony nods. "Understandable." He said with a smile and nods at Peter, "Finish up so you can go home. I heard the high pitch laughs die down. Maybe they climbed out of the windows and went to go explore, find some boys, get into some mischief-" "They're five, Mr. Stark." Peter laughs and Tony nods.

But of course, Peter being protective over his daughter, he ran up the stairs making Tony laugh at his young colleague. He jogged up the stairs after Peter and watched Peter pick up Shae as she was falling asleep on his shoulder. Shae opened her eyes barely to say goodbye to Tony. "Bye Mr. Stark." She said, her arms hugging around Peter's neck as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. Tony smiled and kissed her head, "Bye Spiderling." He said and Peter smiled at the nickname he gave his daughter. "What's a spiderling?" Morgan asks and Peter smiles at his god sister. "That means she can maybe get my powers because she's my baby." He explained and Morgan's eyes widened. "Can I have powers then daddy?" She asked Tony and Tony chuckles, "Sure, let's ask mommy." He says and Morgan rolls her eyes, "She's gonna say no." "Then you know the answer to that." He says and Morgan smiles up at Tony knowing for sure that he was going to make her something anyway.

After saying goodbye, Peter held onto Shae tightly as she did the same and he swung away back to his apartment and smiled to see Aunt May asleep on the couch waiting for him. He put Shae to bed and helped Aunt May to her room to let her actually sleep comfortably and joined Shae in his room, cuddling her close to his bare torso as soon as he changed. She cuddled close to his torso and sucked her thumb absentmindedly making Peter smile. "Love you babes." He muttered and kissed her head before falling asleep.

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