merry & bright

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— omfg HI ! i'm so so sorry for not updating i've been emotional & mentally drained from school & personal life that i haven't had the time to even check up on here. i'm going to try my best to get back into the groove i had but i'm not 100% sure. i will still be updating this book but it will take a while since i'm trying to get myself emotionally, mentally & sort of physically better. thank u guys for being so patient w me ! i also just finished finals last week & i pray i passed em all !! merry christmas :3

it's finally christmas time. you & tom sat cozily near the fire & the christmas tree while your daughter cherry played on the floor with her stuffed animals & chanel sat on the far corner of the couch, dropping her phone on the pillow she held and sighed. tom took notice of her bored action and nodded at her while you cuddled up next to tom.
"what's up 'nel, you seem bored." he comments and chanel sighed again. "i just wanna go out for a while. i don't like being inside all day." she said and tom replied, "your friends haven't invited you to go out together? or what about kian, he hasn't invited you anywhere?" he asked and chanel shook her head.
"no they're all busy with family & going out. can i just go see kian or go to his house, i just wanna spend time in another place. kian's probably home playing video games." chanel explains.
at this you nod and smile, knowing exactly how she felt since your family wasn't such a outgoing family while you grew up. always stuck inside & taking your family a while to convince them for you to go out with your friends. tom is a outgoing person as well, but as soon as you both got together, you both loved being together everyday & enjoyed being at home confiding in ones warmth or excitement.
"i understand that chanel, maybe go help your friend with buying a tree. his mom said something about going to get a tree today & to decorate it & that you're always welcome." you say and your four year old stands up with a binky she hadn't been able to let go of slacking out of her jaw. "i go too." she says and chanel shook her head, "no i want it to be just me & kian, i dont wanna look after you." chanel states.
cherry looked at tom knowing he's a softy for her and started whining. tom gave her a smile and helped her climb up to his lap and he sighed, "what about you let channy go out with harry & you get to spend cuddle time with me & mommy. we can go out & watch Frozen II & then maybe go to the park & but you some cotton candy?" tom suggests leaving the little girl with bright eyes of excitement. "okay, okay. just us?" cherry assures and you nod kissing her little head, "just us baby." you reassure her and she giggles with excitement.
"let's go now!" cherry says in excitement and tom kisses her head with a smile. "hold on baby we gotta see if chanel is going over to kian's." tom tells and cherry smiles and ooh's at the name kian.
"she likes kian, i can tell." cherry giggles and chanel blushes, "no i don't! & he doesn't even like me either if i even got the chance to like him. he likes someone else." chanel says and tom raises a brow and smiles, "i'm pretty sure he likes you too, chanel. go knock on his door & he'd immediately let you in & give you the warmest biggest hug. that's what i did to your mama here & she's stuck with me." tom said, wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you into a big hug. "sadly." you comment and tom scoffs making you laugh. "shut up you love me." tom says and looks at you like he did when you both first met. you blushed and he kisses your cheek making chanel pretend to throw up while she leaves to go change.
tom's brief description on how he met you made butterflies fly in chanel's stomach. she's had the biggest crush on kian and you know it. chanel dresses up comfy & puts on some decent makeup before making her way across the street to her best friend & crush's house. knocking on the door she smiled to see kian's mom at the door.
"hey chanel! come on in." she said warmly and you were welcomed into her arms. "how are you?" she asks and chanel smiles, "i'm doing good thank you how about you?" mrs. rodriguez smiles, "i'm doing great, we're just decorating the tree. help us if you'd like, i'm going to make some hot chocolate." she says and you nod. "okay, thank you." chanel said before walking into the family living room seeing kian's father and himself.
"hey chanel!" kian said excitedly, going up to her and wrapped his around around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "hey kian, what's up?" she says and he gives her waist a little squeeze before letting her go, allowing butterflies to explode in her stomach. she follows him and had spent the most amazing time together. after decorating the tree, kian and chanel played video games, watched a movie & got really flirty towards the end.
before chanel left, kian walked her home and gave her a hoodie of his to keep her away from the cold. he wrapped his arms around her as he dropped her off at her house and kissed her cheek and head. "tomorrow, movie and cuddles?" he asked biting his lip and she nodded with a smile, "i'll be there." she said and he smiled widely. chanel reaches up on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek and he waited till she walked in, saying hello to her parents and cherry at the door before closing it behind her and the two were able to go to sleep and celebrate christmas merry and bright.

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