Loki Lover

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You had been showing your daughter Ruby all the marvel movies, being a big fan yourself. Ruby seemed to enjoy them, and you and Tom loved that she enjoyed it. Your son Ricky didn't seem to be interested in it. The only thing he was interested in was the action whenever it came to fighting in the movies. Right after, he's just go back to playing with his Thor action figure.

Right now, you were showing her Thor: Ragnarok, since you couldn't let her watch Avengers: Infinity War. It was a rerun, but it was something to keep her mind on instead of asking about the AIW movie. It would break her heart, but since Loki comes back to life, she may think otherwise. But still, Tom didn't want to risk showing her at this young age. Her eyes stared at the screen, smiling as she saw her brother's favorite man, Thor himself. 

"Where's Loki?" She asked and you smiled, "he'll come up, soon, darling." You answered her and she nodded, giggling at Thor slowly going in circles as the Surtur began to lose his patience. You smiled at her giggle; it resembled yours and Tom's laugh mixed together into this sweet laugh. You watched the movie with her until Tom had walked into the room, with his friend Tom Hiddleston. You smiled, getting up seeing Hiddleston himself. 

"Hello, Tom." You greeted, receiving hello's from both of them. You smiled and greeted Hiddleston, he embracing you in a hug before he walked over to greet Ricky and Ruby. You greeted Tom, pecking his lips, "How was your day with Daya and Jacob?" You asked and he nodded, "It was great, I had ran into this gentleman and invited him over for a bit because he also has to get home and rest for tomorrow."

"Mr. Hiddle, you look like Loki!" Ruby giggled and he laughed at the name he was called by the young girl. "Well, can I tell you a secret?" He asked and Ruby nodded quickly. You and Tom watched from the kitchen as you and him were having a little make out session, you both were interrupted by her sweet voice that wasn't far from the kitchen.

Hiddleston leaned towards Ruby's small ear, whispering softly, "I am Loki." He said and Ruby gasped softly, covering her mouth. She couldn't believe what she heard. Hiddleston placed his finger against his mouth and hushed her softly, laughing gently at her surprised face. Ruby giggled and gave him a hug, "I love you, Loki." She said and Hiddleston smiled and shook his head. 

"I love no one but myself," he said and Ruby giggled, "Well, maybe you a little bit." He said and Ruby smiled, "More than you love Thor?" She asked and he nodded smiling, "Yes, even more than my idiotic brother." He said, leaving the girl giggling. He smiled at her and kissed her head before standing up, "Hey Tom, Y/N, as much as I would love to watch you both suck each other's faces off, I have to get going." He said.

You and Tom jumped at Hiddleston's words, making you both a blushing mess. You smiled blushing and went over to him, laughing softly, "It was nice to see you, Tom." You said and he nodded, "The same to you." He said and gave Tom a hug as well before kneeling down by Ruby. "I got to go, okay? Remember our secret? Keep that to yourself. No one else must know." He told her and she nodded, "Okay L- I mean Mr. Hiddle." She stuttered.

Tom smiled at the girl and gave Ricky a hug as well before he left. Ruby waved goodbye from the door step and ran back in, going to her room and hugged her Build - A - Bear Loki, before cuddling up into her Marvel sheets. She didnt even say goodnight to you or Tom, she felt that the whole world was right now that she knew Mr. Hiddleston's secret. You and Tom couldn't wait to tell her about it when she gets older and embarrass her thinking that she was the only one who knows that Tom was Loki. 

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