baby names

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you and tom have been looking at books of baby names for ages. and by you and tom, it's literally just tom and you're there for support. you had already written out your baby names. you were ready. you had two names in mind and you weren't sure he was going to like them. they sound ironic as hell but they're also names, so what could go wrong.

"babe, you know what i've noticed?" tom asked as you rubbed your belly holding twins. "hm tommy?" you bummed as you looked up at him and grabbed to take a sip of your water. he sits up closing the book, "i don't think i've ever seen you go through baby name books. or look them up." he said and you nodded, "of course i have! you're crazy." you smile and tom shakes his head. "i am not! i could even ask harrison." he says and you roll your eyes smiling.

"tom maybe i just already had names in a list on my phone and already have two names picked out." you shrug and he furrows his brows, "babe, you already had a list and names?" he asked and you nodded, "yes, i told you this." you laughed and he shook his head, "no you didn't." he said putting the book away and you nodded, "did too." you say and he shakes his head. "anyway, what were the names?" he asks and you take your phone into your hands.

"you're gonna laugh at me." you say as you smile at the names in your phone." you state and he shakes his head. "no i won't i promise." he says and you roll your eyes at his promise. "it's alec and benjamin." you say and tom gave you the oddest look. "babe, we can't name them after alec benjamin-" you frown. "oh why not? alec is a neutral name! boy or girl, it'll fit perfectly. and for a bit, benjamin!" you smile and tom furrows his brows with a small smirk. "what if we have two girls?" he asks as he sits back in his chair smiling. you furrow you're brows and start thinking, "alec and billie. and we best get a boy and a girl, or two boys." you say and he laughs.

tom gets up and goes over to peck your lips gently, "you're so beautifully crazy, y/n." he says and you grin, "you're welcome." you smile and he laughs, pecking your lips again before kissing your belly, saying hello to a possible "alec" and "benjamin" or an "alec" and "billie".

hi ! i'm bavk ! i'm still tryna figure out a schedule & i think the schedule would prolly be on friday's since i am off of online school those days. just keep in mind that sometime friday, early or late, i should update. also i'm still obsessed w alec & now there's only 28 days till ttw's comes out & 27 days till he's 26😭🥺

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