Stressful Superhero Dad

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this was basically in my opinion one of the first cutest imagines ive ever received

Swinging from his web on his way home, he stuck to the wall of his and Y/N's condo. His condo gladly had three bedrooms. One master for his and Y/N's room, one for his girls, August and Alya, and one for his son Ace and an extra space for his son on the way Adam.

He took a peek from his condo, watching his amazing wife make food on the stove while the oldest, August try to get her brother and sister to sit at the table. August is 15 and she obviously did hate sharing a room, but she liked the company at night whenever their was a thunderstorm or when she just felt paranoid.

August has had some nightmares of villains coming to get her or Alya and are taken away from her Dad and Mom forever. So August keeps her salt lamp on low so she has somewhat of a relief from the dark. But it still could happen at school or anytime in the day when Peter isn't their.

Alya is the youngest, third youngest to be exact and full of life. She loves to dance and go outside and cook and play with her mommy's make up even hen she's told not to. And August's as well. She loves to be with her mom and loves her dad equally as much.

Ace is the trouble maker. Y/N loves his mischief side but is now disliking it seeing that he isn't really following any rules in their house and how rough he's playing with Alya. Ace is the second oldest, being 6 years old. He's a boy so obviously there will be mischief but it's happening way too much that Y/N fears the safety for their son Adam on the way.

Knocking on the window, pulling off his mask, August, Alya and Ace turn to the window, as well as Y/N. Peter waves with a smile and the kids are full of happiness and excitement. August runs to go open the window with Alya and Ace right behind her.

Opening the window, he climbs on top of the ceiling, having Alya giggle and follow under him as August sets the table, shaking her head at her dad's mischief with his wife. Climbing on the ceiling, Y/N turns to Peter, looking up at him as he hangs from a web looking at her.

"Good evening Mrs. Parker, I hope my Spider Kids did well with helping you today, especially this lil dude, here." Peter said poking at her stomach lightly as she laughs softly, taking his face into her hands and kiss him. She loved that he loved to kiss her that way. Every night he does that. Whether he's all beat up and tired, or angry or sad, he'll go over on the ceiling every night after saving Queens to kiss her the Spider-Man way.

"No, Adam actually behaved today, I think he's picking up Ace's behavior so he should behave too. Speaking of Ace, Ace is acting better than he did last week so I think it's safe to say that you can take him to his friend Mark's trampoline party at Altitude." Y/N says as Ace overhears, running around the house, wooping and cheering.

August rolls her eyes before looking at her phone, blushing as she got a text from her crush. She and him, August and Arthur, have been friends for a while and they're starting to get close and throw flirty things at each other, so this text was important seeing that he had texted, "Can I tell you something?"

August immediately texts back with a "yeah, go ahead," not noticing her dad slowly lowering himself to see what she's blushing about.

Clearing his throat, Auggie jumped, scoffing and rolling her eyes at Peter, "Dad stop, he might actually ask me to be his girlfriend!" Peter rolled his eyes and finally took foot on the floor, "He better not hurt you or I'm gonna put him where I put my villains, in jail for breaking into you heart and hurting you."

Y/N laughed at what he said and she kissed his cheek. "Oh Peter leave your daughter be."

Having dinner with the family, and finally putting everyone to bed, he climbed, literally climbed from the wall and into bed with Y/N. She rolled her eyes and laughed at him, "When I'm old, I'm going to thing your an actual spider and spray Raid all over you, you hear?"

Peter laughed and leaned over to turn off their lamp, "Love you and Adam," he spoke, kissing her very plump stomach and rubbed it softly before pecking her lips. "Love you too." Y/N said back before falling asleep.

"Bye bye, Mr. Criminal!" Peter yelled as the policemen finally contained the man they were searching for for a few weeks. He had gotten the news that Y/N was in labor and it stressed him out so much. He wasn't ready but he was ready to be a parent. Swinging and shooting webs on his way, he made it to the hospital, making it to the restroom and changed quickly before running into her room.

"Hey baby, I'm here!" He said over Y/N's hell in pain. He looked over at their baby Adam that was crowning. "Okay, Y/N we just need three more pushes and then Adam will be here." The nurse spoke and Y/N nodded. Peter felt a bit sick to his stomach but if he felt sick, he's literally being sick of the child mixed with Peter and Y/N's traits so he was judging his own baby in his mind.

Going to Y/N's side finally, let spoke encouraging words to her and finally Adam was here. Adam cried loudly and thrashed around in the nurses arms, not used to the actual world.

"You did it, Y/N! Fourth one." Peter said happily and kissed her cheek before she turned to him and kissed his lips.

Peter sighed and watched as the nurse brought over Adam. He sighed softly at how precious he looked. Sure, he looked like any other baby, but that was definitely theirs. Adam had the face of Peter and Y/N's hair and eye color. He watched Y/N interact with the baby before his other three kids came in and walked to Y/N's bedside, admiring the new addition.

He sighed softly, knowing it was 12 o'clock, with 3 hours left of school for the kids. Aunt May walked into the room, putting her lipstick in her purse, making Peter sigh, "Aunt May, they could've came after school was over." He explained but May shook her head, "They wouldn't have seen Adam," she said and came over to Peter, kissing his cheek. "Another beautiful boy. I got two nieces and nephews!" She said happily making Peter smile.

After everyone met the baby, Peter was the last to meet his second son. He smiled once he was placed in his arms, "Hey Addie! I'm Dada, yeah?" He said softly to him as Adam stared up at the man holding him. Peter kissed his head before Adam was taken to be checked on so they could leave with Adam the next day.

His family was perfect. He loved them so much, he couldn't imagine not marrying Y/N and having the amazing kids he has now.

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