Spiderling 2

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— i had gotten a recent request to add a part two so here it is ! i''m sorry if the last story was rushed, i'll come up with a schedule on updating ! sorry for the random updates !!

Going back to bed with Shae, he was pretty content with himself. He was glad he always got home safely with his baby girl in his arms. He stroked her hair as he had already woken up and he kissed her head before slipping out gently and began getting ready for school. He pulled on some jeans and a physics shirt before pulling on some socks and falling over. He groaned gently as he sat up and held his wrist in his hand as he had banged it into his bookcase and picked up his head to see Shae awake. Her messy hair framed her hair and her eyes were closed but fluttering open.

"Bubba, you okay?" Shae asked and he smiled at the nickname. He had given her many nicknames for her to call him because to him being called daddy just made him feel uncomfortable so he gave her resources. He smiled at Shae and nodded, "Yeah Shelly I am, just hit myself but I'm okay." He reassured and she climbed out of bed to be at his aid. Peter smiled and showed her his 'booboo'. Shae gasps and she looked at him, "You need a bandaid." She said and Peter pouted, "I think all I need you to do is kiss it better." He said and Shae grimaced at her dad's request. "What? No.." She giggled gently and squealed as her dad pushed his little cut towards her face. "No you need a bandaid!" She said and rushed to the bathroom to grab one. He laughed to himself and and let his daughter take care of him before he went to school.

"I got one!" Shae said as she ran back to her dad after grabbing a bandaid that was probably way too big for the small cut he received but accepted it anyway. He chuckled and watched as she put the bandaid on for him. "Thank you, Shae." He said and he smiled, "Now can you kiss it better?" He asked and Shae scrunched her nose before sighing kissing the booboo. Pete smiles and hugs his angel and kissed her cheek. "Bubba has to go to school now so be good with Aunt May okay?" He said and Shae frowned. "No, stay please." She frowned and held onto his hand and he shook his head, "I'd love to, Shelly, but I gotta go help my school! We can't fail them can we?" He said and she shook her head, "No.." She muttered and Pete smiled, kissing her head. "You're such a good helper, Angel. I'll be back home don't worry, and don't run off from Aunt May again, okay? I don't wanna lose you."

Shae smiles gently at her father's plead and nodded, "Okay daddy. Bye." She waved as he had made his way out the door and to the front where May was cooking breakfast. "Peter want some breakfast?" She asks before he zooms out of the room apologizing that he didn't want any. May sighs and looks at Shae with a soft smile, "Will you help me eat these waffles?" She asked and Shae gasps with a big smile. "Uh, duh!" She said and climbed up the chair to sit with May and began eating. "We're going to the store today okay? We need to get some more things for the pantry since you and Pete ate all the oreos." May days with a small smirk and Shae furrows her brows. "I don't know what you're talking about." She says before giggling at the last few days that her father and her shared milk and oreos. May shook her head and smiled kissing her head, "I'm so glad he found you." She said and Shae blushed with a small smile. "Me too."

They made it to the store a bit after eating. May and Shae just had to watch some disney channel before they went to the store and that's exactly what they did. Shae held her hand as May had walked to the store with the girl. Shae's eyes scanned the same buildings she's always seen. She smiled pointing at a store that had spider-man and May smiled gently knowing it was her nephew under the mask. Who'd ever think of that? Peter is the most awkward person ever so she'd never think of him ever being spider-man. Shae continued to walk by her side before May had called her into the grocery store and Shae ran towards May with a smile. She walked beside May the whole time, having a good conversation about why pigeons just have to live in New York when something caught Shae's eye.

Curiosity struck her and she glanced at the shiny object, a blue crystal that shines in the light of the store. She looked over at May to see her distracted as she continued to talk about pigeons and she made a run for it to grab the shiny object. As she ran to it, a man met her to pick up the crystal and her eyes looked up at the man. He had a scruffy beard and beautiful blue eyes. She blushed and pointed at the crystal that he picked up, "Was that yours? Sorry I was gonna pick it up because it looked really nice." She said and the unknown man smiled gently and shook his head, "No it's not mine. I saw it and was gonna add it to my crystal collection back at home." He said and Shae smiled, "you have a crystal collection? They're so pretty!" She gushed and the man smiled. "I'm Beck. And you are?" He asked and Shae smiled. "I'm Shae." She said and Beck's gaze turned to look at May who had suddenly come behind Shae. "Excuse me hi, who are you?" She asked as she pushed Shae behind her and Shae huffed at May's protection instinct.

"I'm Beck, your daughter and I saw this blue beauty and we just started to talk about crystals. Sorry for the scare." He apologizes and May nods, shaking his hand that he had held out. "She's a talker, sorry about that." May said and Beck shook his head with a smile, "No worries, I'm a talker too when it comes to crystals." He said and looked at Shae before looking at May, "Can I give this to her? She looked way more determined to have this more than I did." He chuckled and May nodded warily but being the nice woman she was, she stood aside to let Beck give Shae the blue crystal. Shae stood next to May smiling at Beck when Beck held her small hand and placed the crystal in her hand gently. "Don't lose it. I think it's way more special than you think." Beck winks and then apologizes to May but May shakes it off since Shae meeting strangers isn't that all new to her. Beck walks off and Shae waves to him as he walks off, having him wave back.

Shae smiles widely at May and Aunt May sighs looking at the girl. Shae frowns and looks back at May with a huff. "He's nice! If he was mean I woulda punched him in the nuts." Shae protests and May laughs gently and shook her head, "You're not gonna punch anyone in the nuts and where did you learn that word?" She asks as Shae walks alongside her again and Shae smiled, "MJ and Ned." She said giggling and May sighed, "Of course." She smiled and they continued their shopping and she kept an extra eye on Shae till they got home.

Meanwhile Shae and Aunt May were home, Beck was already loving Shae. Shae was easy to manipulate, mostly because she was a kid, and she was Spider-man's daughter. That's all he knew of. There was a spy at the same school that Peter attended and had actually had some little banter with, asking about his life of course. Peter immediately opened up about his little life and daughter at home and couldn't stop talking about his sweetheart Shae.

"I love how easy it was to manipulate that girl! How's my suit lookin' Maria?!" He called from the other room and she answered: "Almost done steaming, sir." She answered and Beck clapped his hands happily and had laughed loudly. "This is just too easy," he said and say himself next to the guy who worked the lasers. (i couldn't find his name im sorry !!)

"Soon, she will be ours and her poor, sweet daddy is just gonna have to come and get her! Spider-man to the rescue huh? What do you think about taking her earlier, I can't wait to see the look in his eyes to watch all the illusions I'm going to give him." He said and his coworkers smiled widely at how excited Beck was. He had then gone to put on his suit and he sighed, "Where's the kid?" He asks and Maria answers standing next to the tech guy, "At the Stark's cabin but should get home the same way they did the other night when you put a tracker on his backpack." She says and Beck whoops in excitement. "Tell me when they're on their way home, then I'll grab the girl." He said and made his way to his terrace and looked out at the city with a smirk on his face and a evil sparkle in his eye.

hey guys !! this kinda looks rushed & im sorryy but there's gonna be a part 3 bc i got carried away after writing literally 1670 words so update maybe soon ? i started school two weeks ago so no promises but i promise to do a part 3 !

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