Prank Gone Wrong

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sorry for the last chapter, i'm suddenly obsessed with the two, especially for loki, so enjoy these :)

"Hey, Theo! Wanna play with us?" Theo's friends had asked, pointing over to the sand box they sat in. Right now, Theo and Lance were at school, in recess, and Theo was playing with Lance, playing with the colorful chains from the plastic box that the teacher had organized was now wrapped around Theo. Lance frowned, looking over at Theo's friends, Isaac, Robert, Max, Josh, and Patrick. Lance sighed and looked over at Theo, who was still wrapped in the hard plastic chains. 

"Please don't go with them. Stay here." He asked and Theo shrugged, "They have better things to play with. And in." He said and spinned around to get out of the chains tied around him. Lance frowned at looked over at the boys, placing an angered look on his face while the boys gave him a smile. Theo didn't notice, so he just waved at the boys smiling. "I'll see you later, Lance." Theo said and make his way to the boys. Lance looked at him run over to his friends and he frowned. He sat down on the concrete, holding the chains in his hands. 

He sat and thought. He thought of how he will make his friends not to be friends with Theo. Because Theo was his only friends, and his friends didn't like Lance. He smiled at a plan in his mind. Since Theo was easy to manipulate, he will tell Theo his plan, saying that it is only a prank. For being six years old, he had quite an imagination. While he tells Theo that it is only a prank, he will tie the head of the group, Isaac, in the chains at the last minute of recess and run back inside like they are supposed to do. Isaac does bully Lance for being who he is, so it is revenge. And revenge, he will get.

"Theo!" Lance called, running over to him with the colorful chains in his hand so no other child took it. Theo stood up and furrowed his eyebrows, "What is it, Lance?" He asked and Lance smiled, "I have an idea. But I can't tell you here. Come with me." He told Theo and he nodded, following Lance. Telling Theo the plan, the thought simply sliding into his mind. Theo went back to his friends and continued playing with them, till Lance knew that he only had five minuted to do what he needed to do. He ran over to Isaac, and tied him with the chain.

"What are you doing?" Isaac questioned and squirmed in the chains before sighing, looking up at the slightly taller boy. "Getting revenge. This is what you get for being mean to me, you bully." He said and ran inside, along with Theo as the teacher called them in. Coming inside, the teacher was about to start teaching again before noticing a missing child, and a child screaming and crying outside. She widened her eyes and ran outside. Lance smiled softly to himself, looking down at his lap as the children, especially Theo, look out the window. 

The teacher gathered the boy and the colorful chain before making her way inside, the children scattering to get back to their seats. "Theo, Lance, come with me." She said. Lance bit his lip and followed the teacher out, as Theo walked out suddenly very confused. "Did our plan work?" He asked and Lance chuckled softly nodding, "Oh, our plan worked perfectly." He said and made their way to the office. The teacher and Isaac explained everything, while Isaac sobbed explaining. Lance and Theo's parents were called. Luke was called into the office first before coming out, seeing his parents, flustered, worried and angered. 

"Lance Holland, please come into the office now." The principal said walking out. Lance shook his head, receiving astonished reactions from you and Tom. "Excuse me?" The principal asked, getting up to grab his hand as Lance fought his way not to be taken to the office. "Lance!" Theo called, going over to him before Tom grabbed his arm, placing him on to his hip before Lance struggled. "Don't worry, brother! The sun will shine on us again!" He said before he was taken into the office. 

You and Tom shared looks. A line from Loki himself. Was he secretly Loki inside a little boys body? After explaining everything, Lance walked out before the parents were called in, asking about the behavior. You and Tom explained, saying that he was having bullying problems and did what he thought was right, getting revenge. Lance is a quiet boy, and never did they expect this. The principal suspended Lance and Isaac; Lance suspended for a week while Isaac suspended for three days.

Nonetheless, you Holland couple were still very surprised as to what Lance had said. You accidentally had gotten it on video, and you sent it to Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, before you both took to social media, posting the funny video on Twitter captioning, "We are convinced there is a little Loki inside of Lance."

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