mama mia

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"i gotta go." you said to your friend isabelle and she shook her head. "you have to tell him." she said and you turned to her with an exhausted sigh. "he is busy. busy with his life. he's a fucking movie star isabelle. i cannot get in the way of it and it was a one night stand. we're just friends. i cant risk his career being shot down when it's already so high." you stayed with tears forming in your eyes.
she sighed and fixed her hair, throwing it in a high ponytail and pulled it to be secured. "fine. go." she said and you got up to hug her. "thank you." you whispered to her and grabbed your suitcase making a beeline down the apartment stairs and to your car. on your way to your car, you were met with tom.
"y/n, hey." he said with a smile and you met his eyes, blushing shyly. you stammered before nodding, "hey tom, what's up?" you asked and he was about to reply before you snapped into your reality. "wait, sorry. i actually have somewhere i needa be." you say and before he could say anything, you were gone.

tom furrowed his brows and shook his head. probably nothing, he told himself and continued his way up to her apartment knowing her best friend isabelle was up there. opening the door, isabelle met his eyes and she scoffed. "you didn't bother stopping her?" she asked perplexed and a tang of annoyance raised in her voice.
"sorry, stop her? why?" he asked as he put down a bottle of water he held in his hands, placing it on the coffee table. "that's for you to find out." she said and made her way out. tom furrowed his brows and sighed, trying to call you but you never picked up, or you'd end the call. this raised suspicion in tom and he quickly made his way down the apartment complex and to the parking lot. maybe she's still there, he spoke to himself in his mind until he reached the lot, seeing her car spot is empty.
"fuck." he mutters and got into his car, thinking of all the places you could've gone. there was a place you always went to whenever you'd felt like you needed space from reality and that was the beach.

you cried softly on the way the beach. you parked in a parking spot and ran onto the beach. standing into where the tide comes in, you sighed. placing your hands on your stomach that would now be forming a baby, it made you even more emotional. tom shouldn't have had sex with you. but you both wanted to. but you were stupid. "this would've never happened if we'd have a condom and we wouldn't have been rushing." you spoke to yourself.
"i was caught in the moment, love. i didn't want to keep you waiting too long." tom spoke, making you turn towards him and jump at the sound of his voice.

"how'd you find me?" you asked taking a few steps back he took ahold of your hand chuckling. "i've known you almost all my life. i think i would know where my best friend would go if they're feeling a little bit out of it." he said and you smiled gently shaking your head. "i'm gonna ruin your career. you just started and i'm going to be in the way. just let me go and i won't bother you and-" "and we'll work through this together." he interrupted, making you shake your head. "no, don't give me hope, tom. you're busy. you're an actor. something you've wanted to be and achieve ever since i met you." you explained.
"i don't wanna ruin this." you say and take your hands from him.

"y/n.." he sighs and you shake your head. "i understand that you'd like to help especially because it's your baby-" "it's mine?" he asks and you nod before shaking your head. "you can't help. you can send in money if you want but i don't wanna put this burden on you." you say and he shakes his head, placing his hands on your cheeks and kisses your head. "fuck that, it's not a burden. they won't be a burden, you won't be a burden. you're fine." he says and you shake your head. "i'm sorry." you say softly, trying so hard not to allow your voice to break. you walk away from him and continue your way down the beach shore. you don't know when you'll talk to him again. but right now you didn't want to be alone either.

hey so this was BAD. one of the worst imagines i've ever written i'm so sorry :( i tried to go based off "mama mia" & my wifi keeps going on & off so i'm not allowed to look up the movie or have any summary of it whatsoever :(( i just know that it involves a boat & the ocean so i'm so so so sorry :((

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