Spiderling 3

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— y'all i loVE reading y'all's comments !! it makes me feel special & able to communicate with y'all so please comment haha, they make my day & let me know y'all appreciate my stories :))

"daddy, can we go to the park please?" shae asked as she patted his lap as she waited for an answer. peter turned to shae and smiled gently sighing, "uh, i don't think i can take you to the park right now, angel. i have a lot of stuff to do." he said and shae frowned, "oh okay. can happy take me then?" she asked and peter gnawed on his pencil before shae climbed into his lap making herself comfortable. peter helped her up on his lap and she slouched in his lap. "can't you take a small break to spend time with me?" she whined gently and peter huffed shaking his head. "baby cakes, daddy needs to catch up with all of his work and then he can play with you. right now you can go spend time with happy or aunt may." he told her and she only huffed back, climbing off of his lap and stomped her way into the living room where aunt may and happy sat.

"can one of you guys take me to the park please?" she asked and happy nodded, "yeah i can use a break from sitting down forever." he said to shae and shae smiled widely, running into her shared room with peter and pulled on some socks and shoes, running out of the room without saying goodbye to peter. she made sure she had the rock that she had found at the store with her and as soon as she had made sure it was there, happy and her were on their way to the park. shae immediately ran towards the swings and was able to make some small talk with some of the kids around her and turned to happy who sat on a bench waving at the girl to let her know he was still there. she smiled and waved back before climbing up the big playground set, seeing beck and a boy her age. she smiled widely and walked towards them, leaning on a pole as she watched beck help the boy across the monkey bars.

"hi beck!" she said and beck looked up from where he heard the voice and smiled. "ah, shae! it's good to see you again. this is quill, i told him all about you and how you and him can become good friends." he said and shae nodded smiling, "hi quill, i'm shae. wanna go play on the swing set?" she asked and quill he nodded. the two ran towards the swing set and as soon as beck placed her into a swing, a big storm came out of the blue. shae was mesmerized by the big clouds forming together and soon into a big tornado. the parents around grabbed their child and as soon as happy went to grab shae at the swingset, she immediately disappeared. his heart dropped. the disappearance of shae made him think of when the 'blip' came around. jesus the blip again?? "fuck." he said and called for shae a few times— when she didn't answer, he hopped in the car and drove back to aunt may's explaining everything.

"so you lost shae?!" peter yelled and soon he began to panic. "i didn't lose her! i got up and ran towards the swing set where she sat and as soon as i got there she vanished!" happy explained. aunt may and happy tried to calm him down, telling him that they've already called the police to let them know that she was missing but that wasn't enough for peter. peter wanted to know that his baby girl was okay. he huffed and wiped his tears angrily before running into his room and locked it, changing into his spider-man suit, swinging out of his bedroom window. "shae! shae!!" peter called as he swung around new york. he'd go up to civilians asking people if they've seen the girl shae since she was pretty well known around his part of town. "i haven't seen her sweetheart, but i'll let you know spidey. hope you find that child." an old lady said and spider-man nodded saying a thank you before swinging up to the tallest building.

then he broke down, tearing off his mask and wiped his eyes. he couldn't believe that his daughter was gone. not dead but, not around him or known of where she could be. after pulling himself together for a while, he pulled back on his mask and went towards where he had seen the tornado and let out all his anger on it. he didn't even notice the figure with a glass globe around his head until after he was shoved into the ground. he groaned before looking up at the figure and of course it was beck, or what his friends called mysterio. "it's lovely to meet you again, spider-man. you seem too distracted to be fighting crime, something wrong?" he asked and spider-man groaned frustratedly. "you have her! i know you do!" he yelled angrily and mysterio awed and shrugged after having his globe vanish for spider-man to actually see mysterio himself. "and what about it? you can't do anything. she's your strength, your world, your supporter. without her you're nothing."

those words hit peter hard, sending him back to where he had caused his own chaos and led tony stark out on a building to have a pep talk. "if you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it." peter's eyes formed tears again and he shook his head, beginning to fight him but of course falling for his illusions. in many of beck's illusions, beck had a illusion projector place baby shae in his arms just to mess with peter. beck walked around the the crying baby girl in his arms, shushing her gently and swaying. peter huffed and became angry. "K.A.R.E.N activate instant kill!" peter yelled out and as soon as a killer drone flew in front of mysterio, the illusion disappeared and the killer drone pointed a red laser at shae's head. shae was bawling, making grabby hands at her father. "daddy i wanna go home!" she cried and peter shook his head. "that- that's not really shae." he said and mysterio furrowed his brows, and had cleared the dark eerie room to show that they were on top of a building. 

mysterio smirked at spider-man as he saw how distressed he looked before shoving shae off the building. "daddy!" shae screamed as she fell to her death and immediately peter dove after her, but hit the concrete floor quickly than he expected. he groaned before yelling in frustration. he looked around and saw that mysterio held shae at gun point, seeing shae cry and squirm made peter want to kill anyone who dared to look her way. he closed his eyes and sighed, "peter tingle, peter tingle, come on peter tingle.." he muttered before feeling it work and soon he was in action. mysterio thought that he could outthink peter's tingle but come on. this was the peter tingle peter sensed. mysterio couldn't outthink him. soon he had hit mysterio enough for him to pass out and die. peter took off his mask and looked towards shae who had stayed in her corner terrified. "shae, baby cakes, it's me. you're fine." he explained and shae instantly ran to his arms.

"i was so scared daddy. i'm sorry." she sobbed and peter shook his head, "you're perfectly fine. i forgive you. i wish i took you to the park instead. you're safe now though. i'm not gonna let anyone touch you." he promised to his daughter and soon brought her home after clearing everything up and getting everyone home.

later that month, he swung around the city, watching the breaking news. he watched intently as the news reporter came onto screen and his heart dropped to hear the news release his true identity and his daughter's. his eyes widened and he placed his hands on his ears in disbelief. "what the-"

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