Home For Christmas

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"Mummy, look at the pretty lights!" Your son Louis beamed, his chocolate eyes staring up at the Christmas tree in awe. You chuckled and nodded, "Pretty aren't they?" You asked Louis and he nodded. He turned to you and gave you a hug as you squatted next to him admiring your tree.

"Mummy?" Your shy daughter Hazel came to you with her yellow baby blanket gripped in her hand as she rubbed her eyes. You smiled and kissed Louis' head as he ran off to play with his toys, "Yes Haz?" You smiled sitting down on the floor and took her hands into yours. "When is daddy coming home? He promised me to be here on Christmas." She whines softly as her hazel eyes brimmed to tears. You forward seeing tears in her eyes and you wiped them, "Aw baby don't worry! Daddy always keeps his promises, but he can't keep secrets." You told her making her giggle and blush, "but I promise daddy will be here to see you open at least one present on Christmas Eve."

Hazel smiled a small smile, "Promise?" She asked holding out her tiny pinkie. You hummed and smiled linking your pinkie with hers. Suddenly a big smile came across her face and she ran to play with Louis. "Can I play?" You heard Hazel ask in the background to Louis and you hear Louis agree. You turned to watch the little scene play out until your oldest son Emery walk in the house wearing a beanie on his brown, chestnut hair and a big coat that wrapped around his body and his jeans covered in snow as well as his Timberlands.

You smile watching a shivering teen walk in and close the door. "Hey Em, how was the party?" You ask him and Emery turned and smiled, "It was good, Maddie liked me being there so that was good." He smiled a big smile and engulfed you in a hug after taking off his snow drenched coat. You nod and kiss his cheek, "You look so much like your dad." You smiled and Emery blushed softly and nodded. "Hot cocoa is on the stove." You tell him and Emery nods rubbing his hands together as he gives hugs to Louis and Hazel.

Emery wasn't really the moody type of boy, which you were happy with knowing that you raised him right. He wasn't up to trouble, at least 99% most of the time and he didn't hang around he wrong crowd. His shyness is from you and his playfulness and bad at keeping secrets is from Tom. He has his nose and his eyes, and the curls from Tom. The only thing he has from you is the style you like and the pickiness of the way some things look.

"I'm upstairs mom!" Emery yells and you nod, "Okay!" You answer and smile as you watch him go up and then furrow your eyebrows playfully at little Louis following. "Where are you going sir?" You asked your 4 year old. Louis sat on the carpeted stairs and looked down at the stairs, "My room." He tries and you smile, "your room is downstairs silly." You say and he blushed looking down. "I just wanna be with Emery!!" He whined and pouted. "Did you ask?" You asked and you received a shake of his head. You sigh and smile, "Go ask and then come down to tell me when he answers." You tell him and he nods.

You smiled watching him run up stairs and go to the phone ringing on your bar in the kitchen. You pick it up seeing Tom's face. "Hey babe." You answer looking down at Hazel playing with Iron Man on the carpet while Tessa is keeping watch from beside the fire place.

"Hey love! How are the kids?" He asks and you chuckle, "well your little Haz is playing with Iron Man, Louis went upstairs to be with Emery and Emery is in his room doing whatever on his game console." You answer and look down at Louis that ran up to you. "He said I can go in." Louis told you and you nodded, "wanna say hi to daddy?" You asked Louis and Louis gasped taking your phone. "Hi daddy!!" He practically yells over the phone. Hearing a laugh from the other side of the phone you heard an answer, "hey buddy how's you and Iron Man doing?" He asked and Louis looked over to where Hazel was playing. "Hazel is playing with him and Cap 'Merica!" He answered and Tom laughed. "Okay, give the phone back to Mummy and I'll see you soon." Tom said and he nodded saying bye before giving the phone to you and ran back upstairs.

You laughed watching him run up, "Cutie ain't he?" You ask and he laughed, "of course. Hey you have time to FaceTime real quick?" He asks and you push the FaceTime button on your screen. "Okay hey! Much better. Oh and look who's also here with me." Tom said showing Hazoster. "Hello!" He said and Hazel jolted up hearing Haz. "Uncle Haz!" She squealed having Tessa raise her head up watching the girl run to her mum. "Haha, hey Haz!" Hazoster answers and the little girl waved.

"Okay babe I'm sorry but I'm not gonna he able to make it for Christmas. They cancelled our flight till next week." Tom told you after Hazoster and Hazel talked for 10 minutes and she went off to play with Tess. Tears brimmed your eyes and you sighed, "Babe you promised Hazel. She'll be devastated." You said and Tom sighed, "I know but.. oh hold on a sec." he said picking up the key from your secret place under a rock and looked up to see the door open. "I'm already home!" Tom said and Hazoster laughed as Hazel looked up at ran to hug him. You covered your mouth as he walked up to you and hugged you tightly. "Daddy, Daddy!!" You heard Louis and you and Tom gave each other a quick peck before he greeted his family and of course Tess.

"That was mean." You said once you had poured you and Tom some wine as you watched Hazoster, Hazel, Louis and Emery play Monopoly. Tom laughed and wrapped a arm around you, "but come on it was worth it. I'm not leaving home till 2 months." He told you and you kissed him passionately. You and him kissed for about a minute until you were interrupted by an "ew" made by Hazel and Hazoster. Tom and you broke the kiss and laughed as Tom got up to go get Hazel. Hazel screamed happily and got up from Hazoster's lap but he wrapped his arms around the girl's waist as Tom tickled his daughter.

What more could you ask for that Christmas? That was the best Christmas you ever had.

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