Little Sleepover

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hey guys !! dani here, thank you for helping me reach 30K ! i couldn't have done it without you holland lovers. i promise to try & post more & at the moment i'm about to put out a "father evans" book since i started to love chris evans & possibly a bucky barnes one too to add to this series. let me know what y'all think & enjoy. :)

It was an early friday night and your daughter was on her way to stay the night with Indie at the Hemsworth household. Tom was already getting your 7 year old daughter ready for her first little sleep over. Walking into the room, you smiled to hear your daughter Eva gush about how excited she was to stay the night with Indie.

"And then we're gonna try and stay up till 11:00! and then go out to the pool-" Tom laughed gently at her. "You stay up till 11? It's gonna be hard to do Eva, I can't even stay up that late." He said with a smile and he shook his head, "but you're not gonna go to the pool at 11 at night with no supervision. Uncle Chris has to be there with you and Indie. I'm sure he wouldn't agree to have you and Indie alone in the pool without him." He explains and Eva huffs.

"But we're big girls, dad! Plus Uncle Chris is way cooler than you. Last time I went there we went to the pool and played till 9:00." She said with a smile and Tom shrugged, "you got me there. He is one of the coolest people." He said and you walked in, sitting down in a hanging chair Tom insisted on getting her. "E you ready? They're almost here." You said and she gasped with a big smile on her face.

Eva grabbed her little backpack and made her way to the living room, making you smile and Tom turned to you. Even though you were married for 8 years, he still gave you butterflies. "You know what we can do while she's gone?" he asked with a smile and you rolled your eyes. "Other than having sex what can we do?" you asked with a smirk and he rolled his eyes, "I wasn't going to ask that but now that you said-" "Tom!" you laughed and he shook his head.

"No, never-mind that. I wanted to take you out on a date." he said sheepishly with a smile and you awed. "Aw Tommy you don't have to." You said and he nodded, getting up from Eva's twin bed and went to you, kissing your lips gently. "But I want to." He said with a smile after he had pulled away from your gentle kiss. "We haven't gone on a date for a while and I'm so glad that our E has friends and can go for a night and we can have a night and half a day to our selves." He said with a soft smile. 

The night went smoothly, aftter Chris had come over to pick up your little darling, Tom did as promised: taking you out on a date. It was something you've missed to much and to be honest it was on e of the best dates you've had ever since you had Eva. 

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