happy 20s ii

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after a few months months, you & tom were able to conceive not one but twins! & they were both boys, making tom & yourself all the well happy. he's always wanted a boy but he was over the moon when he heard that he was getting two.

"can one be named peter?" you asked tom and he furrowed his brows, taken aback at the name. you eyebrows furrowed as well at his reaction.
"what's wrong? you don't like that name?" you asked & he shook his head, "no i do, i feel kind of special because he's going to be named after peter parker aka me." he smiled, sitting down on the floor of the nursery with you.

kissing your head, you smiled, "whatever helps you sleep at night, hon, but that's not why i'm naming one of our kids peter." you chuckled, kissing his cheek.
"then whatever do you mean?" he asked with a soft laugh, tilting his head as he admired your features, leaning on the floor using the palms of his hands.
"well, you know my love for peter pan.." you said and he rolled his eyes with a smile, "i do, i do. then why don't we name them after the brothers, michael & john?" he asked and you shook your head.

"i like peter better." you stated and he nodded. "so, his middle name is the name of a kitchen utensil too?" he asked with a laugh. you laughed & shook your head, "no of course not— wait. peter pan holland."
your expression of surprised satisfaction made tom raise a brow at your new discovery of a name for baby A or baby B. "y/n..." he said drawing out your name and you sighed shaking your head.

"i know i'm crazy— "we've been knew." tom interrupted with a smile making you roll your eyes with a small smile. "i don't want him to be bullied when he gets older." you say sadly and tom sighs. "well he's just gonna have to like his name." tom says and you smile in surprise. "you're really letting me name our kid peter pan holland?"

tom got up and bummed a nod, pouring more coffee for himself and he smiled. "you're gonna be the one explaining why he's being called "pee-pee holland though." he said and you shook your head rolling your eyes.
"i hope he likes it. i'll get him into peter pan & maybe then he won't feel as bad about it." you explained and he nodded. "there's another brilliant idea." he said smiling and you nod, "okay what're your names for baby B?" you asked.

tom hummed and sighed, shrugging. "i'm not really sure, i was hoping you'd have an idea." he chuckled gently and you furrowed your brows. "come on, you have to have a name that's stuck to you." you say and he licked his lips.

he squints as he slowly gains his inspiration. "what's that boys name? he's the only one that can pull the sword out from the stone?" he asked and you raise a brow, "king arthur?" you say and he shakes his head, "i thought there was a better name."
"if you think the name 'wart' was a better name i suggest you think of another one spider man." you suggest with a smile.

sighing he laid back in your embrace, having you play with his hair. "this is gonna take a while." he states in defeat and you shake your head, "maybe go off peter pan? think of the characters in there. there's michael, john.." you go off realizing that there aren't any other names in that movie you could name baby B. sighing your shrug, "just think of disney movies." you suggest.

"wish we were having another girl." tom said and you cock a brow, "& why's that? so we can name her wendy darling holland?" you joke and he nods surprised at the name. "that's a nice ring to it, but no. i wanted to name her tiger lily holland." he says & your brows raise. "that's cute, but maybe next time." you say.

he raises his brows and smiles, "there's a next time?" he asks eagerly and you roll your eyes. "no." you say and he huffs. throughout the whole day, he scrolled through disney plus trying to think of the best name to give baby B. sighing in defeat he couldn't find any he liked.

meeting you in bed later that night he sighed, "why can't we name him lost boy holland?" he says and you look at him with a stern look. as soon as you made your face, you felt a kick from one of the babies. you laughed. "peter or baby B didn't like that name at all tom. say sorry." you chuckle.
tom sighs and kisses your belly as he then lays in between your legs. "sorry peter or lost boy." he jokes, receiving another kick from one of the boys. he laughs and you roll your eyes. tom sighs and apologizes before drawing shapes on your stomach. he looked defeated. you sighed at the look on his face, picking up his chin.

"hey, you'll think of something." you say and he sighs. i hope so. right now i'm calling them peter pan & lost boy." he says and receives a kick on the side of his face from one of the twins as he had laid his head on your stomach. you laugh and shake your head, "let's hope you find something because one of the boys don't like it very much." you smile and he nods. "my lost boys, we'll think of your name soon baby B. right now peter's gonna help me guide me & mommy i hope." he sighs and he receives a pat from most likely peter making a smile form on his lips.
"what about henry graham holland? henry is from 'once upon a time' & later soon gets turned into peter pan. sound good?" you ask tom. he smiles gently & nods in agreement. "you're better at picking names than i am." he says and you smile. "well, i am birthing them. maybe it's a mom thing." you say and he crawls into bed beside you.

"is that so?" he asks & you nod cockily with a smile. he hums and kisses your head. "goodnight baby," he says & kisses your lips gently before pulling you close to him. "goodnight lost boys." he said gently, having the two of you fall into an easy slumber.

— hi so i'm kind of obsessed w peter pan rn & i'm watching once upon a time & it's amazing i've even watched jake & the neverland pirates bc i remembered peter pan was in a few episodes skjs i'm kinda peter pan crazy lmao but updates should b up soon !!

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