sneaking out

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"adeline, go to bed, it's late & you got school tomorrow." tom said walking by her room knowing she was on the phone talking to a boy she was starting to grow really fond of. "alright dad, hold on." she said as he walked by and she looked at the screen smiling gently.
"i gotta go.. catch you later tonight yeah?" she asked and calum nodded. "yeah, remember i'll be at the corner of your block." he said and she smiled. "alright, see ya." she said gently and he said the same before she turned it off.

her blood was rushing through her veins with adrenaline. she's sneaked out a couple of times before but something about tonight didn't seem right. maybe it was because she was going to sneak out with a boy but it's not like she doesn't know him. she's known him for a while, since middle school, he wouldn't do anything she wasn't comfortable with. she sighed and took a deep breath, calming herself down and going to go brush her teeth and wash her face.

tom walked by and kissed her head saying goodnight before he went to his shared room. you laid in bed watching "chopped" while tessa laid by your side. you turned to him and smiled, "kids asleep yet?" you asked and tom nodded side to side, "well addy is just about to go to bed. owen was already asleep when i walked in to say goodnight." he answered and you nodded gently smiling. he came over to kiss your head and you began falling asleep as he ran his fingers through your hair. tom kisses your cheek whispering "goodnight" before he turned off all the lights and cuddled close to you and began drifting off to sleep.

adeline made sure that her parents were asleep. all she had to do was listen for tom's snoring, and when a snore was heard, he'd be asleep for a while. she smiled at herself and began getting dressed, casually pulling on some joggers and a sweater. pulling on her vans and shoving her phone in her pocket, she was ready. she climbed out her window and left it a crack open so she could sneak back in when the night was over. she made her way to the corner of her block and recognized the car and the boy inside. she smiled and he smiled, adeline crawled inside his car and hugged him.

"hey, ready for the night?" he asked and she nodded. "definitely." she answered and they were on their way. she was having the best time of her life with him. so many laughs, stupid shenanigans & a ton of flirtatious cues led one thing to another. a sweet kiss to a heated makeout session and possibly something bittersweet. adeline and calum laid in the back of his car for the past 20 minutes, taking in what had just happened and what the rest of the night brought them. she smiled at calum as he kissed her head and kissed her hickeys gently.

giggling she checked her phone looking at the time. she gasped and surprised calum, "what, what's up?" he asked frantically and she showed him the text message she got from her mom and the time. he sighed in clear frustration and nodded, "fuck, alright i'll get you home." he said gently and pulled on his clothes while she climbed up in the front, pulling on her clothes as well. she bit her lip and stayed quiet the whole ride, leaving. calum to calm her down and help her talk about what she was going to say. "i'm just gonna say that i wanted some snacks and ended up meeting you at the gas station, went around the town and got carried away." she said and calum nodded. "they won't kill you right? for being with me?" calum asked and she shook her head placing her hand on his resting on her thigh. he gave her thigh a squeeze and sighed, "i like you a lot, addy. i really do. but the choice we made tonight your parents may not accept me. what about the hickies on your neck?" he said and addy squeezed his hand, "hey, we'll be okay. it's a teenager thing. my mom and dad will understand very much since this is what they did when they met each other so they can't get that mad at me and you." she explained. calum sighed and chuckled, "wish my parents were a lot like yours."

pulling up at her house, calum kissed her goodbye and almost immediately you and tom came outside. "adeline what the fuck were you thinking?" you said walking out of your house pulling a hoodie over your torso with tom walking out quickly beside you. adeline furrowed her brows, "you weren't this mad on the phone!" she stated and she glanced at calum. "calum please come out of the car." tom said and calum sighed gently, doing as told and he locked it. "are my parents coming to give me a lecture too?" he asked and tom shook his head, "no us first." he said and calum sighed.

going inside with their heads down, calum and adeline sat on the couch. "what the hell were you thinking? what were you two thinking? you both really thought that you could just slip under our noses?" you say furiously while looking at the two teenagers sulk with their heads looking down towards their shoes. "adeline, i thought you were smarter than that." you say and you shake your head, "phone, now." you say and adeline sighed, turning it into you. you had no means to look in it to find a reason why she may have possibly snuck out. the reason was in front of you.

the boy calum hood is someone you've known a while. he grew up with your daughter and they used to have play dates as well. as they got older, they became more dispersed and found another group of friends. but you had no means wanted to find out that she had fallen for the dark haired boy. you couldn't blame her. he was handsome. but it was late, and you couldn't risk your daughter being accidentally taken away either. you weren't saying that calum would hurt the girl. just any wrong move or wrong place could've gotten them both in trouble.

sighing you shook your head. "go to your room i'm- i can't deal with this right now. it's what," you paused looking at the time, "it's 3:30 in the goddamn morning and you have— you both have school tomorrow!" you say furiously and shake your head. you're doing your best not to yell but your emotions feel so bottled up.tom notices and he sighs, "addy, go to bed, we'll discuss this tomorrow in the morning and after school. you come straight home, you understand?" he says and adeline stammers but before she can get a word out tom speaks, "do you understand me?" he said lowering his voice and adeline nodded. she got up and said a quiet goodnight and goodbye to calum and he did the same.

"you gonna beat me up now?" calum asked as tom was going to go stand next to you as you had began calling calum's parents. tom sighed and shook his head, "no. that's only in movies." he said and joined calum on the couch. calum kept his eyes glued on his shoes and occasionally would pick at his nails. tom huffed and turned his head towards the boy that adeline found herself falling for. "you're a good boy. despite this night, you're a good boy and hopefully this won't have to happen again. next time just call and ask us? we'd like to know where she'd be and what time she's coming home is all. i understand that she is spider-man's daughter but all we want is for her to be safe with someone she feels safe with."

"yes sir." calum replied and you joined them on the couch. "your parents are on their way." you say softly to him. you picked up calum's head and gave him a small smile. "we're not strict honey. you could've asked and we probably would've let you take her out. this whole thing just gave us a scare is all." you said calmly and he furrowed his brows. "why aren't you guys mad?" he asked and tom sighs, "as i explained, you're a good kid. we've known you for a while. your parents should be mad at you, not us. we're only disappointed that you didn't call us up and ask us permission." tom explains and calum nods. "thank you. i wish i had understanding parents like you guys."

you smiled at tom and you sighed, "we were in the same situation as you two are right now. we understand this situation completely. we're just doing it way calmer than what our parents reacted to it when we were in you guys' shoes." you explains and he nods. "whenever she and i are ungrounded, i'd like to take her out properly if that is okay with you guys." he explains as he had stood up, getting a text from his parents explaining that they were outside. "definitely." you reply and you give him a hug. "see you later honey." you say and tom pats his shoulder before releasing the boy to his parents.

you and tom went up to your shared bedroom, knowing adeline was once finally in her bed and home. climbing into bed you sighed. "that was kind of way easier than i thought. i hope i didn't yell too much." you say and tom shakes his head. "nope. just the right amount of voice." he said and you nod. kissing his lips you cuddle into his embrace and sigh. "i'm glad it was easy." tom says and you nod sleepily before falling asleep. tom smiles and kissed your head before falling asleep right after.

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