daddy's mistake

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michael ray holland was on a mission while tom was doing a scene for spiderman: far from home— & that was to be quiet. for a toddler it wasn't as easy, but michael being the quiet toddler that he is, he manages pretty well. he was walking around, being occupied by jake gyllenhaal as his father was going to do an 'important scene' jake called it.

"why is it so important?" michael asked as he shared his apples with jake. jake took a bite and he shrugged, "you know that there are a lot of people that love tom right? his fan base?" jake describes and continues when michael nods, "well, that's a secret. you have to see the movie to find out." jake said and michael whined. "i wanna know now! can't you tell me? i won't tell!" he says and jake shook his head. "sorry, i cant tell anyone! that's my boss's rules." he explained.

michael huffed and decided that he was going to find out himself. he had gotten up from his conversation with jake and took a walk to the scene where his dad was working. "and action!" he heard from backstage. he hurried to the scene to see what was up and stood behind a person quietly, watching his dad with zendaya. he rather liked zendaya. she was his crush & always got shy around her, but was able to come around a bit after.

he watched his father in awe before he watched his father do the unthinkable: he kissed zendaya! michael gasped out loud and it struck some of the worker's attention. his eyes filled with tears and he did his best to quiet his whimper until the director yelled cut. that was michael's cue.
"daddy?! that's not mummy, that's zendaya!!" michael yelled, catching tom completely off guard. tom was so surprised & literally didn't know what to say. "michael-" "i'm telling mummy when i get home! you're cheating on her!!" he cried, making his little bottom lip quiver and he ran out of the scene to go back to jake.

"shit, fuck, uh, break please??" tom asked and the director nodded quickly without uttering a word. tom ran out of the scene & towards his son, picking him up as he wasn't as fast as tom was. michael began lashing out and screaming at his father once he was scooped into his arms. "no let me go, i want jake!!" he sobbed and tom shook his head, "no, we need to talk, ray." "no we don't! you don't like mummy anymore & now i have to protect her from you." michael said and had began kicking and hitting tom's chest, doing anything to get out of his grip.

jake walked out of his trailer & widened his eyes as he met tom & his son fighting. mostly michael, tom was just struggling to hold him & not drop him. "whoa, hey, hey, hey." jake said and quickly rushed to tom, asking what was up. michael stretches out his arms to jake and jake takes him into his arms as he begins to sob. jake's brows furrowed and tom sighs, "i have a ton of explaining to do when i get home." tom said and jake shook his head. "i don't understand, what happened?" he asked and tom sighed, "mike caught me in my scene with zendaya. the kissing scene, & now he thinks i'm cheating on his mum, which i would never do. she understands what i'm doing because i'm an actor & i have literally no clue how to get michael to understand! i just know that he won't let me near y/n anymore, or as long as i live." tom explained.

"well, that's a lot to explain for a lil dude. i got him from here & i'll try to explain part of it to him when he calms down unless you'd rather explain everything." jake suggested and tom shook his head. "no i got it, thanks mate. i just really need to go to the director & do a little bit more of the scene & then i need to go & explain this to y/n." tom said and jake nodded.

"alright. & hey, he's a kid. he's going to laugh at this when he gets older trust me. it'll be alright." jake says and tom sighs nodding. "thanks mate." he says and goes to finish up his scene. the director noticed how distracted tom was for the rest of the few takes. "take off for the rest of the day, i can't imagine how distraught you are." the director said and tom nodded, "thanks mate. i'll see you guys tomorrow alright?" tom said and everyone told him goodbye before zendaya pulls on his arm, "hey, i'm really sorry michael had to see that. i cant imagine how bad you're feeling right now." she said and tom sighed smiling, "it's not your fault. he's just young and doesn't understand what actors is responsible for. this was clearly because of the movie. i'd never cheat on y/n & you wouldn't allow it." he said and she laughed. "you bet. see you later." she said and he nodded, going to jake's trailer.

he picked up michael, saying goodbye to jake dispite having to fight michael ray into letting him take him home. michael stayed eerily quiet all the way home and had his arms crossed, looking out the window. tom looked in the rear view mirror and sighed, "michael-" "i don't wanna talk to you, cheater." michael said and tom sighed. "i am not cheating on your mother. i love y/n soo much. i'd never live with myself if i had cheated on her- i wouldn't even think of it." he said and michael rolled his eyes, "you kissing miss zendaya says otherwise." he says and and tom laughed, "where did you get this sarcasm from?" tom asked and michael huffed, "i'm still not talking to you." "you are now." tom said and it made michael groan in annoyance.

"tom just be quiet." michael said and never had ever been more offended in his life. "excuse me? don't ever call me by my actual name. my name to you is daddy, alright?" tom said sternly and michael shook his head. "not now it isn't." he mumbled and that was when tom got extremely frustrated. he made it home in the next few minutes and had gotten out to let michael out. "i can do it myself, tom." michael said angrily and tom chuckled annoyingly, "you're really asking to be in trouble right now." tom said hugging, having michael shove past him and stomp into the house with tom behind him after he locked the car.

"hey ray ray, how was-" "come help me close the door on tom!" he said quickly as he had thrown his backpack and it immediately struck concern into you. "sorry, what?" you asked, getting your from the couch and he grunted as he did his best to close the door on tom as tom was caught completely off guard by michael closing the door on him. "come on!! he was cheating on you today!!" michael yelled and you rose your brows looking at tom and sighed. you walked over to the door. you opened the door and tom shook his head, "he doesn't understand." he said and you sighed, "the movie scene?" you asked and he nodded. "never would i ever-" tom began before being punched and kicked by michael, making him groan.

"michael ray holland, your room. now!!" you said raising your voice at him. michael looked at you and huffed, stomping to his room and slammed the door. you sighed and looked at tom, helping him to sit on the couch since his son really just punched him in the balls. you started laughing a little bit as you had gone to sit beside tom, making him furrow his brows in annoyance. "he doesn't call me dad anymore. i'm 'tom' to him for now, until he understands." he says and you sigh with a smile, running your fingers through his curly hair. he looked so distraught. more worried about you than the situation with his son. "what's on your mine baby?" you asked gently and he shook his head. "never would i ever think about cheating on you. let alone michael finding out because it would never happen. never have i thought about cheating on you because you're all i want. i'd never get tired of you. i'm all yours and that's never going to change, alright? i just don't want you overthinking about this situation because you know completely if i were to ever cheat on you, zendaya would have me dead." he says and you laugh nodding. "i'd have you dead, she'd just be a witness and would go to jail with me." you say and he laughs nodding.

"we're gonna have to go make it clear to ray. now." you say and tom sighs. "make him stop calling me tom please." he asked and you laughed. "no promises." you say and he groans. knocking on the door, you walked into your son's room, seeing him lie in his bed, looking up at the glow in the dark stars glowing on his ceiling since he had turned off his light. you turned the light on & he groaned. he turned to you and tom and scoffed, "you're with him? he cheated on you with miss zendaya, i hope you know that." he commented and you nodded. "yes i know, but he didn't mean to. you know acting is just playing pretend right?" you start and he nods. "that's what daddy was doing. he was playing pretend very professionally. he in no means meant to cheat on me with my best friend. trust me, if he did, he wouldn't be here right now. you have to trust me okay? you'll understand way more when you're a little older okay?" you say and he nods. he climbs off his bed and went to go hug you. he turned to tom and sighed, "sorry daddy." he muttered and tom sighs. "you're alright. i applaud you for protecting mummy. but you won't ever have to protect her from me. i'd never hurt her or you, alright? i love you both too much to do so. it doesn't even cross my mind." he says and michael nods smiling. "okay." he giggles and you both put him back to bed.

walking to your room, tom grabs your hand and pulls you close to him, making you smile shyly. "tom.." you say gently and he sighs, "come on, i have to make it up to you somehow for kissing m.j." he says and kisses your lips gently. you sigh into his kiss and pull away, "alright, but we have to be quiet." you say and he chuckles, pulling you by your waist. "by we you mean you right?" he asks and you shake your head laughing as he kisses your lips, laughing quietly as well.

my longest imagine in a while wowie. also i realized my last update was on the day zayn left one direction sksj, but to better his health & that's all that matters i love that man. also how is everyone loving ONWARD i love it sooo much i cried so hard watching it omggg

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