I Won't Leave You

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"Yes, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity!" Tom heard you say before getting off the phone while he had played with your four year old daughter, Mary. "Who was that, love?" Tom asked as he laid on the floor coloring in a book with Mary while you couldn't wipe the biggest smile off your face. For once in a lifetime, you, Y/N L/N were given the job to make a movie. It was one of your biggest dreams growing up and of course you had taken the opportunity. You had so many ideas flowing through your mind. You could make a movie about a book you read, use your imagination, take someone's true story and make it real. You were over the moon excited. You looked over at your husband and smiled, "I got the job to make a movie, in Australia." You said, looking down at your phone, looking through your contacts on who to call first.

You were too busy being happy that you didn't see the frown on Tom's face. Of course he was happy for you. It was a dream you always had, but he didn't realize that you would take a job away from your family. The family that mattered most. He chuckled a bit awkwardly and had gotten up, meeting eyes with Mary. "Where're you going, Daddy?" She asked and Tom smiled, "I'm gonna go talk to momma, honey. I'll be back." He said, kissing her head listening to her small giggle before she nodded, going back to her coloring. "Um, darling," he started before meeting eyes with yours, "In Australia? That's a bit too far from the family isn't it? And we had just moved as well, we can't move again." He started.

You picked up your head, a bit heartbroken that he wasn't happy like you thought he would be. Placing your phone beside you, you met eyes with him, "I thought you'd be happy for me. This is something I've wanted all my life and you know that." She said and Tom shook his head immediately. "No, no, no, of course I'm happy for you babe. I'm glad that you've gotten the dream job you wanted. But you'd have to move away from us and you said family was the first priority." He said. It was exactly your words when Mary had come into your life. Mary Lois Holland. You cursed at yourself for making such a dumb quote and looked at Tom. "Well now it's not. I can always come visit you both and I'll send money when you need it, I'm just a call away."

Tom was surprised at your words. He couldn't believe that the words that had come from out of your mouth was actually his wife's words. He stood quiet and watched as she moved from the living room, making your way to the shared bedroom, grabbing a suitcase. Tom followed and shook his head, walking up behind you and took the clothes out of your hand, shaking his head as tears began welling up in his eyes. "Y/N, Y/N no, please don't do this. You don't know what you're doing. You're going to break Mar's heart and mine especially." He said and you glared at him as he had taken your clothes out of your hands.

"I told you, I'll come visit. I'm leaving tomorrow morning so she won't see me leave." You said and Tom scoffed, letting you take the clothes out of his hands. "So you're just going to leave? What a sad mother you are. Leaving to be some director for a movie just so you can become famous and win an Oscar. You're leaving your family, Y/N and if that isn't enough than winning an Oscar I don't know why I chose you to be my wife. You weren't selfish." He spat and you turned around, glaring at him once more. "I am not a sad mother. I am going to become famous and once you hear about me on television, you'll be crawling to me, wanting to come live with me next to the Kardashians." You said and Tom laughed. "Well babe, if you hadn't noticed, I am one of the biggest movie actors, Spider-Man. So go on and leave. The only thing I'll see on television about you is saying how dumb you are to be leaving your family for some dumb dream."

"But I'm not stopping you. Go on. Leave. Stay at your friends house. You just used me, well you most likely did to persue your dream. It's gonna come back at you and then you will be the one crawling back to me and Mary! So get out of here. Now." Tom said as he fumed with rage. He was so angry, he couldn't even describe how he was feeling. The only thing he felt was hurt. He was hurting and he knew he wasn't going to be the only one hurting. His daughter will hurt even more only being able to have her mother in her life for four years and already she was leaving her. You looked at Tom and slapped your hand across his face before packing the rest of your bags, carrying two bags, you grabbed your keys, got dressed and walked out to the living room without saying goodbye. Mary looked up from the picture she colored and her eyes followed her mom's actions. "Momma, where are you going?" She asked but you didn't answer. Just kept on walking and towards the door. Mary frowned and got up, tears brimming her eyes, "Momma, answer me, please!" She cried as she felt that something was wrong.

You continued to walk out the door while Mary followed in her little pajama shorts and a shirt while Tom immediately followed, closing the door behind them. He swooped up Mary, not wanting you to lay a hand on her soft cheek. Mary cried and watched as you had droven away. "Momma, come back!" She screamed, crying into her father's shoulder. "Momma! I want momma! Where is she going?!" She cried and asked her father, hoping he won't ignore her like her mother had ignored her. Tom shook his head, "She's going on an adventure and she won't be back for a while, darling. We can't call her or facetime her because she won't have phone service." He explained, making it sound as pleasing as possible for her young little mind. Mary looked up at Tom, "Why didn't she talk to me while she was leaving? Why didn't she say goodbye?" She asked and Tom sniffled, shaking his head, "She didn't say goodbye to me, either, baby." He said and kissed her head before walking inside, cuddling the small girl as close to him as possible.

It had been a few weeks since you had left, and Tom and Mary were still the same. Well, Mary wasn't. Tom had chosen to forget you since you had left your family to persue your dream and Mary had continued to have horrible dreams, but decided to keep them to herself. She knew she shouldn't, because that's what her daddy was here for. To keep the nightmares from happening. But after her momma had left, she had chosen to start keeping things to herself so she didn't hurt her father like her momma had hurt them both. But this one night she couldn't keep this to herself. She was sleeping with Tom; they've been sleeping together ever since you had left and she had begun twisting and turning in her sleep. Her dream consisted of everything that she had dreamt, everything she had witnessed that day when her momma didn't answer her or even look at her in the eye. This had woken up Tom, questioning himself as to why she was moving in her sleep.

He rubbed his eyes, looking down at his daughter sleeping next to her before his vision focused, seeing tears in her eyes as if she was crying in her dreams. He gasped gently and had carefully and gently woken her up as best as he could. "Baby, baby wake up, Mary." He said before she had woken up with a big gasp, looking over at Tom she began sobbing. Tom sat up in his spot and pulled her into his body, wrapping his arms around her, whispering and rocking her in his spot. "No, no, no, baby, you're okay." He said as she sobbed in his shoulder. This poor 4 year old girl having such a violent dream that would make her wake up with a big gasp. "Mary you're okay, daddy's here, what's wrong?" He asked as she had begun to calm herself down. "I had a dream that Momma left again and that she hurt you and me. And then she took me and we left you and-" She was cut off by a sob that had escaped her throat and Tom shook his head, cradling her head to his shoulder. "Oh God, baby girl I'm so sorry that happened to you." He said and got up, walking around the house, "Sh, sh sh, Mary. I'm here, momma won't hurt you, me or take you away from me. I won't let her, alright? Just you and me and Tess together against the world, alright?" He asked and she nodded, picking up her head from his shoulder.

Tom smiled gently and had a tear escape his eyes as he heard how horrible her dream was- her nightmare. He wiped her tears that fell onto her cheeks and she did the same to Tom, making him smile. He kissed her cheek and hugged her to his chest before walking back to the bedroom, seeing Tessa waiting for them on the bed. Mary smiled and had crawled on the bed towards Tess after Tom had set her down, grabbing a tissue and blowing his nose before he had done the same for Mary, throwing the used tissues away. He cuddled Mary into his bare torso as she had cuddled close to him and they had finally fallen asleep after the little restless nightmare Mary had corrupted. It was horrible for such a young girl to have a nightmare like that. How brutal and scary it was for her little mind. But Tom was here and was always going to be. She was his little girl and his happiness. Something you were now not.

kjsdkdksj wowow im sorry for such a sad imagine lmao but i give credits for the person that had sent me this like wow i even cried and was like "dani why would you do such a thing" but it's just an imagine kids :) hopefully i will think of a happy one soon or recieve a happy one soon :)) love ya'll and thank you for the 9.5K reads like wow i love all of you kids.. byebye

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