late yet again.

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School, the place I hate the most. I don't understand how some people can actually get up in the morning, get ready, eat and make it here on time all while looking perfect. Even on a good day, I look a mess.

I know my hair is all over the place, I know I have two different coloured socks on and I know I have a milk stain on my jumper but I really couldn't care. this morning, after waking up with 10 minutes till school started, I had thrown on a random light blue jumper that was lying on my bedroom floor, some black leggings and my old converse that have scuff marks all over them. I look beautiful, I know.

I ran from hallway to hallway trying to make it on time to form. luckily for me, my form was on the other side of the school, note the sarcasm. I pushed past the lines of people hoping the piercing sound of the bell won't ring signalling that I was 5 minutes late. if I get detention one more time my dad will kill me. like fully take apart my limbs.

There it is. The haunting blue door, the same one that appears in my nightmares, the same one that- ok so maybe I'm overreacting but you get the gist. I pumped my legs harder until I had reached the door. it was wide open so I ran right in.

heads swivelled in my direction, some trying to hold back their laughter and others giving me questioning looks. placing my hands on my knees, I bent over trying to catch my breath allowing my hair to fall all over the place. when I looked up Mrs Wells was staring right at me with a stern look on her face. "I-I'm not late. the bell hasn't gon-" I began

*brrr brrr*

"your late" the old hag murmured as she wrote my name down. I stood up ready to accuse her. how was I late! I was here before the bell rang. that little b-

"but- but the. What?!"

"You heard me. you're late, now sit down" aggrieved, I stomped my way over to my seat. I threw my bag on the floor and aggressively pulled the chair out.

once I was sat down the old bat carried on talking. I felt a kick on the back of my chair and when I turned around Bri had a smirk plastered on her face. her hand was extended so I slapped mine across it giving her a high five. I looked over my shoulder to the back of the classroom where Paige was sat with a disapproving look on her face while she tried to hold back her laughter.

I WALKED OUT OF THE classroom and was immediately bombarded with a massive hug. "your dads soooo going to kill you. you do know that right" Paige snickered from behind me.

"hey, I thought It was actually quite funny" Bri piped up causing Paige to whack her on the back of the head. Ahh, welcome to the world of my friends.

"well, technically I was in the classroom before the bell rang. It's not my fault she hates me so much. I'm a good pupil" I blurted out. It's true I do all the work and I sometimes pay attention; Mrs wells is just jealous of how fabulous I am.

"ha, good pupil. funny joke Kiara" Paige coughed out. ok so maybe I don't do all the work or pay attention but that doesn't change the act that Mrs Wells is still jealous of how fabulous I am.

"she isn't jealous of you" Paige corrected, reading my mind. The two of them tend to do that quite a lot. "yeah she's had more ass then you have in your entire lifetime, 5 fricken kids man and I don't even want to know how many unsuccessful attempts there have been" Bri snorted

"your disgusting" I snorted out.

"But you love me" she replied quickly

I've never really been the most popular girl in school but to be honest, I prefer it this way, staying out of drama, not worrying about what people think of me and not really getting noticed by anyone. According to my dad, I'm just like my mom.

I didn't know my mom for very long, she left us before I had the chance to go shopping with her, talk about boys, get my period and do all the things you're supposedly meant to do with your mom. I still remember the day she died, I was only 10. I ended up staying at Paige's house since her mom and mine were practically sisters by heart. Her mom always treated me like her child and I guess that's why she's like a second mother to me.



"well to be honest you weren't listening to a word we were saying" Paige butted in

"fuck y'all" I muttered under my breath as we walked into our next class knowing that they couldn't say anything back to me in front of a full class.

MAX, MY OLDER BROTHER, HAD just left to go over to his girlfriend Anna's house. The pair of them had been dating for over three years now and everyone is just waiting for the day he pulls a ring out of his pocket and gets down on one knee. The little bastard tho is taking his time.

My dad had already left by the time I got home leaving me completely and utterly alone with my bed, Netflix and pop tarts. In other words, I'm going to lie in bed, watch a bunch of por- ROMANTIC films and wait for my night in shining armour to open up my window and sweep me off my feet. ha if only, my brother would kill any man that came within a mile radius of me. just like he did with my ex, the guy who told me only two minutes before his flight that he was leaving me and never coming back. Ahhh, gotta love the guy. I didn't know I was that ugly. I mean I get breaking up with me but damn this guy took it to a whole new level, he fricken moved away from me for the rest of his life. And that ladies and gentlemen this how my first and only boyfriend broke my poor 16-year-old heart two years ago... I couldn't give fewer fucks anymore tho.


HELLO. some of you may know me and some of you probably won't. I'm the author of this book. I just wanted to say congratulations you have survived the first chapter. it was probably really boring and not much happened but oh well I can assure you that you need to buckle the fuck up for the rest of this book because I have a whole load of shit in store for y'all. sorry for my language :p Anyway this chapter isn't that long... I don't know why don't ask me... but I can assure you yet again that the chapters do get longer as you read on. yay?

word count = 1227

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