❤️⚠️making love⚠️❤️

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***smut starts here so be prepared. the smut wont change the story line at all so don't feel like you have to read it but it is here for those of u that want to read it. grab ur popcorn and holy water***
i slowly walked over to his bed but before i could get in two large hands wrapped around me pulling me back into a hard chest. i was spun around so fast that i became dizzy right as jonahs lips crashed against mine.

we both groaned out as he kissed me harder. passionate and firm. rough and demanding. suddenly my back was smashed flat against the wall making me gasp as Jonah pushed his body flush against mine. he took my gasp as a chance to push his tongue into my mouth exploring and tasting every part of me. his tongue fought mine for dominance causing me to moan.

i slipped my hands up around his neck while his wrapped around my thighs sending jolts of electricity through me from his warm touch. he effortlessly picked me up allowing me to hook my legs around his waist pulling us closer to one and other.

his body was so warm considering he was shirtless. i slid my fingers down from his neck to his shoulders as he pushed me against the wall harder somehow bringing our bodied impossibly closer. he shivered at my touch but none the less leant into it.

he pushed my shirt up sliding his hands onto my waist while rubbing my sides with the pad of his thumb.

his lips left mine leaving me feeling cold but he quickly placed them back on my skin right on the corner on my mouth. he slowly kissed all over my face before placing his lips on the sensitive part below my ear causing me to moan and arch my back against the wall and into him. "fuck" he growled out his voice husky and deep.

he grinded his hips against me causing him to press his member against my skin showing me how hard he was as we both moaned out in unison.

he dragged his hands down from my waist to cup my ass as he lifted me walking over to the bed. his hard body still against mine as he kept licking and sucking on my neck leaving his mark. i felt on fire.

he sat me at the end of the bed while i wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down with me so he could crawl on top of me. feeling him above me i realised how much i craved to be here beneath him , how much i craved his touch , his kiss.

he placed his hands back on my sides right under where my shirt had ridden up. he broke the kiss looking down at me his eyes full of need , hunger and love as he asked for permission to remove my shirt. His shirt. i nodded slightly as his hands caressed my exposed skin before he grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled it over my head in one fluid movement leaving me in nothing but shorts and panties.

"your killing me kiara"~ jonah chocked out.

he growled out at my appearance again before crashing his lips back on mine. he placed one of his hands in my hair slowly tugging on the roots and the other made its way up to my left breast where he slowly started to massage it with his thumb.

his lips left mine again and travelled down kissing all of my body before stopping above my shorts. his kisses left me feeling hot. each place where he kissed burned. he looked at me again i slowly nodded at him as he ripped my shorts of me.

he kissed down before pushing my legs open and kissing my inner thigh making me arch my back and moan out before catching my lip between my teeth remembering that there are 4 other boys in this house sleeping. my hands clutched the sheets as he started kissing up higher and higher before he dragged his tongue across my stomach and back up to my lips.

i threaded my hands through his hair and tugged slowly making him moan out each time. i moved my hands down and grabbed onto his shorts trying to pry them down. he got the message and pushed them down throwing them somewhere on the floor leaving him in his boxers.

he grabbed my legs and jerked me closer to him by hooking them around his abdomen leaving him flush between my legs. he started grinding his hardness against me through my panties leaving me moaning endlessly. he placed his lips against mine hungrily to muffle the moans so no one could hear.after he pushed against me a few times i started lifting my hips up to meet him half way which resulted in him letting moans escape his swollen red lips.

"your so beautiful"~ jonah growled out causing me to turn red from embarrassment.

"jonah" i whined

"yes" he replied his face in my neck.

"i need you"~ kiara

"are you sure" he asked but i could see the hope and love in his eyes.

"im sure" i said back with a small smile.

i closed my eyes as i heard the sound of things being moved around in his bedside table before he pulled a condom over his member.

no glove no love

wrap your leach then smack that peach

don't be silly wrap you willy

wrap it before you tap it

Its always sweeter when you wrap your peter

Wrap your meat when she's in heat

Bag it before you shag it

me:i should really stop im ruining the mood...


me: jeez woman calm you tits

and with that, he enters. i screwed my eyes as i let out a cry of pleasure but he quickly muffles it with a kiss not wanting to wake up the others. he moved his head down and buries his head in my shoulder as i curl my arms around him feeling his toned back muscles and sharp shoulder blades .

his teeth graze down my throat and onto my neck as he moves in and out slowly. there was still abit of pain but it slowly started to fade. i moved my hips up to meet his and the pleasure doubled shooting up to my spine. i bit my lip as i moaned along with jonah.

he began to move in and out faster , groaning out in pleasure , mouth parted, eyes closed, head thrown back. i pulled him to me by tightening my legs around him and digging my fingernails into his back no doubt leaving marks. A low growl erupted from his chest as he latched his mouth onto my neck sucking hard.

i moved my hands down onto his toned stomach feeling all the details as i slid my fingers across his smooth skin. he flinched but released a long drawn out groaned and leaned into my touch.

he moved his lips up against mine and his hands buried in my hair as the kiss became hungry and wild. he started tugging as he grinded inside of me so hard and deep that i felt like i was on cloud nine. "fucking hell kiara"~ jonah

i felt myself tighten around him before i came apart in ecstasy with a scream. a few deep drives later he cried out my name before releasing into the condom.


finally more smut. this took me like 6 hours to write. i should go to sleep its 2am....

damn that took ages to write.

so this is kind of a double update so thank me later.

word count = 1363


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