Request a chapter.

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hey guys I'm so sad the book is over but I had an idea. if you guys want to you can request a chapter as a bonus chapter. it can be anything from Kiara and jonahs wedding to a smut chapter 😉 to a funny chapter to a girls night with Kelly and anna to a day in the life of anna and max to a chapter from a characters childhood to a certain chapter ive already wrote but in a different characters pov... the list goes on. feel free to request any kind of chapter those were just examples  and ill tell you if i can write it.

and if you guys want i can do a character Q&A.

just comment ANY kind of chapter and i will start writing it and publish it as a bonus chapter, if you guys also want the Q&A just comment some questions for ANY character or ever for me :)

i would love to do a Q&A but i need questions. xxx

love yall xx

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