no sleep

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the sound of multiple voices and heavy footsteps woke me up from my well deserved slumber. I swear down who on earth wakes up this early and makes this much noise in the morning. like let your girl sleep.

closing my eyes I tried to go back to sorry but the bed was just so warm and comfortable. I snuggled up further into the warmth trying to fall asleep again but we all know that didn't happen.

finally settling on the fact that I couldn't fall asleep I opened my eyes allowing the sun to blind the living hell out of me. I started to move causing a low groan to erupt from bellow me. once my eyes had adjusted to the light I looked up to see jonah stirring around.

my head was rested against his defined chest allowing my hair to spread all over him. one of my arms was on his chest next to my head and the other was on the side of his stomach. our legs were a tangled mess and his arms were wrapped firmly around me holding me against him protectively.

he looked so peaceful with his mouth slightly open allowing soft snores to escape him. his eyes were shut closed hiding his bright emerald eyes and his hair was a mess with bits sticking up all over the place....I might have had something to do with that *smiles innocently*.

I detangled my legs from his and slowly moved to get up and off of him but his arms only tightened. after slowly prying his arms off my body I managed to escape his hold and im now standing on the side of his bed trying to find my clothes. may I add we are both butt naked.

I couldnt find my duffel bag anywhere so instead I managed to find one of jonahs tops that was in his closet and grabbed it since his other top was thrown somewhere in his room when he ripped it off me . I couldn't find my shorts so I grabbed a pair of jonahs basketball shorts that reached my knees and a towel.

I made my way over to his bathroom and quickly hopped into the shower. hopefully a shower will help relax my muscles. it was hard to walk or do anything really since I was still sore, not as sore as my first time but still quite sore.

the hot water ran through my hair making it stick to my back and down onto my skin relaxing my muscles. I washed my hair out with one of jonahs shampoos and then lathered it in conditioner. once I had finished washing my whole body I turned off the water and slid into jonahs clothes that were unbelievably comfortable. why cant they make clothes for us girls like this it honestly isn't fair.

After quickly putting my hair up into a messy bun i checked if jonah was still asleep,which he was, and made my way downstairs. after tripping over multiple steps I managed to make my way to the bottom in one piece. I slipped on my trainers and walked over to the kitchen.

Daniel was standing by the fridge getting out a carton of orange juice and jack was sprawled out on the couch with a bowl of cereal watching some cartoon about some kid with a red shirt that had a massive star on it.

i walked over to the fridge to grab some milk to make a quick bowl of cereal since i was absolutely starving and i cant cook.

"hey when did you get here" a voice questioned from behind me and when i turned around i came face to face with massive ocean eyes...Daniel.

"oh last night i came back with jonah" i replied

"ahh i thought i saw your shoes"~ Daniel

he quickly patted me on the head before walking of into the living room to sit next to jack. i continued to make my breakfast by grabbing a half empty box of fruit loops and pouring them into my bowl before pouring milk.

i then put everything away before grabbing my bowl and jumping on the couch in between jack and Daniel. "nice clothes " jack said smirking at me.
"thankyou" i replied matching his smirk causing him and Daniel to laugh.

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