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•••kiaras pov•••
Here i was underneath a godlike figure half naked .... self conscious and this boy just asked me out.
"You heard me baby"~jonah he whispered against my ear lobe.
He then lifted his head up making eye contact with me. His eyes were darkened with lust. He then licked his lips...fuck what is this boy doing to me . I then flipped us both over so i was now on top straddling him. I slowly bit my lip as he growled deeply . I bent down slowly connecting our lips and started battling my tongue with his. My lips traveled down to his jaw where i slowly sucked on the skin then took my lips back up to his ear.He let out a moan and then flipped us both over so he was now ontop of me with one leg on each side of my waist . Jonah had a large smirk planted on his face he then licked his lips .
By now i was already standing up.
"Here go in there and put this on"~jonah he threw me a top and i ran into his bathroom.i heard someone coming upstairs so i quickly locked the door and put...his shirt on.
"Dude im changing get out"~jonah
"Dude why is the ice cream out its all melted....also why is there two bowls"~jack
"I wanted ice cream"~jonah said in a duhh tone
"That doesnt explain why there is two bowls"~jack
"One for the ice creme and one for the spoon"~jonah
"WAIT! Why are u here i thought u wer staying at logans"~jack
"I missed u guys"~jonah
"Dont chat shit with me"~jack
"Wait.?why are there girls shoes here"~jack
"Wheres kiara "~jack
"I didnt say she was here"~jonah
"Yeah but im not stupid, she always wears those shoes"~jack
No i don't
You really do
They're comfy dude
They probably stink
Yh ....
Nasty girl
Eat shit
"Maybe they're comfy...look comfy to me "~jonah
Told you
Get lost
"Wait whys the bathroom door locked maybe ill just open it"~jack
I decided to just open the door and walk out. I gave up with this.Jack isnt that stupid....stupid but not that stupid.
Get lost.
"Oh hey kiara"~jack said in a duh tone.

He then walked to the door and closed it.
"Both of u sit"~jack
"Im older than u"~jonah
"And i can tell the boys about what you to have been up to"~jack
"We didnt do anything "~jonah
That hurt.
"Explain the love bite on kiaras neck.....and the matching one on yours"~jack
Me and jonah immediately faced each other to have a look. Ohh shit.
"Look ill keep ur secret until ur ready to tell everyone your dating and had sex"~jack
I legitimately chocked
"We are NOT dating and didnt have sex"~jack
"Yet"~jonah whispered low enough so only i could hear .
"Sure"~jack"ill be downstairs....kiara u might want to change into your own top "~jack said walking out the room with a wink closing the door....
"Shit" i said leaning back onto jonahs bed .
He rolled over so he was ontop of me.
"Hey dont be sad...he will forget"~jonah
"No he wont"~kiara
"Here how about this....'why dont we' sleep here tonight, both of us"~jonah
"Im not sure jonah"~kiara
"Please come on it will be fun"~jonah
"Fine but your sleeping on the couch"~kiara
"The bed is big enough for us both"~jonah
"Fine ill sleep on the couch"~kiara
"Fine you take the bed"~jonah...he then got up and turned the light of walking out the room"good night."~jonah
"Goodnight jonah"~kiara
I wanted him to stay but i wouldnt be able to keep my hands to myself...
Hiyyyaaaaa... next weeks chapter may be delayed by 1 or 2 days as its exam week at school 🙄ikr
But it wont be to late i promise 😇
Anyway guys buckle the fuck up some serious sauciness coming up!

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