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this chapter takes place right where the last one ended.

kiara's pov

after Jonah had left me standing there shocked I went upstairs and grabbed my towel and robe. I decided to use the downstairs shower as Jonah was in the bathroom in our room. #

id say I had a quick shower but then I would be lying. I had finally managed to get rid of that awful smell by scrubbing myself down with one of Anna's strawberry and vanilla body scrubs from lush. don't even get me started on how long it took me to wash my hair. it was so tangled and all over the place.

once I was finally out I dried my hair and let it down to dry naturally. Jonah had said that he wanted to go out today to explore properly so I threw on a large baggy jumper that was baby blue and reached just bellow my thighs , I paired it with some plain black leggings and black converse.

Jonah still had my brothers car keys so we decided to take his car to town. "you ready"~ Jonah asked walking into the room.

"yup how do I look"~ kiara

his eyes scanned over my body for a few minuets before he walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. he was so bloody tall compared to me. looking straight into my eyes he said "on second thought I think I would rather explore you"~ jonah whispered. "Jonah."~ kiara "its not even like your brother Is here anyway we have nothing to lose. "~ Jonah replied smirking. "damn remember when I first met you and you were innocent"~ kiara. don't miss the fact that I smirked back at him.

his hand reached up and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear before leaning down and whispering "darling I was never innocent"~ Jonah

***a few hours later***
Jonah and I had been running around everywhere. we had bought a few things for the boys when we get back to LA and a few thing for ourselves. it started of with buying clothes for ourselves and by the end of our shopping spree we had bought a bunch of kids glasses...most of them were for Corbyn but we kept some for ourselves...don't judge.

we both got milkshakes from a small little shop I spotted on the way back and we were now heading back to the old house. we would have still been out if it wasn't for max complaining that he wants his car back.

Jonah pulled the car up into the driveway and parked it. I hopped out right before Jonah did and ran to the boot to grab all of our shopping bags well not all of them because by the time I opened the boot Jonah had got out and grabbed most of the bags leaving me with two. still holding my milkshake I ran to the front door and unlocked it. annas car was parked in front of the drive so I'm guessing they have decided to come back home.

when we got inside the sound of multiple voices filled the air. "kiara?"~max


with Jonah still following me I dropped the bags by the door and walked into the living room where I heard max's voice coming from. max and anna were both sitting next to each other in there jeans and plain shirts. opposite them in a dark black shirt and blue jeans was

"what is he doing here!"~kiara

"look kiara don't be mad ok just hear him out don't you think its about time you forgave him"~max "no actually I don't. were you there max, no. "~kiara "look he explained everything to me and yes I was pissed but hear him out ok"~max


"kiara it wont hurt to just listen to what he has to say"~Jonah

"UGH fine"~kiara

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