wedding crashers???

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WHAT!!!! I stopped walking as Jonah turned around with his stupid smirk still on his face.
"Come on Kiara it will be fun"~Jonah
"So you like don't know these people?!"~kiara
"No,  was driving past this morning and saw that there was a wedding and I have nothing else to do"~jonah
"Your bored so u decide to crash a BLOODY WEDDING"~kiara
"They won't even know we weren't invited"~jonah
"But what if we get caught...then what do we do...WE WILL GO TO JAIL"~kiara
"If, we get caught it's actually quite simple........we run"~jonah
"Come on kiara live a little, have some fun...dont be boring"~Jonah

WHAT! I beg ur pardon...
"ME BORING!!! Ur having a laugh. Im like a fun know what fine let's crash a wedding! "~kiara
I walked towards the venue dragging jonah behind me until he finally caught up with me.
We walked up to the entrance where there was surprisingly no security or anyone to check if you've got an invitation only a few guests standing around.
Hand in hand we entered the venue. The first thing that was there was a large table which had a bunch of wine glasses that were not filled with wine but fruit juice. Jonah grabbed two glasses and passed me one.
After walking through a long ass corridor we finally made it into what seems to be the main hall. Loud music was blasting while people made their way onto the dance floor. Everyone was either wearing a suit or a Beautiful dress. Jonah pulled me into the hall and towards the food. There was a bunch of fruit laid out along with sandwiches, chocolate and more little appetizers.

i grabbed a chocolate strawberry and plopped it in my mouth with a small moan. DAMN i havent had chocolate strawberries in ages. "kiara were in a public least wait until were home"~jonah i playfully glarred at him and hit him in the chest causing him to pout at me. "ouch kiara that really hurt "~jonah "suck it up"~kiara

i turned around to find that everyone was busy having fun . there were a few people by the front of the hall, near the dance floor talking and everyone else was either seated at their table, dancing or standing . "soo what should we do"~jonah "well lets go stand over there by the dance floor, near everyone else"~kiara "sure" we then walked over and stood their watching everyone else. we got a few glances but no one seemed to realize that we weren't meant to be here.

"hey jonah"~kiara "hmmm". "ima just pop to the ladies room , ill be back"~ kiara "sure , dont be to long"~jonah i walked away from him leaving him standing there  all alone. i made my way towards where i previously saw the ladies room when i first got here. pushing open the door i stepped inside . i didnt need to got toilet i just wanted to wash my hands and calm down ambit. we dont know anyone here and my hands are all sweety.

once i was done i stepped out of the ladies room and made my way back over towards jonah. a chuckle escaped my lips when i saw the current state he was in. surrounding him was about 7 women aged around 40-60. he looked extremely awkward but none of the ladies seemed to notice.

i walked up to him and stood next to him placing my hand in his. jonah made eye contact with me and his face suddenly softened as relife plastered his face. "ohhh so are you the girlfriend" one of the older ladies asked. "n-" "yes . yes she is"~jonah "ohhh well aint you lucky , you've got a good one here aye" another woman replied. "yes he is rather good looking isnt he. why couldnt my husband be this good looking" the first women replied. "hey thats my brother your talking about" another woman butted in. "well it isnt a lie. hes better looking then both our husbands put together"

jonah slowly grabbed my hand and ulled me out of the circle of women. "HEY WHERE YOU GOING" one of the women shouted at us. jonah and i broke into a sprint and ran towards the dance floor. once the women were out of sight we stopped running and surst into a fit of laughter. "damn i dont wanna be in the middle of that drama"~jonah "you sure jonah you seemed to be having the time of your life. the one in the green dress wanted to rip your clothes of and dont get me started on how the one in the pink was looking at you she wanted to just eat you up...give the women a chance aye" he looked up at me with a serious face before we both bursted out laughing again.

he walked up towards me and placed both his hands on my waist whilst mine snaked around his neck. "well seeing that were on the dance floor may i have this dance"~jonah only now did i glance around to realise we were in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people dancing."you may "~kiara as if on queue a slow song started playing. slowly we started swaying side to side with the occasional twirl and dip. i placed my head on jonah's chest as we just swayed.i could stay like this forever. even though i was wearing heels he was still so much taller than me. damn u tall people. once the song changed into something more lively most of the old people were replaced with younger teenagers to 20/30 year olds . jonah and i were just dancing and messing around on the dance floor for the next 10 minutes until i got thirsty.

"hey jonah ima get a drink"~kiara

"do you want me to come with?"~jonah aww this boy is to precious. "nahhh i think i can cope, want anything"~kiara "nah im fine, ima head to the mens room real quick"~jonah

we separated and i walked over to the table with all the small snacks on them. next to it was a smaller table with some clear plastic cups , a few drink bottles and some more fruit juice in wine glasses. i grabbed two glasses of the fruit juice. even though jonah didnt want any i got him one anyway. i turned around and saw jonah making his was out of the bathroom and back towards the dance floor probably expecting me to be there . "jonah!"~kiara. he was to far away and didn't hear me so he kept on walking. i lost him when he went into the crowds of people. dammit.

i started walking towards the dance floor that was quite far away but it wasn't long before I walked into something large and hard. I tripped backward but two strong arms were quickly wrapped around my waist to prevent me from falling. "oh my god I'm so sorry."~kiara "its fine honestly"I looked up to see a tall boy ,he wore a plain white dress shirt that was tucked into a dark pair of trousers. the top few buttons of the shirt were open revealing some of his tanned chests. he stood me up straight while I brushed off my dress. his dirty blondish brown hair was styled perfectly.I looked up to see him staring down at me with all too familiar striking blue eyes. the same blue eyes that i saw 2 years ago. the same ones that would look at me with love. I slowly backed away a few steps away from him. "Kiara...???". no, it cant be. it's been ages. how?! why here?! why is he here ?! my voice barely came out and when it did it was dry and emotionless ........."Callum?"

Dont know who callum is? Don't remember? You will next chapter 😏😉
aghhhhh, this chapter is a day late and im so sorry ive been busy as
im going on holiday. this chapter was going to be sweet and cute but being the evil person i am i added drama. I LIVE OF DRAMA . its like how a vampire survives on blood, i survive on dramaaaaaa.


anyway ima go now cuz its 1:30 am and i have a hairdressing appointment at 9am. damn, i shld be asleep . bye xxxx

word count = 1424


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