a house or a home

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I watched the scenery go by while in a flash as we drove back to my dads house. Jonah decided to sit in the passenger seat so he could catch up with jack ,our designated driver. " so guys what's happening. who are we dropping off? "~ jack

"well I was kind of hoping to go back to my dads house to just catch up a bit then later I would come over to your house "~ kiara.

the mention of going over to my dads house caused my dad to snap his head over into my direction with hopeful gleaming eyes. I just replied with a genuine smile. "do u want me to come or shall I go back with jack"~ Jonah "you can go back with jack and catch up with the boys "~ kiara "ok"~ jonah

we both smiled at each other as the car pulled up into the drive way of my dads house. it looks exactly the same as it did when I left except for the little bits and bobs. for example Kelly had moved my car and parked it here after i asked her. I had left it outside her house after the party and forgot to pick it up.there are a few more flowers covering the sides of the drive making the area look alot more lively.

Before getting out the car i noticed the 'for sale' sign  on the house next door also known as dianas house. I walked over to the boot to grab my suitcase from Jonah who had already taken mine and my dads suitcases out of the boot. dad grabbed his and after thanking Jonah and jack walked over to the front door to open it.

"ill see you in a while yeah?"~ Jonah said smiling down at me. "of course " I replied mimicking his smile. both his arms sneaked around my waist pulling me into him while he placed his lips against mine in a sweet kiss. his smile was evident as our lips moved in sync unlike our breathing. just as the kiss started it was over due to the loud beeping sound jack was causing with the car.

jonahs lips left mine along with his warmth as he walked over to jack and wacked him across the head with the back of his hand causing a loud smack sound to fill the air along with multiple laughs from both boys...noodle abuse.

Jonah said his goodbyes to me and my dad before leaving with jack. I walked up to the front door where my dad was stood staring at me with a smile and eyes full of amusement, there is no doubt he just saw all of that.

"he's a good man, you both remind me of your mom and I."~ dad

we both just smiled in silence at each other. it wasn't a awkward silence it was a comfortable silence. the type of silence you that could sit In forever with everyone you love without saying a word to each other yet it wouldn't be awkward.

as much as I kind of don't want to admit it now that I'm back home with my dad I have realised that I did miss my dad and I don't think I could live without him. I lost my mum and I don't think I could handle loosing my dad on top of that. yes he made a mistake but I don't blame him its not nice to be lonely .We all need someone who Is always there for us ,someone we could always rely on, our rock, someone who makes us smile ,someone who makes us laugh, someone who will stick with us throughout our ups and downs...someone like Jonah.

*** a hour later***
ive been sat in my room for the past hour just messing around. I put all of my clothes into the washing machine so my suitcase along with half of my closet is empty.

i have been looking back through a bunch of old books that i have kept since mom passed away and some from highschool. each one is full of pictures that hold a meaningful memory. memories i don't ever want to let go of or forget. times in my life where things were...perfect. i mean im happy now but back then there was no drama, no problems...nothing.

the only time i feel as happy as i was in those pictures is when im surrounded by my loved ones. people like Max , Anna , Zach , Jack , Daniel , Corbyn and Jonah. yes i do feel happy when im with my dad but things aren't the same as they used to be. i used to love my dad so much , he was the only one who made me extremely happy but i just feel like as ive grown older we have both drifted apart from one and other. i mean i still love him and all but things aren't the same

I don't even know about this house anymore it just doesn't feel like home. I feel like i don't belong here as if i am a outsider. this place used to be home to me but now its just another house. i feel lonely especially without max here...without jonah here.

"kiara come down food is ready"~dad

leaving everything on my bed i grabbed my robe and made my way downstairs. the first thing i noticed when i entered the kitchen was the table. our old table was no where to be seen. replacing it was a matte dark oak table that had 6 leather seats surrounding it.

hmmm well i wonder what happened to the old table...maybe there will be a bonus chapter about it...maybe ;)

dad was standing at the head of the table smiling at me. the whole table was covered with different types of foods from rice to chicken to fruit to pizza to vegetables to dessert.

right as i opened my mouth to speak the door bell rang causing panic to flash through dads eyes before he masked it up and walked over to the door to open it.

while he was answering the door i leaned over the table and grabbed a handful of green grapes shoving them in my mouth. hey its not like he will notice i mean he didn't count how many grapes he put in the bowl...did he?

"kiara so i kind of wanted to talk to you about something"~ dad

I turned around so fast that I started to feel dizzy but I quickly regained my posture by grabbing onto one of the chairs. imagine a little kid who just got caught eating the last cookie in the cookie jar...that's me right now.

my mouth was full of grapes no doubt leaving me looking like Theodore from Alvin and the chipmunks with massive cheeks.

once I had fully swallowed all the grapes I looked up of the ground coming face to face with my dad except he wasn't alone next to him in a tight black pencil skirt that reached just bellow her knees , sheer tights , a white blouse and blazer was -

"what is she doing here?!" I growled out

"kiara be nice she- were..i don't know how to say this umm look kiara were engaged "~ dad

joining there hands together my dad lifted her hand to show me the beautiful ring that was sat on her ring finger. it wasn't the same as my mums.

mums wedding ring was beautiful. words couldn't describe how beautiful it was. it was a 18K white and rose gold split shank engagement ring it had wispy white and pink diamond laced strands intertwining together. At the top of the ring all the strands came together to surround the round diamond that sat beautifully at the head of the ring.

her ring was a flat setting split shank twisted shoulder single-row engagement ring with a pavé-set round diamonds set halfway down the shank. it was also white gold but had no rose gold in it.

"y-your engaged t-to Diana?!"~ kiara

I can feel those grapes coming back out and not from my bum.


ah ok so the chapter is a few days late but ive been super busy with packing and shopping for my holiday in a few days. I will still be uploading as normal. sorry the chapter was late. I will try to publish the next one ASAP but I may be a bit busy :) hopefully it wont be as late as this one.
AGH I FORGOT TO MENTION. THX SO MUCH FOR 10k 😭😭😭😭😭. Love u guys so much

word count : 1453

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