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Kiara pov

***the next day***

I woke up way before Jonah did and got ready leaving him in the bed. I threw on some jeans and a random top and made my way downstairs. as we had bought groceries I decided on making some breakfast waffles for Jonah and I.

I grabbed all the ingredients and cooking supplies then mixed together the eggs , flour , milk , baking powder, vanilla and sugar into a bowl and poured it into the waffle cooker thing. as the last waffle was cooking I heard loud thumps coming from towards the stairs.

"morning"~Jonah said his voice deep and husky. I didn't have to turn around to know he had just woke up. "hey"~Kiara .I turned around and in front of me stood Jonah. his dark hair was absolutely messy and hanging over his eyes giving him the bed head look.

he was shirtless and showing of his toned stomach .... I had a sudden urge to trace my tongue over his abs...ikr wtf. he wore a baggy pair of track suite bottoms that hung extremely low on his lips revealing a sharp v line that would lead down to....DbhOji]'#75GXB'@#

a low chuckle made me snap my eyes up to meet Jonah's . he had a smirk plastered on his face and his eyes were full of lust and amusement. "careful Kiara "~Jonah he stood behind me pressing his front into my back and leaning over towards the waffle maker .with both his arms on either side of me he opened the waffle maker and turned it of. "don't wanna burn the waffle now do we" Jonah said , his hot breath fanning over my neck .

and with that he took one plate of waffles and walked out of the room.

"were going out so make sure your ready"~Jonah

****in the car****

we were both sat in the car making our way over to where ever we were going. I had asked Jonah but he wont budge at all. he had changed into a pair of black jeans and a blue top . "are we there yet"~Kiara "no" "how long"~Kiara "were almost there "~Jonah "when are u going to tell me where we are going. for all I know your going to kill me"~Kiara "darling if I was going to kill you I would have already done it"~Jonah "haha so funny"~Kiara "we are literally 2 minuets away"~Jonah and he was not lying two minuets later we pulled up into a massive parking lot . once I got out the car I realised we were in the middle of no where. surrounding up was trees and endless land. "where are we?"~Kiara "come on"~Jonah we walked through a large gate and into a small building. I followed Jonah into a room. the walls were covered in pictures of guns , gear and PAINTBALLING PICTURES. "Omg are we paintballing"~Kiara "yes you are"~?

Jonah and I turned around to see a member of staff standing there. "are you two Jonah and Kiara?"~? "yes we are"~Jonah "well hi I'm mickey your painballing session is in half an hour so we need to get you ready"~mickey

we followed him into another room that was full of things from helmets to suits to guns and paintballs. mickey took our cloth sizes and handed us both our padded suits and helmets. "the changing rooms are just on the left for woman and on the right for men , once you are done come back here to get your guns"~mickey

Jonah and I went our separate ways and about 5 minuets later I made my way back into that room. Jonah was already there picking out his gun so I went and joined him. mickey measured my arms then handed me a gun. once we were done we went into another room that was full of other people. "ok so you will all be split into two groups that are picked randomly"~ mickey "ok so if I call out your name your in group 1. ok so we have matt , Amy, chloe and Jonah "

Jonah walked into his group leaving me all alone. when I looked at him he was talking to the other boys and smirking at me. in his group was another boy , he was tall and blond. there was also two girls that looked like they were close friends as they were talking and laughing with eachother. one of the girls had dark skin . the other girl was tall and blond and wouldn't keep her eyes of Jonah. bitch.

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