21 questions⚠️💋

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Jonah released his grip on my legs and I slid down his back. "I used to come here as a kid with my older brother  "~Jonah I looked up at his face to find him staring off into the playground. my hand slowly found his his and wrapped itself around it .I tugged at his hand pulling him into the dimly lit playground causing him to shift his gaze towards me. he smiled lightly and walked in.

"OOHHHH SLIDEEE!!!"~Kiara  I let go of his hand and ran of towards the slide . I climbed the ladder and went down the slide with my hands in the air. Jonah just stood there  , hands in his pockets watching me with a amused expressing. once I was at the bottom I ran back round and repeated the process 2 more times. on my fourth round as I was running back towards the ladder two large hands were suddenly wrapped firmly around my waist pulling me hack against a hard chest. with a slight gasp I looked up to be met with bright blue eyes. "I'm guessing you like slides "~ Jonah whispered in a husky voice not breaking eye contact . we stared at each other for what felt like forever until he broke eye contact with me. my eyes shifted to where he was looking and saw two swings. he grabbed onto my hand pulling me towards them. we both sat down on separate swings not saying a word. the only sound was from my shoes rubbing against the concrete ground. I continued to slowly and weakly push myself into the air until his voice broke me from my own world . my eyes snapped up towards the side of his face noticing him looking of into the distance .

"I have a idea "~ Jonah . silence." we have been friends for a while and I don't really know anything about you "~ Jonah hurt washed over his face for but he quickly masked it with a smile. I nodded my head indicating for him to continue. "lets play 21 questions."~ Jonah he looked towards me with a small smirk . "ok u start "~ Kiara

"favourite food? "~ Jonah "pizza , favourite movie?"~Kiara "harry potter , one thing that annoys you?" "when people put the milk before the cereal, what makes you happy?" "my fans , have you ever cheated in a test?" " ye me and my best friend used our phones to answer the exam questions for our history exam , books or movies ?" "depends but id say probably books , do you shower in the morning or night" I let out a small chuckle at the randomness of his question "I'm a night shower kind of girl, how many girlfriends have you had?" "two , online friends or real friends? also lets walk."~ Jonah got up and held his hand out for me to grab. we walked out the playground and down the road. "it depends ... they both have there pros and cons , car or motorcycle?" "motorcycle, most expensive thing you've broke " "...I've broke a lot of things....the most expensive is probably my dads car door....don't ask how.... , what language do you wish you could speak fluently ?" "French, Spanish or Italian as there like the romantic sexy languages, what makes you nervous " we carried on walking as I thought  for a while until I answered "speaking in front of large crowds , wh - " 

the next thing I know my body was spun around and my back was flat against the cold brick wall behind me. " so I don't make you nervous "~Jonah said with a hint of mischief in his eyes and a large smirk on his lips. his body was a few places away from mine giving me some space. I gulped down then finally spoke. "nope"~I replied but it sounded like more of a question. Jonah took a step forward leaving a tiny bit of space between us and I mean tiny. "what about now "~ Jonah gulp. "n.no "~ Kiara  he took a step closer until my chest was pushed right against his. he moved his head over to my ear and in a husky , sexy voice he said " what about now?"~Jonah said , his hot breath caressed my neck sending a small shock through my body. " nn-no "~ Kiara my voice was barely audible. "you sure Kiara "~ Jonah even though it was almost impossible he some how took a step closer to me and moved his face back so I could see it. I looked up into his eyes but quickly diverted my gaze down...towards his lips. shit move Kiara . shit move. when I looked back up his eyes were coated with amusement , lust and something else. "you sure? "~ Jonah his voice came out as a whisper as he leaned forward planting his lips onto mine. it started of slow until his tongue  trailed over my bottom lip asking for  entrance . I denied at first but when he bit onto my bottom lip I granted him entrance . our tongues battled with each other for dominance and before I even realised it my hands were knotted  in his hair his arm snaked around my but pushing me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. I broke the kiss to finally breath . I leaned my head against the wall behind me closing my eyes and when I opened them after panting for air Jonah  placed a small peck on my jaw . He then  looked into my eyes.  "how about now... "~Jonah


hellooooooo. wow that escalated fast . anyway thankyou guys for all the love and support . this chapter took a while to write as I couldn't think of any questions so it took ages. new chapter soon xxx love yall xxx

word count = 1002


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