kiss me in the moonlight

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after a while I heard little splashes of water and Jonah gasping for air. after that I resurfaced from the water ."haha I won wooooo I wonnn hahahah"~kiara "how on earth did u last that long"~jonah"what can I say I'm a expert"~Kiara with that I now noticed how close we actually were .we both just stared at each other not a sound passed exept the gently russle of leaves as the wind blew past . slowly his soft silky hand reached out to grab onto my arm underwater. slowly, he rubbed his hand up and down my bare forearm leaving a burning sensation behind.his hand found mine as laced our fingers together the sudden contact and warmth caused a smile to tug at my lips. slowly he pulled our hands out of the water and pulled me even closer. he stared at our joint hands and a smile formed on his lips , he then looked back up to me and licked his plump soft lips instantly drawing my attention towards them. I stared lustfully at his now wet luscious lips as he moved even closer towards me. tilting my head  I felt his hot minty breath caress my neck .still not breaking eye contact as, his green eyes stood out as they stared lustfully into my own blue ones. teasingly ,he brushed his soft lips against mine causing my eyes to shut. his teeth gently grabbed onto my bottom lip as he slowly tugged at it. i let a quite moan, that i was trying to hold in ,escape my swollen red lips.Without warning, His lips crashed against mine as his hands fell towards my lower back. The kiss was full of lust and passion. My arms made their way up to his neck where i rapped one of them around and slowly tugged at his hair pulling him closer towards me. The kiss became alot more heated as his tongue explored my mouth. Suddenly, he lifted me up by my thighs and i rapped my legs around his lower waist. Before we got carried away i broke the kiss as we both panted heavily for air, his forehead was leant against mine and my eyes were shut.

"Kiara"~Jonah said in a deep raspy voice. "hmmm" "open your eyes" he replied and I done just that. our foreheads were still touching and his usual green eyes were blinded with lust making them a dark brownish green..."i lo-"~jonah "im freezing we should get going we don't wanna get ill"~kiara "yh ummm ok come on then"~jonah
We both swam back to the edge where i made jonah got out first as i turned around."baby u can look...i mean come on jonah jr wont mind"~jonah i started laughing so hard that for a second i forgot how to breath."jo-nah ju-niou-r"~i managed to say between laughs.
I asked jonah to turn around while i put my clothes on. Jonah gave me his jacket and we were now walking back home. "Did u have fun today"~jonah
"I had a amazing time, thankyou jonah"~kiara
"Anytime"~jonah i could see my house coming into view. Me and jonah were holding hands and i didnt want him to leave me just yet ...
kiara its like 2am
"Here we are then"~jonah
Only now I realised we were on my door step. Our hands separated and i had to fight the urge to grab back onto it, back onto the comfort...the warmth...the reassurance...the love?
No we arnt even dating it cant be love
But it could be
But im like 18
Age doesnt matter
What if he doesn't love me back.?.?.....
LOVE ME BACK?! I dont love i?
Stupid bloody brain. Ur meant to help me with this

"Uhh yeah .... sorry... thankyou...where are my ke-"~kiara
I was cut of by jonah kissing me. It was just a sweet simple kiss but damn he could put me in a coma.
He pulled away and gave me a innocent smile.
Damn this boy.
So i need to revise on the weekend as i have tests during the week so the next update will be like a few days late (like 2 days). Ill try to post asap.
Also this chapter isnt edited at all and its like 1 am . Sorry

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