Holiday house

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After the day at the beach jonah dropped me off at kellys house and as soon as i got inside even though it was like 2am she wanted to hear everything....and by everything I mean everything. Shes the only one ive told what happened and ever since she has been really supportive. My dad has tried to contact me endlessly but im kind of getting the vibe that he is starting to give up. I had given her my keys and asked her to move my car to my dads house and post the keys in the letter box. I never picked my car up after the party so it was still parked up outside.
Today is the day im going with Jonah. although my suitcase was fully packed Kelly threw in a few extras that belonged to her such as shorts ,crop top, extra swim suits and other things such as a bit more has been about 2 days since Jonah dropped me off and were leaving in the evening . I'm currently waiting for him to pick me up then were going to the wdw house and from there to the airport. the sound of a car horn broke me from my thoughts and snapped me back to reality. I walked up to the door to find Jonah getting out of his car and making his way over to me. suddenly two petit hands were rapped around me and I turned around to find that they belonged to Kelly. "don't go"~Kelly "awww hun I've got to"~Kiara "wait that's true if you don't go you wont 'get some'"~Kelly "hey you ready"~Jonah said , his minty breath caressing my neck. I turned around to find that he was surprisingly close, a lot closer than I thought."y-yyeahh"~Kiara. I said my final good byes to Kelly and walked over to the car.jonah being the gentleman he his took my suitcase and duffel bag off me and placed it in the boot. I held onto my handbag and go into the passenger seat.

after a while we arrived at the airport. we went through security but when we got to the boarding area a few fans approached us. they asked for photos and autographs then looked over to me."whos this"~fangirl1 "oh this is my friend Kiara"~Jonah I smiled and said hi ."OMG ARE YOU TWO DATING , I SHIP IT"~fangirl2 "n-"~Kiara "not yet"~Jonah said interrupting me and sending a wink over towards me.

****a few hours later****(#timeSkip cuz I'm lazy)

we arrived in Minnesota a few hours later. Jonah ended up falling asleep leaving me to fend for myself. we picked up our luggage and we were now on our way in a taxi to Jonah's holiday house. a few minuets later we pulled up to a VERY VERY big house. the back of it was surrounded by a small river and no other houses were nearby like at all. the house had 2 garages next to it."come on"~Jonah when I turned around Jonah was already out the ca4r and holding all our luggage . I rushed out and finally after some protest got my suitcase of him but not my duffel bag.after paying the taxi man we walked up to jonahs front door. he removed his keys from his pockets and unlocked the door , he then proceeded to enter a code into the number pad and after we heard a click we opened the door. the smell of lavender surrounded the house along with the scent of Jonah. No doubt you could tell this place cost alot of money. It was all dark wood on the inside with a little fire place in the living room and a large kitchen island. Jonah took the bags off me and took them upstairs. He motioned for me to follow so i did. We walked past a couple of rooms until jonah stopped at one of them.
"This is the guest bedroom and this is where your staying"~jonah
"He opened the door and  placed the bags down. The room was massive and beautiful.In the centre of the room was a large double bed that was black but had white sheets. The walls were white along with the floor. Jonah walked in and gave me a mini tour. There was a little bathroom and a little black closet. After that he showed me around the rest of the house from the bathroom to the kitchen to the garden and finally his room. His room was the room at the end of the corridor about 3 doors away from mine. It was double the size of mine with a dark black double bed with black sheets. The walls and floor were dark grey and his bathroom was black along with the walk in closet. After he showed me around we went downstairs were we ordered pizza and after a long fight we settled on a movie.
So i didnt want to add to much detail to this chapter as i thought it would be better if you imagined the house how you want to. This is how I imagine it but loads of people will imagine it differently . More details next chapter. 😘😘

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