Moving and meeting jonah

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Today was the day before i was moving. Ive packed up all my things into boxes and im just finishing up .
During the past two months ive graduated and hung out with the girls.

I cant lie , i am kind of exited to move. And the girls promised to come. Since we were moving quite far away i had to leave some of my things behind so i decided to give them to bri and paige to keep, and other bits and bobs are going to the charity shop.

Since im from England and  LA is in America we have to ship over all of our things however each of us still have 1 suitcase each . Ive just filled my suitcase with my everyday makeup and a few pairs of clothes. This is what i was wearing

****at the airport ****Bri and paige came to say goodbye along with anna and some of my family

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****at the airport ****
Bri and paige came to say goodbye along with anna and some of my family .
Anna was ok with a long distance relationship as long as they both were together.
"Promise you'll call us everyday"-bri said with tears rolling down her cheeks
"I promise and please dont cry... ill visit you guys whenever possible"~kiara
"AND GURRLL IF THERE ARE ANY CUTE BOYS U KNOW WHAT TO DO"~paige said laughing as tears slowly dripped from her eyes
"You bet i do"~kiara
"I love you guys so much... i will miss you"~kiara
"We will miss you too"~paige said as her expression slowly turned from a happy face to a sad one.
They both then brought me into a hug and i could hear them crying.
"Umm.. w-we br-ought y-you summin"~paige
"Sorry its not very much"~bri
"Aww guys you shouldnt have"~kiara
They then handed me the perfectly wrapped present i opened it and inside was a picture from with a picture of all three of us and a box of chocolates..
"Awww guys "~kiara
I now has tears rolling down my face.
'Flight 607 first class to La bording now'
"Umm i guess thats me"~kiara
"C'mon kiddo we need to go"~dad
"Umm o-ok b-bbye"~kiara
"Guess thi-s is gudbye"~paige
Paige then brought me into a hug as I cried
"Oi idiots u forgot about me"~bri
Me and paige laughed as we pulled her into our hug.
'Last call for Flight 607 first class to LA'
"Bye guys"~kiara
"B-bye"~paige and bri
***on the plane***
Because we were late all of us had separate seats . Max was 16c , dad was 4f and i was 22b. I finally found my seat , on my left was a oldish woman who was already asleep and had food crumbs on her face .
"Ugh great"~kiara murmured
"Hahaha i feel you"-?
I then turned around to see a young tall boy around my age with brown hair and blue eyes sitting down in the exact same seat as mr but on the opposite side . I then glanced next to him and saw a old fat guy sleeping with his shoes of .
"Hahah u got it worse"~kiara
"Its not funny"~?
"Yes it is"~kiara
"U try sitting here "~?
"I think im good"~kiara
"Im jonah by the way"~jonah
"Im kiara"~kiara said with a welcoming smile
Me and jonah than started talking for a while and before i knolew it we only had 2 hours left of the flight.
"Sooo do you live in LA"~jonah
"No..well basically moving there from England"~kiara
"Well that explains the British accent....
its cute"~jonah
I then felt my cheeks heat up.
"Thank u live in La"~kiara
"Haha yes i do and ur even cuter when you blush"~jonah
I swear i turned into a tomato.
WAIT, DiD HE cAll mE cUTe ....OMG
"Umm what...y-yeah"~kiara
"As i said maybe one day i could give you a tour ....umm if its ok with you obviously "~jonah said rubbing the back of his neck.
I then got up and sat next to him . Dont worry we were allowed to move.
"S-sure that would be nice"~kiara
"Umm is it ok if i take your p-"~jonah
"Hey kiara"~max
Wow great thanks max for ruining the moment .
I could see from the corner of my eyes jonah looked sad and angry ... why is he angry we were getting on so well. I swear men have the weirdest mood swings. Its like they're on their periods
•••jonahs pov•••
"Hey kiara"~?
Wait.what! jonah how could you be so stupid . Obviously she has a boyfriend. UGH ITS ALWAYS ME.
"Hey max"~kiara
Oh ok so his name is max ...what kind if name is max. Its like a basic bitch name.
"Hi .. who is this "~max
"His name is jonah"~kiara
"Hi im jonah .. jonah marais"~jonah
"Ive heard your name somewhere before"~max
"N-no..umm..i dont think you have"~jonah
"Anyway..kiara when we land were going straight to lunch"~max
Oh great they also have a date ... no fucking way. GREAT FRICKEN GREAT
"Ok big bro"~kiara
Kiara then bursted out laughing
"Im going to go back to my seat...bye?"~max
•••kiaras pov•••
Max just left to go to his seat
I was still laughing when jonah said:
"I know what you were doing"~jonah
"And whats that" ~i said raising a eyebrow.
We then carried on talking and exchanged numbers ..

So guys what do you think of this chapter . Its about 400-500 more words than usual; my usual chapters are about 650 words and thins one is 965. Fun fact: i wrote this chapter and it was 1100 words (if not more) then i forgot to save it !!!! Worst thing ever 😭😭😭 anyway byeeeeeeee
-isha xx

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