New neighbours ❤️

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Me and max just walked around the area and now we were at home and i decided i was going to keep on what i had but i just touched up on my makeup and decided to curl my hair.
"Kiara hurry up we dont want to be late"~dad
"Im ready lets go"~kiara
***at the neighbours house***
We knocked on the door and it was opened by a young lady with blond hair and grenish greyish eyes she looked like she was in her 40's. But she still looked really young .
"Hello you must be our new neighbours im diana"~?
"Hello im andrew this is max my eldest son and this is kiara "~dad
"Please come in"~diana
We then entered the house and as soon as we walked in we were greeted by the fresh smell of lavender .
We the walked through the mirrored hallway into the dining room where there was a tall dark haired male with green eyes setting up the table he looked like he was in his 50's
We then sat down at the dining table while my dad and max talked to  harry(the guy) and diana went upstairs.
"Sorry about that im back and this is my son Liam "~diana
A tall blond then walked into the room . He then made his way to his seat opposite me and i didnt realise but i was staring at him and as soon as he made eye contact with me ,for the first time,I quickly put my head down and ate . I could feel the intense stare from his stormy eyes as they bore into the top of my head . I decided to stay quite and play with my food while everyone was talking because im just not good with this kind of stuff
"So kiara how old are you"~diana
"Im 18"~kiara
"Oh ok so your a year younger than me"~liam
"Um yeah i guess"~kiara
"Im going to go and get the cake"~harry
Harry then started to clear the table so i decided to help.
"Its fine you sit down ill do it "~harry
"Its ok i like helping"~kiara
Liam then got up and started to help clear up.
****after dessert****
We had finished eating and we were now all talking .
"So max do you have a job"~harry
"Well i did in the uk but i dont have one here"~max
"You could work with me if your interested"~Liam
"Oh ok what do you do"~max
"I work at my dads company helping with cars and stuff maybe just work there temporarily "~liam
"Yeah that sounds good "~max
While they were talking about jobs it really had me thinking about finding a job.
We were now leaving there house and going back home when suddenly i heard a my name called i turned around to see liam running up to me.
"Your brother forgot this ... its my dads work number and address "~liam
"Um yeah ill give it to him"~kiara
"Yeah um thankyou"~liam
We were just standing there kind of staring at eachother when my dad called my name
"Kiara hurry up"~dad
"Um ive got to go"~kiara
"Yeah sure um bye"~liam
***the next day***
I was up and doing my hair when i got a call from a unknown number
"Hello kiara"~? A deep masculine unfamiliar voice said
"How do you know my name"~kiara
"Who are you"~kiara
"Im your worst nightmare "~?
"And im harry potter bitch"~kiara
"Your a wizard harry"~zach
"Oi zach u just gave it away"~daniel
"give me the phone"~jonah
"Ooooo jonah "~zach
"Guys im still here"~kiara
"Sorry about that"~jonah
"Its ok"~kiara
"Why dont you come over"~jonah

Guys i know what your thinking you want jonah and kiara to get together and I promise that will 100% happen but there needs to be drama i mean whats a good fanfic without drama? ( dont answer that) WDW SLEEPOVER NEXT CHAPTER OR MAYBE TWO CHAPTERS❤️❤️❤️ also ive been watching so much greys anatomy like for 12 hours straight 🙂😝😶 sue me

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