max dont cry

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We were now off the plane . The flight was pretty boring as me and max really didn't talk that much. As much as i wanted to talk to him i could tell he wanted to be alone and he just wanted to think . I also didnt bring up the subject of anna again as i could tell he really really didnt want to talk about that. Im not sure what has happened but im guessing its bad.
We were currently in a uber on our way to the hospital near our old house. La and england are quite different if im being honest. England was kind of boring and plain as for La , there are people everywhere its lively and all together just a diffrent feeling.
***at the hospital***
We have been here for about 2 hours sitting in the waiting room. Anna was in a car accident and she's currently in a coma . When the doctors came up to us and told us what was happening i broke down i couldnt fight the tears and as soon as i let it all out max walked out if the room . I was currently outside trying to find him , ive searched everywhere from the top floor to the bottom but unfortunately ive had no luck...nothing new im always unlucky.
I had one last place to look and that was at the mini park behind the hospital. The park was literally so small i dont even know if we can call it a park . It consisted of 3 benches and a little built in basket ball hoop . Max and i would come here when our parents were arguing .not many people knew about it including our dad.
As i turned the corner there he was sitting down on a bench elbows on his knees and face in his hands . I could hear sobbing sounds that were extremely muffled but not impossible to hear .
"What do u want"~max
"Are you ok?"~kiara as soon as the words left my moth I instantly regretted it why on earth would he be ok .
He didnt reply
"No kiara im not fucking ok WHY would i be ok "~max
"Im sorry"~kiara
"Im destroyed you WOULDNT UNDERSTAND KIARA "~max shouted making eye contact with me
"STOP IT"~kiara
We just stared at each ither tears staining both of our cheeks .
"Please max"~i wispered out .
It had been about 20 seconds and he hadn't said anything .
"Kiara look im sorry"~max
"please come here"~max
... his once green eyes were now a dark shade of brown. His eyes were puffy and red as if he's been rubbing them to much . I finally moved from the spot i was standing in and sat down next to him. He put his head back into his palms
"Kiara i cant do this .... not again"~max
"Max im here its going to be fine "~kiara
"What if she doesnt wake up.....what if i never get to give her my last name , have kids that look just like us , give you the chance to be a aunty , go on vacation "~max
I stayed silent , i knew not to say anything that was until i saw a tear escape from between his palms.
"Max dont cry ..... please"~kiara
*** at night ***
We weren't allowed in annas room yet the doctors said that if we came back tomorrow theres a 20% chance we could go in. Max being the arrogant ass he is decided on staying at the hospital while leaving me to find a place to stay. I would have stayed in the hospital but i dont really have many good memories of them so i was planning on calling paige or bri.
"Hello"~paige i felt so bad i knew she was asleep but i really didnt have another option apart from calling bri but if i did she would most likely run after me with a knife for waking her up.
"Hey paige"~kiara
"Whats wrongs babe"~paige
"I kind of need a place to stay"~kiara
"But your in LA mate "~paige
"You see thats the thing im kind of back"~kiara reply
"Queen Eliza hospital "~kiara
"Im at the back "~kiara
"What have u done this time,broke ur leg putting on ur underwear "~paige
"No lol ill explain to u tmro"~kiara
Soooo this chapter was boring ..... im sowwyyy....

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