ill sit in the trolley and you can push me

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This is from just before jonah found kiara and its in jojo's pov :p

jonahs pov
I sat on my bed thinking about what happened today. It was kind of my fault. If i didnt take her there none of this would have happened. I just wanted to do something fun but no the world has something else planned. bloody hell Jonah all you do is mess up. I could hear Kiara making her way upstairs and into her room. I doubt she will be coming out any time soon. not to long after I heard the shower running.

I started to think about that idiot and how bad I wanted to punch his face in . who does he think he is. he fucking left her so he could go out with a hoe. ugh. Kiara deserves much better.

I got up and went downstairs to grab a glass of orange juice. the bottle was half empty so I'm guessing Kiara had some aswell. I opened one of the cupboards and got out two packed of spicy Doritos , one for me and one for Kiara that I could leave in her room for when she got out. I walked upstairs and put my packet down on my bedside table along with the glass of orange juice .

grabbing the other packed I walked over to kiaras room. I could hear the sound of water hitting the shower floor which told me she was still in the shower, don't want any awkward moments to happen again now do we ( throw back to the chapter 'awkward' damn the good old times ) . I pushed down on her door handle and walked into her room. a glass of orange juice that was still full was sitting on her bedside table so I put the bag of Doritos next to it.

just as I was about to leave I heard a little sound come from the bathroom, I decided to ignore it but when I got to the door to leave I heard it again and again and again. I walked up to the bathroom and pressed my ear against the door so I could hear clearly. instantly my body tensed up....w-was she crying. little whimpers and sobs escaped her lips until I decided to speak up.

"Kiara....Kiara are you ok?"~Jonah . you idiot of course she isn't alright. she just found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and she's crying you fucking idiot. "please don't ignore me"~Jonah

the water and her cries suddenly stopped telling me that she had heard me but she didn't reply. "Kiara ill knock down this door please come out "~Jonah that wasn't a lie I would knock down the door. "Jonah I'm fine "~Kiara her voice was dry and emotionless. this just made me worried. "open this door Kiara I'm not going anywhere "~Jonah not to long after I said that I heard the sound of shuffling as the door was suddenly pushed open. I let out a sigh of relief but then tensed up again whilst I took in her appearance . her eyes were bloodshot red , puffy and looked very tiered. "you've been crying"~Jonah

mere seconds later she dropped to the floor still clutching onto her towel . she cried again making it clear she was crying. I walked over to her and picked her up with ease pulling her into my chest. I whispered sweet nothings into her ear as I took her to my room.

I placed her down on my bed and gave her one of my clean shirts and a pair of shorts to change into. I turned around and changed quickly. once I knew she was changed I turned the light of and went to lie down next to her. I pulled her into my chest and slowly ran my fingers threw her hair and the other was slowly rubbing her back. not to long after she fell asleep probably exhausted after crying.

this was all my fault.

****the next day****

this is in kiaras pov :)

I woke up after a warm , comfortable sleep. I looked up to see Jonah sleeping. suddenly a flow of thoughts of what happened yesterday came rushing back to me. damn I'm a pain in the ass. trying to move on from what happened I focused on Jonah's face.

damn god took his time on him. his skin was clear and perfect .... so smooth. He had little freckles on his cheeks that you couldn't see unless you were this close up. dark thick lashes framed his eyes and don't even get me started on his jawline , that shit would cut like a bitch. his lips were thick and so kissable. suddenly his peaceful face turned into a smirking one. " you should take a picture it would last longer "~Jonah WTF HE WAS AWAKE ALL THAT TIME . feeling a blush slowly creeping onto my face I shoved my face into his chest causing him to let out a husky chuckle .

***later on***

Jonah and I had gone our separate ways while we got ready. I took of his shirt and shorts and threw them somewhere in my room. I got changed into something more appropriate and grabbed my phone. only now did it dawn on me that I didn't drink that orange juice. Damn I need to throw that away. I went to grab the glass , next to it was a bag of Doritos that I don't remember bringing up. Jonah must of left them for me, awwww so sweet.

I brought the glass downstairs and washed it. not to long later Jonah was coming down the stairs in a black v neck and blue ripped jeans. "you ready?"~Jonah "yeah why?"~Kiara "Well you see the fridge is kind of empty so we need to go grocery shopping"~Jonah

***at the shop***(so many time skipsssss srry :p)

we pulled up into the parking lot and parked the car. I got out and grabbed a trolley. I walked into the shop with Jonah not to far behind me. ignoring all the other isles I went straight to the one filled with sweets , chocolate and CAKE. Jonah ran up to me and snatched the trolley of me . "hey!"~Kiara

"this is so unhealthy"~Jonah replied shaking his head. "please please please please please please "~Kiara "ughhh shut upppp fine yes ok sure"~Jonah and with that said I jumped into the trolley "ON FORTH MY NOBLE STEED"~KIARA Jonah let out a chuckle and obeyed pushing the trolley forward with me inside it. I held my hand out pulling a bunch of candy into the trolley.

"wooooo"~Kiara "diabetes in a fucking trolley"~Jonah when we got to the end of the isle Jonah speed up and started running pushing me along with him. "aghhhh"~Kiara he made a sudden swerve into another isle and before I could grab anything he speed up even more turning at the end of the isle.


Jonah ran from isle to isle while I put random shit into the basket. after a few minuets of gaining weird looks from strangers we stopped to examine what we had in the trolley. "ok so we have a bunch of junk...tinned fish...drinks...crisps...milk...mustard...OMG WE FORGOT PIZZA"~Kiara "ok firstly do you even eat tinned fish"~Jonah "no"~Kiara "well.....anyway, lets get pizza"~Jonah we walked,well Jonah walked and I sat in the trolley , over to the pizza isle . I grabbed some pineapple pizza while Jonah grabbed some pepperoni pizza and we put them in the basket. I got out the trolley and ran over to the ice cream section. I grabbed a bunch of shit from ben&jerrys to chocolate to penut butter to caramel... you get the point.

we walked over to the till and dumped everything on the conveyor belt. we walked over to the other side so we could pack everything up. a old woman was serving us . now don't get me wrong I love old people but not the type who give me dirty looks like this one. I heard her mutter 'bloody kids' under her breath as she started scanning everything. "are you buying all of this?"~old lady "well yes we are obviously"~Kiara "are your parents here?"~old lady .Bitch. I put on my most posh , mature accent and replied with "no why would they be here I'm sure two mature 27 year olds can go shopping on there own. me and my husband Jeremy here just came out to get some groceries as I'm feeding for two. you know with our baby and all isn't that right jeremy dear."~Kiara I said pointing to Jonah. "oh yes darling. we better hurry up as all 7 of our kids are waiting for us"~Jonah said sending a wink towards me causing my cheeks to heat up. I turned to look at the old lady . she looked like she just saw Michael jacksons ghost. haha gotcha bitch. "well um I'm very sorry then"~old lady

after we paid for everything we walked out of the shop and bursted out laughing."damn her face was priceless"~Jonah "I know right "~Kiara Jonah suddenly walked up to me and gently pushed me against the wall. "well all of our 7 kids our waiting aint they so we better hurry up shouldnt we my dear wife"~Jonah said leaning into my ear. When he pulled away there was no doubt that he had that stupid little smirk plastered on his face. He just winked at me then looked away.


I didn't know how to end this chapter but I'm pretty sure this is one of my longest chapters in the book , or second longest I'm not sure yet. anyway ima go now I got to get in the shower. bye xxx

word count = 1634


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