You look beautiful

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I woke up from the smell of freshly made pancakes. I jumped out of bed and threw on my fluffy white robe as I ran down the stairs. When I got home yesterday Kelly had left me a note saying
'I left and went home because I didn't want to disturb ;) if ya know what I mean. Anyway call me tomorrow. We're going partying...u can bring Jonah ;)'
So I guess I'm going to a party.
"Hey kiara. I made pancakes"~dad
"I can smell them"~kiara
I sat down at the kitchen island and my dad placed a large plate with 2 pancakes and syrup down in front of me. Dad then sat down opposite me with his plate. "Kiara I need to talk to you..."~ dad
"Yeah him here...let's
"So Anna is out of a coma and she is slowly getting better according to max"~dad
"OMG that really good can we visit her soon? Is she ok? When is ma coming back?"~kiara
"We'll that's what I wanted to talk to you about....we can go visit Anna nod max soon"~dad
"Yassss. So when is max coming back"~kiara
"We'll umm he isn't....listen to me first. He decided it would be better if he stayed in England for a while until Anna is better....he will be back in a few months"~dad
"W-what...a few months? At least Anna would be ok"~kiara
***2 hours later***
I was now sitting in a little cafe waiting for kelly to arrive so we can sort out this party.
My phone started ringing and i picked it up to see the caller id and instead i was welcomed with a mugshot of kelly that i took when she was curling my hair. I bursted out laughing and answered it.
"Hey kiara ima be a bit late give me 20 minuets"~kell
"Oki sure im at the little cafe down the road"~kiara
"Okie sure im on my way. See ya soon"~kell
We both said our goodbyes and hung up the phone . I sat there with my earphones plugged in while i blasted fall out bit and a book in my hands. I started reading my book and before i knew it someone was sitting in front of me.
"Ok so what we gonna do about this party"~i said without my eyes leaving my book.
"Ughh what party?"~? My eyes shot up and meet with some familiar piercing greeny blue ones.
"What party kiara?"~jonah
"Ohh umm i thought u were someone else....remember that girl kelly"~kiara
"Wait so your throwing a party and im not invited?"~jonah as he pretend to wipe a way a tear and placed his hand on his heart.
"Kiara i am deeply offended and i dont think i can talk to u anymore "~jonah
"Fineeeee you can come"~kiara
"WHAT.really. Wait till i tell the guys"~jonah
"Ok so ur now inviting the your monkey friends. You should have named ur band 'the five monkeys' "~kiara
"Hey hey hey ill have you know im not a monkey no monkey ive seen has a big long co-"~jonah
"So im here what did i miss"~kell
"Oh nothing jonah here was just leaving"~kiara
"Hey no im not"~jonah
"Let the poor boy be. Jonah can stay now hoes ima go order ma coffee"~kell
She then walked of towards the till leaving me along with jonah.
"So whens the party"~Jonah
"Tomorrow...we are just kind of planning it today"~kiara
"Your gonna try and plan a party in 1 day?!"jonah
"Well kelly had already done most of the work i just need to go shopping for a dress. We need to buy food plates and cups"~kiara
"Well i can help"~jonah
"Nope.ive ordered everything kiara i done it in the morning all you need to do is arrive tomorrow at my house. Ill send you the details"~kelly
"Wait how long have u known this girl for"~jonah
"About 1-2 days"~kiara
"She could be a serial killer"~jonah
"DAMN u jonah u just gave my identity away"~kelly
"Ha ha very funny."~kiara
"Anyway kiara were going shopping. Jonah wanna come"~kelly
"Well it cant be that bad sure ill come"~jonah said whilst smirking at me.
The bloody devil . Im telling ya he is. Behind that cute boyish face hes the devil.LUCIFER
"Of course u will"~kiara said rolling her eyes.
"Carry on rolling ur eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there"~jonah
"Save the arguments for marriage now get yo fat asses up"~kelly
***a few hours later***
"How longgg. Why did i even comee"~jonah
"Ugh shut your mouth "~kiara
"Make me"~jonah said pushing his pouted lips out towards me
"In your dreams"~kiara
"So i come with you shopping. And then you give me all the shopping bags. Buying this much should be illegal. And then i dont even get a kiss"~jonah
"U said you wanted to come"~kiara
"AHHH LOOK AT THAT DRESS! Omg kiara you need that dress"~kelly
"I dont understand why i cant just wear jeans"~kiara
"Because u cant"~kelly
"We have been here for a few hours kiara and you still havent picked out a dress"~jonah
We walked into the store and with a little help from customer service we found the rail with the dress from the shop window. The one in the display window was a baby blue colour but here they have loads from pink to green.
Instantly , i picked up the dress in the colour black and was about to walk to the dressing rooms when i felt a hand on my shoulder pull me back.
"What do u mean i thought you liked the dress"~kiara
"I love the dress but not black. Girl all of ur clothes are black , i mean have you seen your own closet "~kelly
I walked back putting the dress back onto the rail and another dress caught my attention. It was the same thing but in a dark red/maroon colour. I picked it up and headed towards the changing rooms.
•••jonahs pov•••
Kiara was now inside the changing room trying on the dress. I decided to wait outside in the seating area until she cane out. Kelly had left to grab 3 smoothies for everyone.
"Alright i think this looks good"~kiara
She then opened up the changing rooms and stared down at her feet. The dress webt across her shoulders and it was a dark red colour. It stopped in-between her thigh and knee. It was slightly longer from the back and the colour really complimented her skin.
"Wait. Wheres kelly"~kiara said while staring up at me
"Shes coming back she went to get us smoothies"~jonah
She then looked back down at her toes. Obviously she was starting to feel self conscious.
ugh i dont think i should get it"~kiara
I then stood up and walked over to her placing my finger under her chin so i could push her head up to face me. Her blue eyes stared directly into mine.
"Hey hey hey you look beautiful.the dress looks really nice and you should get."~jonah wow since when did my voice get so soft.DAMN im good at this .
I then bent down and gave her a sweet gently kiss on the lips . Slowly pushing her back against the wall . I placed one of my hands flat against the wall next to her head and pushed our body closer.
"Wow wow wow i go for two minutes and come back to this. Get a damn room people"~kelly
We both broke apart and stared at kelly . Kiara bursted out laughing and i followed just after her.
AGHHH dont kill me . Test week is over so ima be updating as usual from now on. Every 4/5 days. Anyway my tests went good so yeah. This chapter is 1404 words long so it's basically two chapters in 1 as i was gone for 7 days. Anyway see ya in the next chapter 😘😘😘 p.s. the dress kiara bought is in the picture thing above. ❤️

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