wedding part 2

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guys there is a VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END. I really need u guys to read it. thxxxx I also put a tiny bit of it here :

I was planning on starting a new book once I finished this one so I was wondering if you guys had any suggestion as to who it should be about? heroin ? noodles ? jojo ? Corbean ? or Daniiiii ? I don't mind writing another Jonah based book its just I wanna write one for the other boys but whatever u guys think.

the new book will be about more of a bad boy kind of thing.

I rlly need help and wanna know what u guys think.


I have FINALLY done my makeup properly. it took bloody ages but have done it. in high school / secondary school this was easy but when I try to do it now I just failed about 1,000,000 times .

THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I HAD TO WIPE OF EVERYTHING ! especially the eyeliner and eyeshadow. my eyes feel completely sore and weak. There is no doubt that they are all puffy.

thankfully with the help of YouTube and some James Charles I have been able to created....something.

the boys were just setting up the church while anna and I were chilling watching Deadpool *smirks*.

I had put on my dress on , at first it was unbelievable uncomfortable but now I've grown use to it and its actually quite comfortable. I cant say the same about the heals though. those things should be illegal THEY ARE TOURTURE MACHINES.

I had also become use to the fact that Anna is completely chill and isn't worrying about anything. if anything ive joined her.

"whats the time" I asked not taking my eyes of the screen.

"ugh its 7:20"~ anna


"ok"~ anna


I got up and switched the tv of. "NO NOT MY BABY RYAN REYNOLDS TURN IT ON"~Anna

"Anna"~ kiara

"kiara"~ anna


I quickly put my heels on and checked if my hair and makeup was alright. I wiped down my dress to get rid of any left over crumbs.

"im coming"~ kiara

I walked over to the door and slipped out.

"hey do y-"~ kiara

"wow"~ Jonah

his eyes scanned over my body taking in everything.

"do I look umm ok?"~ kiara

"ok kiara you look fucking beautiful"~ Jonah stated looking into my eyes.

"your so fucking beautiful. im the luckiest man alive"~ Jonah

he then picked me up by the waist and spun me around making my dress flare out.

once he stopped he didn't put me down but instead he just stared into my eyes . "I love you"~ Jonah "I know" I replied genuinely smiling .

he then gently placed his lips on mine as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

****30 mins later****
we were all standing at the end of the hall waiting for Anna to walk down the isle with her dad. Jonah was standing next to max and one of max's other friends while I was standing on the opposite side with one of Annas friends waiting for anna.

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