Expensive wedding dresses

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i woke up the next day after a long deserved comfy sleep. the bed was soo comfy that i could stay in it all day and i would have if it wasnt for the smell of pancakes that surrounded me. pushing off the fluffy duvet i swung my legs over the edge of the bed and walked into the bathroom. i quickly brushed my teeth and threw on a pair of black leggings along with a oversized white sweatshirt. i made my bed then walked downstairs into the kitchen expecting jonah to be there but he wasnt. i walked over to the  counter where there was a pile of pancakes and a note.

i made some breakfast but you were sleeping and ive been warned not to wake u up when ur sleeping so i left the pancakes in a tray counter. ive gone out but ill be back soon dont miss me to much ;) also i left you a dress its in the big bag by the living room put it on and be ready by 3.


before i looked for the bag and dress i heated up the pancakes and quickly ate them. once i was finished i washed my plate and put it away.i went into the living room and within a few seconds i had the large bag in my hands and was carrying it upstairs. i checked th etime on my phone to find that it was 12:23 so i have about 2 hours to get ready. i have no idea why there is a dress here or why im getting ready or where im going but i decided i shouldnt question jonah so i got ready.

firstly i had a quick shower and by quick i mean about 30 mins. using my new strawberry shampoo and conditioner i washed my hair and then quickly cleaned my body. once i was out i wrapped myself up in a towel and looked at the time. ok so i have about 1 and a half hours left. i decided on not dressing up to much so i quickly blow dryed my hair out then straightened it. i wasnt really in the mood for much makeup so all i done was put on some cream , a bit of mascarra and soem lipbalm.

i left the bathroom and walked over to the closet. i slipped on my underwear and bra then made my way over to the bag. i took out the dress and shoe box then threw the bag on the floor. a large black bag was covering the dress to prevent any damage. i layed the dress on my bed and slowly unzipped the bag trying not to break anything. once the zip was at the bottom i pulled out the dress revealing a long baby blue strapless dress.the top half was covered in diamonds(obviously not real) that slowly faided out up to the waist. it had a sweetheart neck and long layers of lace and silk making up the skirt of the dress. there was no doubt that the dress was absolutely stunning. I held it up against my body and walked over to the mirror. Wow. Me being the impatient girl i am i dropped my towel and quickly put the dress on. The back of the dress was open and had some straps on it that were also covered in diamonds. The dress stopped just above my feet so i probably had to wear heals with it. I walked back over to my bed and opened up the shoe box. Inside was a pair of silver heals that weren't to high but high enough. I grabbed my bag , phone and lipgloss along with the heals and went downstairs. I now only had a few minutes to wait so i quickly slipped on my shoes. Once they were on i went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

Ok so hold up. Jonah left me in the morning, left me a note telling me to get ready, bought a very nice and probably very expensive dress along with heals and made me put them on and now im waiting for him. Not at one point did I question why i he bought a bloody wedding like dress for me but instead i put it on. Bloody hell. WHERE R WE GOING THAT NEEDS ME TO DRESS UP LIKE THIS !!!!!

i checked the time on my phone to see how long i have to wait untill i get some answers. 14:57... jonah should be here any second now. *knock knock* speaking of the devil. i stood up from the couch and walked over to the door trying not to fall. me being the clumzy person i am i could bet you i will fall. i grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door. WAIT THIS IS JONAHS HOUSE WHY IS HE KNOCKING. HE CAN JUST OPEN THE DOOR. HE HAS A KEY.

once i unlocked the door i stood back and pushed it open. jonah was looking down at the floor. he wore a dark black suit with a white shirt. it was a perfect fit and brought out all the right features. along with the suit he wore a baby blue tie that was the same colour as my dress. his dark hair was styled perfectly.... DAMN HE LOOKIN LIKE A SHNACK. he looked up from the ground and found my eyes after scanning my body from head to toe shamelessly. "wow.....as much as i like that dress on you i just wanna rip it of"~jonah said breathlessly

WHAT! HE WANTS TO RIP IT OF ME! HE WANTS TO F- WHAT!!!! shit. girl we all know you wanna just rip of his suit and see his 'oh so luscious abs' shut up. why dont you shut up or do you want jonah to shut you up cuz im sure he has a good idea in mind. fuck you. darling save the fucking for jonah. god i cant win can i.

i instantly felt my blood rising up to my cheeks no doubt leaving me looking like a tomato. he held out his hand for me to take so i did. "where are we going"~kiara "shhhh its a suprise"~jonah we walked over to the car hand in hand. jonah opened the passanger door of his matte black audi r8 spyder for me and i got in. a few seconds later the driver seat was occupied by jonah. "sooo where are we going"~i asked as jonah reversed out out of the drive. "its a suprise"~jonah  replied his eyes not once leaving the road but the smirk on his face was hard to not notice. he was holding the stearing wheel with one hand and the other was on his lap. i diverted my gaze to the window watching the scenery go past.

"kiara were here"~jonah "wake uppp"~jonah "im upp"~i replied yawning. "when did i fall asleep"~kiara "about 20 minuets ago"~jonah  i sat up straight and looked in the car mirror to make sure i still look some what presentable. once i opened my eyes fully and they adjusted to the light i noticed we were pulling up into a large venue.

jonah parked the car infrount of the venue and turned to face me. "come on"~jonah . we both got out the car and i walked around so i was next to him."where are we"~kiara a smirk slowly made its way onto his face as he turned to face me. he grabbed onto my hand and slowly pulled me towards the venue. "kiara, were crashing a wedding"~jonah

BLOODY HELL. this chapter is longish so ima continue the rest next chapter as i dont want this chapter to be like 3000 words long :) .

word count : 1317



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