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Kelly and haze were downstairs sorting out the finale touches. I had put my dress on and done my make up. I didnt do anything heavy as i know that after drinking, sweating, dancing and partying it would have all essentially melted of my face.all i put on was some foundation, mascara, highlighter, eyeliner and i had my red lipstick in my bag for when the party started. I was wearing some trainers but had my heels with me for after.The boys asked if i could pick them up because jonah took the car as he had somewhere to go. so i was about to leave . I put on my long coat and left the house after saying good bye to haze and kell.
I was now pulling up into the why dont we boys house. I honked the horn and after waiting 2 minuets no one came out so i parked up and got out. Once I arrived at the door step i pushed the doorbell and a few seconds later i was greeted by a tall blond.
"Heyyy finally you took ur time"~corbyn
"I beeped the horn and no one came out"~kiara
"Well next time beep it louder"~corbyn
"Sheesh woman keep ur perm on"~zach
"Bish this is all natural"~kiara
"Yh and so is jacks hair"~zach said with a eye roll
"FIGHT ME"~kiara
"As long as its in bed i dont mind"~zach said with a wink
"DUDE EWWW UR LIKE 16!"~kiara
"LETS GO"~daniel
I turned around to see daniel and jack already inside my car.
"How da hell did they get there?!"~kiara
"They walked"~corbyn
"Shut your mouth bean"~kiara
"Make me"~corbyn
We were now outside kellys house looking for parking. Ive only been gone for a hour but the drive and half the road is packed with cars. There are a few people outside the house with red cups dancing and the music is so loud that im suprised no one is deff.
I parked up down the road and swapped my comfy trainers for my heals. Quickly, I applied some of my lipstick then got out.we all walked down the road and entered the drive.
"I knw right"~daniel
"Come on"~kiara
We squeezed past some groups of people and made our way to the door. Corbyn pushed it and held it open so we could all enter. The scent of alcohol and sweat instantly intoxicated my lungs. The house was flooded with people most of which were on the dance floor grinding their bodies against one and other. All the girls wore super short dresses with dangerously high heals. Their faces were caked up with makeup and their arms were usually holding onto a man or alcohol. I turned around to see that i was left on my own with daniel. The others must of hurried of inside.
"Well lets party!!!"~daniel
Together, we walked over to the kitchen and danced a little bit as friends.
"Heyy ima grab a drink brb"~kiara
"Ok careful not too much alcohol. Ima head of outside"~daniel
I waved him off abd made my way to the fridge. Opening it i grabbed a bottle of water and walked to get a cup.
"Geez im not that ugly"~haze said flexing his arms.
"U scared the crap out of me"~kiara
"Hahah sorry"~haze
"Its fine "~kiara
"Water! Seriously kiara ur at a party"he then turned around and grabbed something"here have this"~haze in one swift motion the glass of water was replaced with a glass of what i know for sure isnt holy water.i took a small sip and my throat instantly felt like it was burning.
"Ahhh what the fuck us this"~kiara
I took another sip to try and soothe my throat and after a couple more i felt fine.
"Geez ur gonna be a pain in the ass.ima go get a ya"~haze
He then ran off leaving me in the kitchen.
"Hey Beautiful"~? A tall tan, brown haired boy said. He wernt even that bad looking he had wide shoulders and nice arms .
"Im mason. What are u doing here alone"~mason
"Everyone left me."~kiara i said with a pout.
"Awww i wont leave you come on"~mason he stretched out his hamd for me to take so i did .he pulled me round into the other room by the dance floor.
"Lets dance"~mason
He grabbed my hips and we both just danced to the music. I swayed my hips back and forth and he stared down at me.
"Hey wanna do something"~mason
"Like what"~kiara said giggling
"Tequila shots"~mason
We were now sitting down on one of the chairs. He quickly went of and when he was back he had a shot of tequila , a lime and salt.
He sat down .
"Theres a twist"~mason
"Sure ok what is it"~kiara
Instead of replying he just licked his hands and rubbed his neck. He then poured some salt onto his hands and neck.
"Whats the catch"~kiara
"You need salt so come and get it"~mason
....ohhhh he wants me to lick it off...well sober me would say no, HELL NO SOBER ME WOULDNT EVEN BE IN THIS SITUATION but wtf who cares. I moved closer to him and puched his shoulders back bringing myself closer. I latched my lips to his neck and slowly slid my tongue over his smooth skin. He groaned softly at my touch but i carried on. Teasingly i sucked on a bit of his skin the pulled back. I grabbed the tequila and in downed it all. Instantly my throat burned from the bitter taste of tequila. I went to grab the lime knowing it will help soothe the pain but mason quickly grabbed it.
"Gimme a kiss for the lime"~mason
"Eww no my throat is burning i need the lime. Gimme"~kiara
"Just a quick one"~mason
My head started to hurt so i went in for the kiss. Our faces were inches apart when i was suddenly pulled back. Standing, i stared down at mason on the sofa. His eyes were full with fear.
"You heard the girl. Give her the lime"~? A deep masculine voice said
Mason tossed the lime to the person behind me and hurried off. Like he actually ran away. I was twirled around to be greeted by a masculine chest. He wore a blue button up shirt with the top few buttons open. His black ripped jeans matched his black boots and his hair was messy but it looked eyes shifted up and meet with his...
Duh duh duhhhhhhh.....jk
I need drama. We need ready for drama.

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