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I then headed upstair into jonahs room , the curtains were now opened and the sun was shining in.
"Who is it?"~kiara
Jonah was now changed he was wearing black ripped jeans , a blue bleached top and a denim jacket .
"Thx ill go down stairs and answer it"~kiara
I then started to walk towards the door.
"Yes"~kiara i then turned around
He just smiled "never mind"~jonah
"Umm ok"~kiara i then smiled and walked down the stairs into the beautiful garden.
"Hey max"~kiara
"Look max ill be back soon i only just woke up"~kiara
"Thats not what i called u about"~max
"Max what the hell is wrong why do you sound broken"~kiara
"Please kiara get home as soon as possible ill explain to you"~max
"Max "~kiara
"Kiara please"~max
"Im getting ready ill be there asap"~kiara
"Hurry please"~max
"Ok max calm down... breath boy im on my way"~kiara
I then quickly ended the phone call and ran inside to gather all my items.
"Wowowo calm down kiara"~jonah
"Wait could you grab my stuff from upstairs"~kiara
"Sure would u like me to drop you off"~jonah
"Yes please jonah sorry"~kiara
"Its fine, where are we going "~jonah
"My house"~kiara
***in the car***
"Thx jonah"~kiara
"Any time"~jonah
We then sat there in a awkward silence.
"So why are you rushing"~jonah
"I got a call from max telling me to hurry up and he sounded he was crying and if i know my brother the only time ive seen him cry is when ... m-"~kiara
The truth is ive never seen max cry just on one occasion...... my mothers death... just the thought of it makes me want to cry. And thats what i did
"Kiara dont cry its ok im here ... which one is ur house"~jonah
"Number 126"~kiara
We then got out the car as jonah walked around so he was on my side.
"Thanks jonah"~kiara
"Stop saying thankyou"~jonah
"Yeah im coming"~kiara
"Do you want me to come with you?"~jonah
"Ummm just wait here ill be back"~kiara
"Ok "~jonah
I then made my way into the house.
"Kiara hurry the fuck up "~max
"Max calm down......BREATH tell me what happened"~kiara
"Its anna"~max
I could see the tears slowly make their way out maxs puffy eyes . Even a blind bat could tell he was crying before i arrived but obviously he doesnt want to cry in-front of his little sis.
"Wheres d-dad"~kiara
"Hes at a meeting but i told him to meet us there "~max
***at the airport***
Jonah had insisted on driving me and max to the airport and after getting in the car jonah also insisted on coming with us but max said to him that its fine and he should stay here .
"Have u got everything "~jonah
Max was checking us in while me and jonah were waiting in the seating area .
"Im going to miss u"~jonah
"Ill miss u too"~kiara
Jonah then got up and hugged me as I returned the hug he whispered in my ear:
"Dont be to long"~jonah
"Ill try not to"~kiara
"Kiara hurry up"~max
"Ok bye jonah "~kiara
***on the plane***
Me and max managed to get seats next to each other near the back of the plane i was next to the window then max and then a little girl who looked to be around the age of 6-7.
The plane had taken of and tye captain had just tirned the no seat belt light of meaning we could walk around.
"Huuh"~Max , his eyes were closed
"R u ok"~kiara
He then opened his eyes turned to me and gave me the 'does it fucking look like im ok' look. His eyes were still red and puffy. He then turned back and closed his eyes .
Max is the kind of guy who is very protective , If Anna had the flu he would miss school just to look after her .... he would even want to take her to the hospital. This kind of explains why he was panicking but i dont think he would catch a flight back to england . I have no clue what has happened to anna but god i wish she gets better...
I want a pet tortoise ....

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