drunk sex 😉

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Jonahs pov

"kiara come on we really need to go " I repeated for the millionth time. "nooo I w-want to *hiccup* dannncee"~ kiara slurred. "kiara your bloody drunk come on its like really late"~ Jonah

max and anna had left ages ago to go to some hotel and god knows they didn't go there to sleep leaving me with kiara and her drunk ass. the club was still full and she refused to leave. max had given me his keys to the house along with his car keys on one condition , that I don't get vomit everywhere. I hadn't had anything alcoholic just water.

"but but jonahhhhh danceee wi-th meeee"~ kiara whined

"that's it kiara "~ Jonah

i placed one of my arms under her legs and the other around her waist scooping her up so i was carrying her bridal style. she started giggling uncontrollably as i tried carrying her through the crowds of people on the dance floor. "HEY P-PUT *hiccup*  OUR FRIEND D-DOWWN '~ bri

oh yeah i forgot to mention i also ,according to max, have to take bri and paige back to his home since they took a taxi here and they are in no state to be left alone.

i focused my gaze on kiara who was still laughing. her eyes were closed and her makeup was still kind of perfect except for the fact that she had black stuff under her eyes. unexpectedly her eyes shot open filled with guilt ,anger and worry. "HE-Y P-PUUT ME DOOOWN , I *hiccup* HA-VE A B-BOYFRIEND"~ Kiara shouted while pounding on my chest.

" i am your boyfriend"~ Jonah "B-but yo-u ddont looklike Tom Holland "~ kiara whined whilst pouting.

fucking tom Holland my ass. "what?! no im your boyfriend you know Jonah marais "~ Jonah "i-i was ownly j-jokinggggg *hiccup* i-im sowwy"~ kiara. her eyes were full of sadness and guilt. out of no where she started crying while burying her head in my chest.

"WELL D-DONE *hiccup* Y-YOWW MA-ADE HERRRCRY "~ paige .

"i-im goonnah ch-op y-your ballsss off"~ bri

Fucking hell.


**a hour later**
Kiara had passed out in the car along with the two of her friends! I had carried Kiara upstairs and into her room. I didn't think she would appreciate me changing her so I just left her in her dress and took of her shoes. if I changed her I would most likely end up with a broken hand.

I had put Bri and Paige in the guest room I was using because there was a double bed they could both fit. I had moved all of my stuff into Kiara's room leaving the guest room empty except for the fact that bri and Paige were in there knocked out on the bed.

once I had quickly showered in kiaras bathroom I wrapped a towel tightly around my waist and walked out into her bedroom. I grabbed my suit case and put it on top of her dresser chair. kiaras room was boiling so I just grabbed a pair of lose shorts.

I was about to take of my towel to put the shorts on when I heard a small whimper from behind me. I looked over my shoulder at kiara who was tossing and turning in her sleep it carried on for a few minuets until she finally stopped and settled on a position . I turned back around and started stripping down. once I was butt naked I put on my shorts and turned around .

kiara started moving again but this time she actually woke up.rubbing her eyes she asked "j-jonnahh?"~ kiara  "yeah"~ Jonah she stopped rubbing her eyes and looked up at me. out of no where sh estarted smirking. she threw the covers of her body and got up walking towards me. she wasn't walking in a straight line indicating that she was still drunk. damn it.

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