New house

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After the plane landed and we were out of it we went to pick up our baggage from the conveyor belt and being the kid i was yall know what i did.
"So then i wa-"~jonah
"OMG "~kiara
"cONvAYor BeLt"~Kiara
"noo dont let her g-"~max
"Too late"~jonah said laughing
I jumped onto the conveyor belt and ran around it jumping over the bags as if i was out of the matrix.
"Kiara get of before security come"~max
"Come on max its fun"~kiara
Jonah was now laughing so hard.
"Mam can you please get of the conveyor belt"~security
I didnt get of
"Im sorry but i have no choice but kick you out unless you get down right now"~security
"Oooooo can you carry me out"~kiara said still on the conveyor belt
The security guard then rolled his eyes and picked me up along with my bags
**** outside****
"So do you always get band from places"~jonah
"Soo i guess i got to go"~jonah
Then a black suv parked up with 4 boys inside.
"Seee i told you i could drive"~?
"Zach you almost killed us"~the one with blondish hair said to zach
"Key word almost"~zach
Another boy then popped out of the car , he had really curly hair ...LIKE NOODLES. He then picked up jonahs bag and put it in the car boot.
"And they are..."~kiara
"Oh sorry theyre my friends... i also live with them"-jonah
"Yeahh just a small detail you left out....just a small on"~kiara
"Haha anyway boys this is kiara....Kiara these are the boys..."~jonah another one then came out the car and omg his eyes were perfect.
"Kiara this is corbyn , corbyn this is kiara"-jonah
The blond boy then came forward and shook my hand.
"Kiara this is jack ,jack this is kiara"-jonah
The boy with noodles on his head came forward.
"Can i call you noodles"~kiara
They all then laughed and jack said yes
"Kiara this is daniel ,daniel this is kiara"-jonah
The boy with dreamy eyes came forward and hugged me
"AND IM ZACH"~zach
Zach then leeped forward and pulled me into a hug
"Haha i guess your the youngest"~kiara
"Soo am i going to see you again"~jonah
By now the boys were back in the car
"Hun our uber is here and we need to go"~dad
"Umm i got to go........bye"~kiara
Jonah then said bye and hugged me.
***at our new house***
We had lunch at one of the take outs near the airport about 1 hour ago. We pulled up outside the house.
"Yup and the garage"~max
"Wait what about our cars"~kiara
"Well kiara i bought you a new car as a gift... dont get use to it .... i got you a white range rover"~dad
"OMG DADDD"~kiara
"And max i got you the same but in black"~dad
"OMG DAD I LOVE YOU and kiara ..... no "~max
"Don't expect anything like this again! Its a one time thing as were moving and i made u leave your friemds and family behind"~dad
***in the house***
The house was a 3 bedroom house which is actually quite normal so it's nothing to fancy. It had a living room , dining room , kitchen , outside pool. Dads room had a on-suite. There was one walkin wardrobe that was a completely separate room , everyone was meant to share it but im pretty sure its going to become mine once i put all my stuff in it as its quite small.
Max's room was black and grey, dads roomwas white and this is what my room looked like:

 Max's room was black and grey, dads roomwas white and this is what my room looked like:

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**1hour later**
Our things are going to arrive in 3 days....great so im stuck with everything i bought in my suitcase which was just my makeup and some clothes ....unfortunately because im from england and it always rains i packed things like sweaters , thick turtlenecks and hoodies when it's boiling in LA . I think im going to go shopping and i really need a coffee .

Hi guys thank you so much for all your love and support !!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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