kiss it better

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jonahs pov
"Kiara i swear down if you vomit ima kill you"~jonah
"Dontworry bout afingggg"~kiara said giggle
This is gonna be a pain in the ass. Its been about 30 mins since i found her at the party drunk. Like seriously she either drank too much or has a really low tolerance level. Im guessing both. We were now in my car. It took a good 10 mins as she refused to get into the car and kept on drinking. In the end i just picked her up and put her in the car .
10 mins ago
"Kiara get in the car"~jonah
"Nooooo i wannnadance. Dancewivv me babyyyy"~kiara
"Kiara lets go."~jonah
After ages i dragged her out of the house but she refused to get in the car.
"Frickin hell get in the car or im carrying you"~jonah
"Wanna see u tryyyy babbbh"~kiara
I walked over to her and flung her over my shoulder.
"Shut up"~jonah
"Nice asssss"~kiara
"What the fu-"~jonah
"Did u just slap my-"~jonah
Bloody hell she will be the death of me. How did they even allow her to get this drunk its bloody imp-
"Im sleepy"~kiara
And then she fuckin falls asleep! Pukes then sleeps. Great.
****1 hr later****
Im guessing kiaras dad would have killed her if i bought her home in this state so im taking her to one of my apartments. Not the house but one of my apartments . Even though i live with the boys i still have this little place. I bought it a while ago and i used to go here before i moved into the house. Its pretty cute if u ask me. I picked her up and placed her into the guest room. I then went to my car and cleaned up the mess she made...
***the next morning***
kiaras pov

i woke up to the sound of blasting music and singing. the scent of vomit was strong and surrounded me.i forced my self to sit up even though i was in so much pain from my throbbing head .my sleepy, half closed eyes scanned over the unfamiliar room looking for some sort of sign to where i am.WHERE THE FUCK AM I! i tried to think back to what happened last night but all i can remember is the party....THE PARTY . OMG IVE BEEN KIDNAPPED NOW THEIR GONNA RAPE ME. . SHIT. WHAT ABOUT MY DAD AND MAX. slowly , i got out of bed and walked over to the little mirror placed on one of the walls in front of me . there is no point in denying it. i look like complete shit. my hair is messed up and knotty. all my makeup is smudged and my clothes have vomit stains on them...wait VOMIT stains...what if they drugged me! what if they raped me while i was out! OMG IM A UNHOLY WOMAN. OWWW my headddd. i walked into the little closet and found nothing but a few MALE t-shirts, next i searched under the bed. there were a ton of brown boxes. slowly, i pulled one out trying to make no noise. opening it , i found a pile of old papers and a few trophies. right at the bottom was a bat. at least luck is somewhat on my side. i placed everything back and shoved the box back under. i walked towards the door and opened it enough to peak my hear around the corner. there was a small stair case that lead down to a slightly lower ground. it basically had 3 steps. in front of me there was another door which looked like a bathroom as u knw it has a sign that does say.BATHROOM. i swear down this dude is one stupid rapist they left the door unlocked and a bat under the bed like dude come on i could do a better job than you and im like 5 ft 3. quietly I walked down the stairs and towards the music. I was now standing in the door way of what seemed to be the kitchen. a tall figure was standing with his back towards me as he flipped a something...OMG PANCAKES! wait no don't get distracted. my grip on the bat handle tightened as I slowly crept up closer towards the figure.

"oh ur awake good mo-"~rapist? "AGHHHH"~Kiara and then I swigged the bat back. "what th-"~Jonah and then I hit him.... "WAIT WHAT JONAH.OH SHIT IN SORRY"~Kiara his large lifeless body collapsed against the floor with a loud thud. he died, the end.....jk I stared down at him on the Jonah. immediately I ran towards the kitchen and searched through the freezer for a pack of peas. eventually I found it so I grabbed them and ran to the sink to fill up a glass of water. once it was full I leaped back over to Jonah . placing the peas on his head and the water next to him I climbed on top of his waist . "JONAHHHHHH!"~Kiara "SHIT I FUCKING KILLED A DUDE! THIS IS WORSE THEN BEING TAKEN BY A RAPIST. shit I thought Jonah was a rapist. wait wat that would mean me and Jonah had s-JONAH GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP"-KIARA I poured some of the water on his face then slapped him."OWWWWWW"~JOJO. ok maybe I shouldn't of slapped him :p. his eyes shot open and his hand was cupping his cheak. phew I didn't kill him. I placed my head down on his chest and lied ontop of him."i thought I killed you"~Kiara I'm actually surprised he heard me considering how quite my voice was."yeah just don't do that again. that fucking kills and I swear ima have a bruise"-Jonah said with a chuckle but you could easily hear the pain in his voice. we lied there for about ten minuets with his fingers playing with my hair until I looked up at him placing my chin on his chest. his eyes were staring down at me. "so you thought I was a rapist"~Jonah said wiggling his eyebrows. "well what do you expect I woke up in a strangers bed"~Kiara "baby I can assure you if we had sex you would remember"~Jonah replied with his signature smirk. he then flipped us over so I was bellow him. his warm body was pushed up against mine as my back made contact with the cold floor."are you gonna kiss my bruise better?"~Jonah "hmmm let me think. Well u did kidnap me then leave me in a room all alone soo lets see....No"~kiara "what do u mean no"~jonah "I probably stink. Well i do stink. Get off me i need to shower"~kiara
"Ughhh fine."~jonah
I then got up of the floor and entered the bathroom that i saw earlier. I stripped out of my clothes and locked the door. I turned on the water allowing it to runfor a while si it would heat up. I stepped into the shower.
Abouta hour later i got out and firmly rapped a towel around my body and hair.
This chapter is 1262 words long so it is basically 2 chapters as its 2 days late ❤️ hopefully next chapter is on time and it will continue from where this one left of.

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