swim with me ❤️

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jonah and i had just finished eating . he took me to some fancy ass restaurant and even thought i insisted on paying atleast half of the bill he refused and payed. it was currently 8:56 and we were walking down a side road . he had bought us ice cream and aparently he wanted to show me somewhere. so we were walking there hand in hand . "were almost there "~jonah "ok come on"~jonah he walked throught some hidden gate and i followed close behind . once we reached there i allowed my eyes to adjust to the darkness . why is a place this beautiful hidden from the rest of the world?! it was quite a large piece of land. small flowers covered the ground along with little pebbles. trees were surrounding us and in the centre was quite a large lake. the moon light shone down into the clear water showing the reflection of the moon. Jonah walked over to the lake and sat down with his legs dangling over the edge . he patted the space next to him for me to sit so I did. we sat there in silence for what felt like hours admiring the scenery and listening to the little splashes and wind . Jonah suddenly stood up and I turned my gaze towards him . he slowly pulled his top of. "what are you doing?"~Kiara "shhh"~Jonah he then reached down and removed his shoes and socks . I'm so confused. he then took his belt of along with his jeans in one swift motion leaving him in just his boxers. he lowered the waistband and I quickly turned around . the next thing I heard was a loud splash. I looked back to see Jonah in the lake his hair was drenched with water making it hang over his face. "your turn."~Jonah "whattt???"~Kiara "just take ALL your clothes of and leave them there . I wont look.... and yes before you ask take of your bra and underwear"~Jonah "turn around"~Kiara

Kelly is going to kill me after she spent so long on my hair and makeup but I guess I'm going skinny dipping. I took of my shoes first placing my socks in them after . I then removed my dress while making sure no one was looking . Turning around , i checked to see if jonah was peaking as i was about to remove my underwear . I swear i saw him turn back around away from me but its dark so my eyes are probably playing tricks on me. I turned so i was fully facing jonahs back and removed my bra and underwear Unbelievably fast . The next thing i know i was running towards jonah and then was suddenly underwater. I swam up
To the surface opening my eyes and moving my hair back. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness i made eye contact with jonah. He was staring at me and smirking , i felt really self conscious all of a sudden and tried to cover myself even though my chest down was underwater. Slowly, he swam towards me as i backed away. My back suddenly came into contact with something so i turned around to find a large wall. Shit. I turned dack around to see jonah right in front of me. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine as his hand slowly rubbed small circles onto my cheeks.
"Whats wrong?"~jonah
"Do u feel uncomfortable?"~jonah
"Then why are you hiding yourself?"~jonah "wha-at do u mean"~Kiara "Kiara I swear we wont do anything if your not comfortable now lets swim"~Jonah and with that I grabbed his hand as he pulled me towards the centre of the lake.i was so thankfull that he dropped the conversation knowing i dont wanna talk about it. as soon as we got to the centre of the lake Jonah looked straingh into my eyes showing no emotion what so ever. he suddenly splashed some cold water on me ."hey!"~Kiara "hey"~Jonah repeated in a 'girly' voice obviously mocking me. and that ladies and gentlemen is how me and Jonah had a full on water fight in the middle of a lake, naked and laughing . we were both splashing water at each other until Jonah grabbed onto my waist  and lifted me up then threw me back under water.  "aghhhh!!"~Kiara I then resurfaced and shot him a piercing glare. "hey Kiara"~Jonah "hey Jonah"~Kiara. "wanna play a game...lets see who can hold their breath for the longest underwater....just keep ur innocent little eyes closed missy unless u really wanna look a-"~Jonah said the last part with a smirk .before he could finish his sentence i splashed water on him." I don't need to know"~Kiara "ok ok so 3...2...1 go"~Jonah and with that I took in a large breath and ducked my head under water with Jonah swiftly following. I knew for a fact that he wouldn't be able to open his eyes underwater without goggles and even if he did its so dark and this disease filled water is to misky to be able to see anything.


ok so im going to continue the rest in the next chapter other wise this chapter will be 2000 words long when im done so this is part 1. xxx


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