midnight pick ups

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READ THE AUTHOR NOTE PLEASE.(after reading the chap)

planning on staying the night I grabbed one of my old duffel bags that was shoved at the back of my wardrobe along with the rest of my bags and unzipped it placing a pair of light blue faded ripped jeans and a plain yellow top inside.

I ran into my closet again and grabbed a classic pair of worn out  black and white converse. its been ages since I wore them. they were my favourite shoes back in high school resulting in me wearing them everyday explaining why they were so dirty and scruffy. I should probably buy a new pair...

instead of putting them in my bag i put them on so i could wear them now and tomorrow.

i grabbed a bright yellow post it note along with a black gel pen that were lying on my desk and quickly wrote a note to Dad and Diana saying:

'I've left to go to Jonahs house I probably wont be back tonight maybe tomorrow. i didn't want to disturb the two of you so i didn't knock on the door. ill see you tomorrow don't worry about me im with jonah. xx love you xx see ya soon'

I stuck it on their bedroom door. there was no longer any sounds of talking coming from their room meaning they were both probably sound asleep.

not bothering to change out of my bed shorts and max's shirt i zipped up the duffel bag after placing my phone and charger inside and started making my way downstairs. right on time i heard the distant sound of a horn signalling that Jonah was outside.

i locked the house up and made my way over to his black SUV. i opened the boot and threw my bag in there before walking around to the passenger door and jumping inside closing the door behind me. i looked over to Jonah who had a genuine smile plastered on his face.

"hey" i whispered returning his smile.

"hey"~ jonah replied his smile becoming larger.                                                                                                                                                                        

he had one arm on the steering wheel and the other hanging out his window that was fully open. he had changed into a pair of black jeans and a plain black top with a matching black leather jacket. he looked fineeee as hell.

he restarted the car pulling away from dads house and towards the why don't we house. "i missed you"~ jonah

"i missed you too"~ kiara

swapping his hands around so the one that was previously out the window was now on the steering window he placed his other hand on my thigh.

he started tracing small lazy circles onto my skin causing bolts of electricity to shoot around my body and up into my spine.

"are you cold?"~ jonah

"not really" ~ kiara the truth was that i felt so hot due to his hand on me i couldn't even think straight.

he slowly started tugging on my shirt before pushing it up. " whos shirt is this?"~jonah asked curiosity getting the better of him. although there was curiosity in his voice i could hear the jealousy that was hidden in each word.

"max's" i replied with a small smirk .

i looked out the window before hearing him mutter something along the lines of ' you would look better in my shirt'

i looked over to him right as he glanced down to me taking his eyes of the road. his eyes travelled from my face down to my clothes and then my legs where they lingered a few seconds longer. when his eyes met mine again they were dark with lust.

i grabbed my bottom lip with my teeth causing him to move his gaze down to my lips. he released a groan before saying. "kiara what are you doing to me. you cant do this to me im driving" while looking back at the road.

"im not doing anything" i whispered back right as we pulled up into the drive of the why don't we house.

"you have no idea" jonah said back as he got out the car and walked around to the boot.

by the time i had got out the car he was already at the door with his keys in on hand and my duffel bag in the other. i made my way through the door that he had now opened and locked it behind me. i started following him upstairs after slipping my shoes of leaving them next to his. it was hard to keep up with him since his strides were much longer.

once i finally reached the top of the stairs i made my way into his room panting. "bloody hell your fast"~ kiara

he just chuckled in reply. i jumped on his bed as wrapped myself up in his covers as he stood in front of the bed by his closet. "is eyeryone asleep"~ kiara

"yeah they all fell asleep ages ago"~jonah

he pulled his shirt over his head before throwing it on the floor next to his closet where there were a few more clothes.

my eyes instantly flicked down to his chest then down to his toned stomach. oh how i could roll my tongue over them.

he started to pull out his belt causing me to move my eyes down to his V line that lead down to -

"like what you see"~ jonah asked his voice rough.

"yes" i muttered gulping causing him to laugh.

he quickly took of his jeans leaving him in his boxers for a few seconds before putting on a pair of shorts much to my dismay.

he started rummaging through his closet before pulling out a dark purple top that had some writing on it and throwing it at me. "change into that "~ jonah muttered.

"why" i replied innocently.

he just turned around to face me with one eyebrow raised. "ok then"~ kiara

i got up out of the bed causing him to look back over to me questioningly. Yes i could have changed in his bed but where is the fun in that. i started pulling my shirt over my head leaving me in just my bra before pulling his shirt over my head extremely slowly knowing that he was still looking at me.

once the shirt was fully on i grabbed all of my hair and pulled it out of the neck. i slowly leached under the shirt and undone my bra clasp before pulling my bra out without taking the shirt of...something i learnt to do while having sleepovers with bri and paige.

when i looked up at him with my bra in one hand above my head i dropped it winking at him. his eyes had clearly darkened way more due to my teasing.


wait don't leave yet. there is smut. im going to put it in another chapter that will be published at the same time as this one. you guys can read it by just going to the next chapter. this chapter was too long when they were both in one so i split it into two. :) think of it as a double update ;o


word count = 1211

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