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After protesting Jonah had finally agreed to going into the bathroom to change leaving me alone in his room.

"why do I need to go in the bathroom"~ jonah

"uh so I can change"~ kiara

"but its nothing I haven't seen before" jonah whined but still managed to wink at me causing me to blush.

"oh well" I replied still blushing

"ill turn around and I promise I wont look...unless you want me to"~ jonah said with a smirk.

"Jonah. I swear down. ill go in the bathroom"~ kiara

"fine ill go"~jonah muttered with a pout collecting his clothes.

i placed my duffel bag down on his bed and faced my back towards the bathroom door. ripping of his basketball shorts and shirt i placed on a new clean pair of underwear and a matching black bra.

its not that i felt uncomfortable around him i mean i don't mind getting dressed around him its just that i know what he is like , his self control hardly exists.

i got my yellow top and blue ripped jeans out of the bag and then zipped it back up. just as i was about to put my legs through the faded denim i heard the click of the bathroom door. i swivelled around at a inhuman speed to find a smirking jonah eye raping my body.

when he finally looked up into my eyes all he done was wink. HE WINKED! only now did i notice that he only had his classic black ripped jeans on without a shirt. fuck all of that is mine...

"sorry princess i forgot my shirt"~ jonah. still smirking he walked over to his closet and picked up a random blue top. we both know he done that on purpose that sneaky little bast-

"hey kiara my eyes are up here"~jonah. shit ive been gawking at his body all that time.

just as he was about to close the bathroom door he turned around and winked at me before saying. "nice outfit babe"

that little fucking UGHH.

angrily i stepped into my jeans and pulled my shirt over my head. he came out of the room right as i was shoving my clothes from yesterday into my duffel bag.
"wow calm down tiger"~jonah

i just replied by turning around and flipping him off before storming out of his room and down the stairs. i could hear the faint sound of him laughing in the background as i was pulling on my converse.

i walked outside just as Kelly was pulling up into the drive. i wasn't mad with Jonah the situation was just funny to be honest.

i jumped into the passenger seat as no one else was in the car which is weird since i thought haze was coming with us.

shortly after Jonah had jumped into the backseat.

"wheres haze?"~kiara. I heard jonah groan at the mention of his name

"he had to pick someone up. he is meeting us there"~Kelly

*** at the mall***

we all decided to get ice cream while we wait for Haze, he said he was running a bit late.

Kelly and i both agreed on getting chocolate while Jonah got vanilla. We walked back to the fountain in the middle of the mall. We all decided that we would meet here.

Jonah had finished his ice cream and was now scrolling through the Instagram explore page. Big mistake, you can get lost in there for hours i know from experience.

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