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Its now the next day and our stuff should arrive tomorrow if were lucky, otherwise it will arrive the day after.
Today im going to go shopping for some clothes and try to get used to the area .
I then got out of bed , done my usual morning routine and got changed. I decided on wearing :

"Dad im going out and taking my new car with me"~kiara "Where are you going"~max said with a hint or anger"Max shes old enough to go on her own

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"Dad im going out and taking my new car with me"~kiara
"Where are you going"~max said with a hint or anger
"Max shes old enough to go on her own....ok sweety just be careful when driving and dont be back to late because we have dinner with the neighbours tommorow "~dad
"Ok bye love you"~kiara
I then opened the garage door and got in my car.
****in the car****
I was almost at the mall when i decided that i should get something to eat from chipotle. In england we didnt have chipotle and everyone in America always talked about how nice it was so i decided i should try it.
***at chipotle***
I was waiting in the line when all of a sudden i heard someone call my name .
I then turned around to see corbyn and daniel sitting down eating.i got out the que and went to sit with them.
"Hi, we didnt know you liked chipotle "daniel
"Actually ive never tried it"~kiara
They both just stared at me in shock
"Oh your joking i thought u were serious "~Daniel said laughing
"Dani i think she's serious"~corbyn
Daniel than pretended to faint while me and corbyn laughed
"Well what do u want to try we will treat you as its your first time"~corbyn
"I dont mind really ... anything just make sure it doesnt have chillie in it also thankyou "~kiara
"No problem"~corbyn
***after eating***
"So what are you going to do now"~daniel
"Go shopping...do u wanna come"~kiara
"Shoe shopping"~corbyn said with a smirk .
"Oh god"~daniel
"I guess corbyn likes shoes"~kiara
"Likes is a understatement"~daniel
I then laughed my head of as i grabbed both of their arms and pulled them into the mall.
***in vans(a shop)***
"Oooo look at these shoes"~corbyn
"Those are actually pretty nice"~kiara
"But i also like the red ones"~corbyn
"But these ones have mini ice creams on them"~kiara
"Thats true"~corbyn
"UGHHHH how longggg"~daniel
Me and corbyn than gave him a death stare
"Dont hurt me please"~daniel
I then bursted out laughing
As soon as i said that everyone looked at me
"Ignore her please"~daniel
"Lets go to the disney shop"~kiara
***in the disney shop***
"I want that teddy"~kiara
I said that pointing to the stuffed Bambi deer on the top shelf
"Here theres one here"~corbyn
"No i want that one"~kiara
"But thats on the top shelf and this one is in the basket"~daniel
I then sat on the floor and crossed my arms
I then jumped up and onto Daniels back.corbyn then came back with a member of staff and my bambi teddy.
We then payed for it and daniel insisted on paying and i gave up on arguing so i just let him buy it . We then walked back to my car and when i say walk i mean daniel and corbyn walked and i sat on daniels back .😊
***in the car***
"Where should we go"~kiara
"How about we go to our house"~daniel
"And where is that"~kiara
"Here ill give you the directions"~corbyn
***20 mins later***
"Ok then turn left and its just up this hill"~corbyn
"YOuR hOUsE iS HugE"~kiara
"U nearly gave me a heart attack"~corbyn
"Cmon lets go inside "~daniel
We then got up to the front door and  we could hear music blasting
Corbyn then opened the door and no one was there.
"They must be outside"~corbyn
We then walked out to the back of the house where jack , zach and jonah were in the pool messing around.
"IM HOME"~daniel said jumping into the pool with only his jeans on
"Oh um hi kiara"~jonah
"Ill be right back"~jonah
Jonah then left and went upstairs
"Oooooohhhh"~wdw boys
"Shut up"~kiara said blushing
"Guys shes blushing its so cute"~zach
I then put my middle finger up at zach and next thing you know im in the pool
"Oh shit"~jack
"Well we should start planning zachs funeral"~corbyn
Zach then bursted into laughter as i tried to punch him but failed miserably because im weak .
"I hate u"~kiara
"Love u to"~zach
"You know ur lucky that i put my phone down so the only thing that got wet was me and my clothes"~kiara
"So u wont kill me?"~zach
"Watch ur back kid"~kiara
"Zachs dead meat"~jack
"Yup"~daniel and corbyn
"Wheres jonah"~kiara
"Probably in his room its up the stairs and second door on ur left"~jack

Ok so this chapter was 888 words and in the next chapter there will a little #jiara moment so .....

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