hugs and dogs

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"so your leaving"~ max

"yeah its about time we got back to LA. we haven't been there in like a month" I replied glancing up at Jonah who just replied with a small smile and nod...wait what I cant believe my eyes the day has come, JONAH MARAIS ROTH FRICKIN FRANTZICH SMILED that's right ladies and gentle men he smiled HE DIDNT SMIRK.

"kiara its rude to stare"~ Jonah replied with , yup you guessed it, his signature smirk.

I shot him a quick glare before turning around to face my brother and his new wife Anna.  "im gonna miss you ya little idiot"~ max stated before reaching up and ruffling my hair as if I was a dog.

"im gonna miss you to max" I replied with a genuine smile. "come here"~ max. before I knew it I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. it was the kind of hug that as a kid you got from all those old relatives at that family event you didn't want to go to but you were dragged there by your mom. like when all the old people know know who you are but you've never seen them before in your life and  you have to go along with everything because your parents made you...yup it was that kind of hug.

"your going to kill her max my turn"~ anna. and then again I was passed over to anna who repeated the process of suffocating me by squeezing me so hard it forced all the air out of my lungs.

once I was finally released , again just like a dog, I turned around to face Jonah and max who were deep in a conversation.

"take care of her man"~ max

"I will do don't you worry I love her , she is my everything"~ Jonah replied glancing over at me causing me to turn scarlet.

the sound of two awfully loud horns from the taxi broke our conversation. "that's our cue to go "~ Jonah. he took my hand in his and pulled me over to the taxi. the driver took our two suitcases and placed them in the boot while we joined my dad in the car.

we had all spent a few more days together at the old house after we forgave dad. dad and max  got to know Jonah and I think they finally except him. after a while we decided it was about time to go back to LA.

Max had decided he was going to stay in England because Anna works here and lives here and he didn't want to leave her again so dad has officially given him the old house. Dad said he is going to have a ship send over all of max's stuff leaving the house empty.

***back in LA***

we had all finally landed and were now waiting for our lift back to my home. you know how I said im glad my dad and Jonah are getting along well I kind of take that back. on the flight here I sat by the window then Jonah sat in between me and my dad , who was on the end near the isle. although I was next to Jonah during the whole flight him and my dad were talking about the most random shitz ever.

two  large black SUV's pulled up reminding me of the first time I met the boys when we first arrived. the passenger door of the second car opened revealing Zach who jumped out just before the car had fully stopped causing him to trip but he quickly regained his balance. he ran over to us and oh yup you guessed it he hugged me....not just any type of hug but the bone crushing kind. what is with people and bone crushing hugs.

The first car had already parked up and the doors opened exposing Daniel and Corbyn. they both jumped out and ran over to me and Zach enveloping us in a group hug and before I knew it the driver of the second car ,jack, had also joined us on this group hug.

I cant fucking breath.

"why do you all hug her and not me"~ Jonah

I looked over daniels shoulder to see that he was right. they weren't hugging him only me.

"hey hey hey this isn't fair im dying hereeeee!"~ kiara

"exactly guyes hey get of my girlfriend"~ Jonah shouted while laughing

"sorry man b- WAIT WHAT!? OH MA GAWDDD YOU FINALLY GREW SOME BALLS AND ASKED HER OUT "~ Zach screamed causing my ear drums to actually explode. Zach had let go of me and was now jumping and screaming.

one by one they all released me leaving me gasping for literally gasping for air like a dog.

"wow Jonah took your time didnt you"~ jack

"hey pay up"~ Corbyn

"this isn't fair"~ Daniel

"the rules were simple Daniel. we bet and I won so you give me my $50"~ Corbyn

" but this isn't fair! "~Daniel

"what is happening"~ Jonah

"well ya see Daniel said it would take two months before you started dating and I said it would take one month and I was right since we started the bet just before you left and its almost been a month so I was right now pay up Daniela"~ Corbyn

"you guys bet on us?!"~ Jonah and kiara

in sync they both snapped there heads over to us while blatantly saying yes before turning back around. Daniel pulled out his wallet and shoved $50 into Corbyn's hand while muttering something along the lines of ' always mean to the dude with the tooth gap '

"wowwww kiara that's the most action ive ever seen you get"~ dad stated laughing causing me to laugh. "with all do respect sir I give her a lot more action than that"~ Jonah replied winking at me . he really shouldn't have said that DOES HE WANT TO DIE I shut my eyes preparing myself for the shouting that should come any second now. but instead of shouting I heard laughs. wait that cant be right. when I looked up my dad and jonah were both bent over laughing there heads of along with the rest of the boys .

Jonah took all of our bags and put them into the boot of one of the cars.

"ok so jack , Jonah and kiaras dad will go in this car"~ Zach stated pointing towards the car Jonah had just put our luggage into also known as the second car. "and kiara , me , Corbyn and Daniel will go in this car"~Zach said pointing to the other car.

"hey hey hey that's not fair why does kiara get to go with you. im her boyfriends she should be coming with me"~ Jonah

"not enough room"~ Zach replied shrugging

"Zach its a bloody SUV there is more than enough room. We can fit 5 people in each"~ Corbyn

"but kiara is coming with me so why don't me and jack swap "~ Zach

" then whos going to drive because I can tell you now jet lag is a bitch so none of them will be driving"~jack said pointing at me , Jonah and my dad.

"ill drive"~Zach

"please don't put me in a car when Zach is driving"~kiara

"WAIT" Jonah shouted causing us all to go quiet. "who the fuck put the 16 year old in charge of this"~ Jonah

everyone burst out laughing while Zach stood there with his arms folded and his resting bitch face on.

"hey im 17"~ Zach.

"whatever"~ Jonah replied before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the car along with jack and my dad.


ok so this chapter was a bit short compared to what i usually write but im super sorry. im just shattered and I need to get a lot done. I really shouldn thave gone shopping yesterday .

the next few chapters will be a bit more funny. there will be hopefully a minimum 2 more smut chapters before the end of the book so be prepared. one of them will only hav a bit but the other will hopefully have a lot fingers crossed.

im ago to sleep now xxx

word count = 1384


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