Wait what?!

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"Nothing much i-we just miss u'~jonah
"Aww i miss u guys too"~Kiara
"Soo are u gonna tell me why u had to leave"~jonah
"My brothers girl friend anna was in a car accident...shes in a coma"~kiara although i knew what had happened it was still unbelievable and i couldnt really get my head around it.
"Oh is she ok well of course she isnt ,is ur brother max ok"~jonah
"Yeah hes holding up pretty well"~kiara
"Someone wants pizza"~jonah
"tell me about it"~kiara
***a day later***
Today i had to go back to la as i had signed up for this part time student job and it was starting on the weekend so in a few days.
Max had asked our grandma is he could stay with her and she said yes , he didnt wanna leave anna so hes gonna stay in england for a while meaning me and dad have the house to ourselves.
I had already said goodbye to the girls unfortunately . They are sum bloody crazy children...were the same age but they can be my children
You mean your and Jonah's Children
Well not really
You didn't deny it
Get lost
I cant get lost I'm  in your mind
Piece of crap
You just called your self a 'piece of crap'
Calm your granny knickers
I hate u

I had just landed in LA and my dad was meant to be picking me up but he hadnt arrived yet...
"Hey sweetie"~dad
"Hey dad why are u calling me where are you"~kiara
"Im stuck in a meeting but ive sent liam to pick you up"~dad
(Dont remember liam? He is her neighbour...the boy who lives next door with blond hair and stormy grey eyes (still dont remember? Check out the chapter called 'new neighbours ❤️'))
"Oh ok"~kiara i dont know how i feel about liam i mean hes nice and all but....
Ill stop now 😇🙃.
Good u best
I had just got off the call with my dad and i was now waiting outside in the pickup and drop of point for liam .
Suddenly a familial black Bmw Parkes up and the blond haired boy jumps out and started making his way towards me .
"Here let me get ur bag for you"~liam
"Oh no its ok ill do it"~kiara
"Honestly I insist you just head towards the car, make urself comfy  "~liam
"Thx liam"~Kiara
"No problem"~liam
I then opened the passenger seat door and sat down on the shiny black leathers while putting my seat belt on , liam then opened the driver seat door and sat down.
"No problem, are you hungry"~liam
"Um not really"~Kiara
You know he cant hear u
"Are u sure"~liam
Then the loudest sound came from my stomach....Wow perfect timing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
"Hahaha il take that as a yes....chipotle?"~liam
***at chipotle***
I had found my seat and liam was ordering our food. I decided to go for a Mexican chicken wrap and liam ordered some fancy soup thing....don't question Liam.
"Sooo hows that student job"~liam
"Well i havent started it yet but dont you go to the university?"~kiara
"Well i used to not anymore i dropped out and decided to help my dad with work instead but i still visit"~liam
••jonahs pov••
I have feelings for kiara...shes cute but i feel like jack likes her...im not sure. I miss her aswell, theres no one running around chasing zach or just....doing what kiara usually does.
"Hey jonah were going out wanna come?"~corbyn
"Sure lets go"~jonah

We headed into a few shops . Corbyn bought more shoes , daniel bought some clothes and sunglasses, i picked up a few tops and august bought a new jacket
"IMMM hungryyy"~august
"Lets go chipotle "~jonah
"Noooo i want kfc"~daniel
"I want chipotle "~corbyn
"GUYS STOP IT!"~august
"Ughhh fine"~daniel
We then headed towards chipotle when suddenly corbyn and august stopped outside.
"Come on guys lets go"~jonah
"Uhhh i kinda wanna go kfc"~corbyn
"Yeah me too lets go"~august
"Wait wh-yup lets go kfc"~daniel
"Were here now lets just go here"~jonah
"NOOoope lets go kfc u always have chipotle "~corbyn
"But you were just-"~jonah
Thats when i saw...kiara was sitting there with another boy...blond...tall...perfect?
How could i think she would ever like me. That kiss probably didnt mean shit to her. How could she as soon as she came back go out with another guy? Who even is he .. i thought she said that ill be the first person she calls .UGH FUCK THIS.
2 can play at that game!

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