Sleepover p1❤️

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I walked outside and sat on one of the stone chairs i then opened my phone a dialled my dads number.
"Hey sweetie "~dad
"Hey dad"~kiara
"Whats wrong"~dad
"Nothing its just you know my friends im at there house"~kiara
"Is it ok if i have a sleepover"~kiara
"Yes but please be careful and could you send my their address you know just incase"~dad
"What's happening "~max
"Nothing "~dad
"Whens kiara getting back"~max
"Shes staying at her friends house today"~dad
"As in a sleepover"~max
"Dont even start max theres no point "~dad
"Bye dad love u"~kiara
"Bye I expect you back in one piece tomorrow and send me the address "~dad
I then got of the phone and sent dad the boys address as i walked back into the house.
"Lets play a game"~jack
"What game"~kiara
"Are you staying"~daniel
There was then a knock on the door so jonah went to open it.
•••jonahs pov•••
I opened the door to see august
"Hey dude"~jonah
"Yeah the guys are inside and our new friend kiara so don't mention anything about the band or you being our photographer"~jonah
"Ok but why dont you just tell her"~august
"After Emily and jack i dont think its a good idea "~jonah
"Wait so u think shes a gold digger "~august
"No no no dude i dont ..... its just you can never be to.... look what happened with emily we didn't expect it"~jonah
"Ok dude"~august
•••Kiaras pov•••
Jonah then walked back into the room with a tall blond.
" kiara this is august ,august this is kiara"~jonah
"Nice to meet you"~kiara
"You too"~august
"I have a question"~kiara
"Do you have a brother called september and a sister called october "~kiara
"Is she always like this"~august
"So what game we playing"~jonah
"Two dares"~daniel
"Whats that"~zach
"Basically we all write down two dares on a Small ripped up pieces of paper we then fold the paper and put them into a bowl we then pass the bowl around and everyone takes out a dare to do.
"Cool ill go get paper and a pen"~august
We all then sat down in a circle i sat between jack and jonah with jojo on my left and jack on my right.

I decided on these as my dares :

Give kiara a piggy back whenever she wants for the next week

Jump into the pool fully clothed

" ok are we all done"~jonah
"Ok ill start"~zach
"What if we refuse to do the dare"~daniel
"You cant you have to do it"~jonah
"Ok my dare is to allow the person on your right to style your hair with Nutella "~zach
Corbyn then gave him a devilish smirk
"Ugh fine"~zach
Corbyn then grabbed the nutella and styled his hair into two triandles on each side of his head.
Obviously i took pictures.
"Ok my turn "~corbyn
"My turn ...... Give kiara a piggy back whenever she wants for the next week"~corbyn
"Do i have to"~corbyn
Jack then took the bowl
"Crawl like a dog to a wall then lick the wall"~jack
"My turnnnnnn"~kiara
I looked at the piece of paper read it but not out loud it said:
Kiss the person on your left for atleast 10 seconds or if your a guy kiss kiara
The person on my left was jonah.....
"Earth to kiara"~corbyn
"Do we um have to do the dare"~kiara its not that i dont want to i just dont think jonah likes me like that.
I then got up and sat on jonahs lap facing him. I put my hands around his neck and took my head to his ear and said 'im sorry' i then placed my left hand on his cheek rubbing it with my thumb as my lips slowly touched his.
After he noticed what was happening he started to kiss me back and slowly he moved his hands down onto my waist.
I then ran my fingers through his hair as the kiss got more heated .
We  started to lean back towards the floor as we melted into the kiss i was about to touch the ground when:
"Guys get a room"~daniel
We then separated from the kiss and i could feel my cheeks burn up as i sat back down in my spot.
I could tell jonah was also blushing.
"Im only 16"~zach
"Who wrote the dare?"~jack
"My turn"~jonah
".............Jump into the pool fully clothed "~jonah
We all then got up and walked outside as jonah put his phone and jacket down .
Daniel then walked up to me.
"I ship you and jonah #jiara"~daniel
Jonah then jumped in and next thing  you know daniel pushed me i to the water.
"Not cool"~kiara
"Are you ok"~jonah
I then turned to face him as my face turned red
"Come on lets go inside"~jonah

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