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•••Jonahs pov•••
Liam left chipotle once kiara had come of the ladies room... we both went halfs and didnt let kiara pay. I offered to take kiara home but first she wanted to go shopping so she was now inside forever 21 while me and corbyn were outside the shop. Everyone else had left and gone home.
"Dude u know i saw everything "~corbyn
"What do u mean"~jonah i made sure to add a innocent smile .😇
"You know what i mean"~corbyn
"No clue babe mind tellin me"~jonah
"Shove that smile up ur ass dude...u know kiara, her thigh...you know u like touching it ..INAPPROPRIATELY "~corbyn
"Ohhhhh well you s-"~jonah
"Come on lets go to new look"~kiara
"Ill be back ive got to call Christina"~corbyn
"I still have no bloody clue who this Christina is"~kiara
••kiara pov••
Corbyn then left us so he could call his dear Christina while jonah and i walked down towards new look.
"What was that all about"~kiara
"Oh hes gonna come back hes just calling Christina"~jonah
"Noo jonah not that you know in chipotle "~kiara
"Oh i really like smoothies"~jonah
He knows exactly what im talking about ....UGH boys
"Not that u know u put ur hand on my leg and s"~kiara
Suddenly jonahs lips had crashed onto mine. It took me a few seconds to register what was happening but when i did i Melted into the kiss. Jonah slowly backed me up against the wall and slide his hands around my waist. The kiss was gentle but passionate .I felt his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance so i gave it to him. Once i opened my mouth his tongue explored it. I snaked my hands up into his hair grabbing onto his brown locks and i started to slowly run my fingers through his hair.the kiss was full of lust and all of a sudden jonahs hands were under my shirt and on my bare skin against my hips.
I quickly broke the kiss and slid out of jonahs hands .
"What"~jonah he honestly sounded pissed
"Im done lets go"~corbyn
"Kiara didnt u want to go to another shop"~jonah
"Umm nah im ok"~Kiara
"Ok lets go home then"~corbyn
***at the boys house***
We arrived at the boys house and when we walked in we were greeted by jack,daniel,zach and august sitting down on the sofa and a tall muscular male standing in-front of them talking to a camera.
"So guys u already know who im with Ma boyyyysss"~?
Suddenly he made a gun shape with his left hand and 'shot' them while they over dramatically fell down.
"Heyyyy logan"~jonah
Logan then turned around and shot corbyn and jonah and stopped at me.
"Whos the girl"~logan he then tilted his head and pointed his camera to me.
"This is kiara"~august
"Kiara im gonna shoot you"~logan
"Ok do i fall to the floor"~kiara
And with that logan 'shot' me and i fell to the floor.
"Logan when you die you dont need cpr."~august
***a few hours later***
Everyone including logan was sitting down talking . He didnt have his camera out anymore.
"Sooo kiara what do u think of the boys songs"~logan
"What songs?"~kiara
"Nothing kiara dont listen to him"~jonah
" u know their songs"~logan
He then pulled out his phone and played a song...
"I need a little casual conversation girl with you "~?
"And you aint gotta worry bout a thing no more cuz baby i got the keys for us"...
Ive heard this before....
"U know their in a band right?"~logan
"Wh-what ... a band?"~kiara my voice came out as a whisper
"LOGAN"~jonah he then stood up and tried to grab my hand but i moved it away.
"Jonah i wanna hear what he has to say"~kiara
"Im sorry"~jonah and with that he left the house . I heard the car start and pull out of the drive...what the hell is happening
Im sorry 😂
"Wait u knew"~kiara
"Duh hoe i'm the author"~isha
"I thougt we were friends"~kiara
"You're my daughter, i created you"~isha
"Aint we like the same age"~kiara
"So ur calling ur daughter a bitch"~kiara
"Bish actually "~isha
"*Don't*...get ur facts right "~isha
"Have you seen hoe many mistakes are in your book?! "~kiara
"We dont talk about that"~isha
"ugh! Shut up"~kiara
"Save ur screaming for in bed"~isha
"Ouch thats harsh"~isha

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