Friends? 😢👫

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I instantly didnt wanna be here. His face was drained of colour. There was no light in him. He had bags under his eyes.
"What are you doing here , how did u know i was here"~jonah
"Corbyn, can i come in its cold"~kiara
"Come on then"~jonah ...blunt and emotionless.WHY THE FUCK DOES HE SOUND LIKE THIS SHOULDNT IT BE ME U KNOW WHAT 2 CAN PLAY AT THIS GAME . I guess this is his way of pushing me away.
"Fine"~kiara to harsh? Nahhhh
He then walked forward into another room and i followed close behind.
The room was a creme colour , the furniture was brown and in the back corner of the room was a bed and in the centre was a seating area where jonah was sitting . Im guessing this is his room.
"Sooo take a seat "~jonah
"We need to talk"~kiara i then sat down opposite him .
"So lets talk"~jonah
"Ima get straight to the point, why'd u lie to me"~kiara
He then sighed and leaned back against the chair with his head facing the roof and his hands rubbing his face.
"Well" he then sat up properly making eye contact with me again "nothing against you kiara , its just you dont know what people are actually like nowadays... it all started with a girl named Emily who dated jack. She was super kind and nice ... when her and jack got into a relationship ship she started to be a bitch but jack didnt notice and kind of focus on her and left us behind . She started to in a way manipulate him and he basically followed her around like a dog . She was a gold digger she only wanted jack for fame and money. Kiara im not comparing her to you at all but its just me and emily were close the one who introduced her to jack . She was my friend before she was the boys . I never thought in a million years that she would do something like that.Kiara in no way am I saying she's anything like you or you're anything like her but it's just you don't know who people truly are sometimes like i dont know how to say this but not offend u ... im honestly really sorry and i hope we can forget about this "~jonah
I felt so bad in a million ways. For jonah , jack....everyone. I wasnt hurt anymore...if anything i missed him...i needed him
"Ur Forgiven "~kiara
•••jonahs pov•••
"Well ive had my break im gonna tell logan im leaving an going back to the boys house"~jonah
***a few hours later***
Me and kiara had moved all my stuff back into my house. It wernt that much but we were now unpacking boxes . The boys were all out ao me and kiara were alone.
"Ok im done"~kiara
•••kiaras pov•••
I then sat down on his bed and made eye contact with him.
"Sooo what should we do now"~kiara
"Wanna go get some ice cream "~jonah
"Yeah but i cant be asked to go to a shop"~kiara
"We have some downstairs "~jonah
"Come on then"~kiara
We both got up and walked downstairs into the kitchen
"Ok ill get bowls and u get ice cream"~jonah
I grabbed the ice cream from the freezer and bought it to where jonah was. I started scooping it into the bowl
"Is this enou-"~kiara
Jonah spun me around his face inches away from my face, his eyes inches away from my eyes , his lips inches away from my lips...
He slowly leaned in ... closer and closer and closer until he closed the distance between us both. The taste was intoxicating. I didn't realise how much id missed this....him...He slowly took the ice cream spoon out my hand then seductively rubbed his hand up my arm and down onto my waist lifting me up onto the counter . I instantly moved my hands to behind his neck and rapped my legs around his waist. He then picked me up and took me upstairs not breaking the kiss. We were now in his room , he slowly layed me down on his bed and crawled on top of me . He broke the kiss for two seconds removing my shirt . I reached up and re connected our lips moving my hands up into his hair slowly tugging at it. Jonah let out a deep growl as he moved his lips down to my jaw attacking it with his tongue then further down onto my neck slowly nibbling at it . I let out a uncontrollable moan and felt jonah smirk against my skin. He slowly moved his lips back up to my ear and whispered deeply and Seductively
" me"~jonah

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