Jojo's room

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We then made our way upstairs into jonahs room .
"Jonah ill sleep on the love sac"~kiara
"No you sleep on the bed"~jonah
"Please kiara its fine"~jonah
"You sure"~kiara
"Do u want a change of clothes or do u wanna keep the ones u have on"~jonah
"Ill just keep the ones i have on"~kiara
Being honest i had 2 sets of clothes . My day clother which are drying outside because i was planning on wearing them again tomorrow instead of carrying more clothes and my night clothes which are in my bag . I could of got changed into them but i wasnt bothered and plus jonahs clothes are comfy af.
"Ok good night kiara and if u need anything just tell me"~jonah
Jonah then turned the light of and as soon as i got on the bed i fell asleep.
***2 hours later***
I woke up because i could hear noises coming from downstairs. Jonah was still fast asleep while i was here shiting my pants (not literally)the noises started to get louder .
I then went over to the love sac jonah was sleeping on .
"Jonah please get up"~kiara
"Whats wrong"~jonah said
In a raspy voice
"I can hear noises coming from downstairs "~kiara
"Its all in your mind kiara"~jonah
"No i swear please can u check it out"~kiara
"Im sorry"~kiara
"Its fine"~jonah
He then got up threw on a robe and headed for the door of his room.
"What u doing u cant leave me here"~kiara
"Cmon then"~jonah
I then ran to jonah and grabbed onto his upper arm ..tightly
We then walked downstairs.
"Kiara theres nothing here"~jonah
"Yes t-there is i cou-ld hear it"~kiara
We then walked around the whole house as jonah looked in all the rooms.
"Its fine"~jonah
"Uh sorry"~kiara
"Its ok "~jonah
I then heard another noise
"See there"~kiara
"I didnt hear a thing kiara i swear"~jonah
We then walked back into jonahs room . And jonah went to the love sac
"Everything is fine kiara"~jonah
"Jonah im scared"~kiara
"Dont leave me"~kiara
"Kiara im only over here"~jonah
"Thats to far"~kiara~"what if it comes and gets me"
"How about i sleep in the bed then"~jonah
Jonah then got into bed .. he was facing left and i was facing right
"U ok kiara"~jonah
"Good night"~jonah
"Sweet dreams"~kiara
***the next day***
I woke up feeling a strong arm around my waist and warm breath on the back of my neck
"5 more minuets"~jonah u could tell he was half asleep
I then checked the time and it was 11:47 meaning it was almost lunch.
"Jonah move ur ass"~kiara
•••jonah pov•••
"Jonah move ur ass"~kiara
Wait what...
My arms around kiaras waist ... shit... i did not put it there i went to sleep facing the other way...ummmm ...... play it of jonah.
I then moved to face the other way acting like nothing happened
•••kiaras pov•••
Jonah then moved his hand as i got up and went outside to grab my clothes.
***5 mins later***
My clothes were fully dried so i got changed and put jonahs clothes in the wash for him.
"Hey kiara did u have a good sleep"~daniel
"Yeah except the fact that i could hear noises coming from downstairs "~kiara
Daniel then gave me a confused look.
"What kind pf noises ... u sure they wernt from u and jonah"~daniel
"ok ill come get it....AND NO MATE IM PURE"~kiara

😈boring chapter sorry.
A phone call...😼

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