its Kiara Marais actually

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THE AUTHOR NOTE IS SUPER IMPORTANT. please read it after reading the chapter. xxx


the rest of the notes carried on just like the others. i would go from place to place until i had collected a total of 8 notes. it surprised me how well Jonah remembered every detail of everything we done, even the smallest things. I loved this boy. he never failed to amaze me.

i was currently on my way to last place to collect the 9th note.when i had gone to the destination of the 8th note there was a large limo waiting there. the driver gave me the 8th note which told me to get in the limo.

so far jonah had given me a princess crown , that i was wearing of course, and in the limo there was a rose. it was a plain red rose but it had the same kind of gold designs that were on the cards painted on the petals.

the windows were blacked out from the inside so i couldn't see anything.

after a few minuets of waiting the car came to a slow stop and before I knew it I was standing outside. the limo took off once the door had shut leaving me on my own.

I know this place. the beach. but not any beach its the beach Jonah took me to before we left.

it was dark outside but it wasnt cold. i took of my shoes and let my feet sink into the warm sand. despise the fact that i could barely see anything i walked forward into the beach. Jonah was no where in sight and the last note didn't tell me where to actually go.

suddenly, from the corner of my eye i noticed a wide path that was lit up. i walked over to it and was shocked by what i saw. small candles were on both sides of the path lighting up the way and rose petals were scattered on the ground.

at the very start of the path was a small note but instead of a number on the front there was a small gold crown picture. i picked it up and turned it over.

Kiara, this is the final note and i want you to know that no matter what happens i love you. follow the path my queen xx

i put the note with the rest and followed the path. soft music was playing as i walked down the path before coming to a stop in front of the jaw dropping cave.

it was exactly the same with sand covering the floor but there were also golden lights hanging down from the rocks lighting up the area. the candles from the path separated and made their way around the cave walls. rose petals were still everywhere and there was a large white blanket in the middle of the cave.

in one swift motion two large hands were placed over my eyes and i was spun around. i knew it was Jonah just from the smell of his masculine cologne and muscular body. i couldn't help but smile after not seeing him all day.

"hey" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my skin.

"hey" i replied breathlessly.

he removed his hands and i found myself getting lost in his deep green eyes. i swear they always change colour one day they're blue then brown then green. my hands rested on his shoulders as i pulled our bodies closer. our faces were only a few inches apart and right when our lips were about to touch he spun me around and dropped his hands down to my waist.

"I missed you" he said with his face buried in my shoulder.

"i missed you too"

"fuck this" he said before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the cave.

"i was saving this for after we ate but i cant wait anymore. i suck at speeches Kiara but im going to try just for you." he moved so he was standing in front of me with my hands in his. "since the first time i saw you i knew you were different. since the day i saw you on that plane in your cute grey shirt and green skirt i knew you were the one. i laughed when you laughed, i smiled when you smiled, i cried when you cried and i got angry when you got angry. you were funny, cute and full of life. i know i cant live without you. i remember everything ive done with you from that time you walked in on me changing to the time we ran away to the time we went shopping to the time we went paintballing. i know my life wont be complete without you Kiara and i hate that feeling because if you go id be a lost man but something tells me you aren't leaving me any time soon. i fucking love you so much and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. i want to be there with you when your sad, when your happy and when your laughing. i don't see any faults in you because your perfect in my eyes. all i see is you even when i blink and i cant help but compare you to everyone i see. im always happier around you and your my best friend and my lover. your like a flame that you cant put out. you anchor me, your the first person i want to see in the morning and the last person i want to see before i go to sleep."

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